
bǐ sà xié tǎ
  • the Leaning Tower of Pisa
比萨斜塔[bǐ sà xié tǎ]
  1. 其倾斜度几乎是意大利比萨斜塔倾斜度的5倍。

    Nearly five times farther than the Leaning Tower of Pisa in Italy .

  2. 你见过比萨斜塔吗?

    Ever seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa ?

  3. 人们往往经过spa或洗浴后都会精神焕发、神采奕奕,当然比萨斜塔也不例外。

    We all tend to stand that little bit straighter after a good wash and brush-up . And that includes the not-quite-so-Leaning Tower of Pisa .

  4. 首先,到达比萨斜塔本就不易,要从罗马(Rome)坐三个多小时的火车到佛罗伦萨(Florence),然后再坐一个小时才能到达目的地。

    First , there is the inconvenient fact of getting to Pisa , which is a three-hour-plus train ride from Rome and nearly an hour train ride from Florence .

  5. 比萨斜塔在意大利语里也叫做TorrePendentediPisa,既是一座纪念碑也是一个奇迹。

    Also known as Torre Pendente di Pisa , the Leaning Tower of Pisa doubles as both a monument and a mystery .

  6. 真正的比萨斜塔的确很漂亮,它是巨大的比萨奇迹广场(PiazzideiMiracoli)上三大罗马风格的建筑之一。

    The site of the actual tower is actually quite beautiful . The tower is one of three Romanesque structures on a vast green square called the Piazzi dei Miracoli .

  7. 稳定比萨斜塔的努力可望成功

    Trials to Stabilise the Leaning Tower of Pisa Look Very Promising

  8. 塞吉奥:你参观比萨斜塔了吗?

    Sergio : Did you see the leaning Tower of Pisa ?

  9. 可是比萨斜塔为什么会倾斜呢?

    In Pisa , I see the Leaning Tower of Pisa .

  10. 比萨斜塔工程队是1990年由意大利政府召集组建的。

    The Pisa team was assembled by the Italian Government in 1990 .

  11. 英国人矫正比萨斜塔侧弯矫形用斜面手术台

    Briton 's Straighter Tower of Pisa oblique rectifying table with curved side

  12. 比萨斜塔偏离垂直状态很远。

    The tower of Pisa is far out of plumb .

  13. 比萨斜塔的最新动向及纠偏方案探讨

    Investigation of the latest trend and Rectification of Pisa Tower

  14. 托斯卡的一座城市;是著名的比萨斜塔所在地。

    A city in Tuscany ; site of the famous Leaning Tower .

  15. 他是爬上比萨斜塔的那个人。

    He was the man who climbed the Leaning Tower of pisa .

  16. 比萨斜塔塔身倾斜。

    The tower of Pisa leans at an angle .

  17. 第二年,意大利官方关闭了比萨斜塔。

    The following year , Italian officials closed the Leaning Tower of Pisa .

  18. 建筑师们正在庆祝比萨斜塔的顺利修复。

    Engineers are celebrating the completion of repairs to the Leaning Tower of Pisa .

  19. 1990年的今天,比萨斜塔出于安全的考虑对公众关闭。

    1990-The Leaning Tower of Pisa is closed to the public due to safety concerns .

  20. 那些上了年纪的美国老太太拄着拐杖,排着队向我靠过来,就像参观比萨斜塔一样。

    Elderly American ladies leaning on their canes listed towards me like towers of Pisa .

  21. 建造者于1173年打下比萨斜塔的最初的石基。

    Workers laid the original stone foundation of the Leaning Tower of Pisa in 1173 .

  22. 从比萨斜塔这个例子中,我学到了很多。

    From in this example in Leaning Tower of Pisa , I learned a lot of .

  23. 比萨斜塔位于意大利,是大教堂的钟楼。

    The Tower of Pisa is the bell tower of that city 's cathedral in Italy .

  24. 比萨斜塔是世界上最有趣的建筑物之一。

    The Leaning Tower of Pisa is one of the most interesting buildings in the world .

  25. 比萨斜塔自1173年开始建造,不久之后就出现了地基不平的问题。

    Soon after building started in 1173 , the foundation of the Pisa tower settled unevenly .

  26. 你在意大利期间参观了比萨斜塔吗?

    Did you pay a visit to the leaning tower in Pisa while you were in Italy ?

  27. 为拯救比萨斜塔免于倒塌,这一工程确已万事具备了。

    The ground is quite literally being readied to save the Leaning Tower of Pisa from collapse .

  28. 比萨斜塔

    The Leaning Tower of Pisa

  29. 是太空针塔,自由钟,比萨斜塔还是华盛顿纪念碑?

    Is it the space needle , Liberty bell , leaning tower of Pisa or Washington Monument ?

  30. 和比萨斜塔不同,这座塔的倾斜是刻意建造而成。

    Unlike the tower in Pisa , the Capital Gate building has been deliberately engineered to slant .