
bǐ qiáng dù
  • specific strength
比强度[bǐ qiáng dù]
  1. Ti基大块非晶合金具有更高的比强度,是极具发展潜力的机构材料。

    Ti-based bulk amorphous alloys show further elevated specific strength and thus has great potential as a neew structural material .

  2. Mg基非晶合金因具有低密度、较高的比强度和比刚度等优异性能而越来越受到人们的关注。

    Mg-based bulk metallic glass has excellent properties of low density , high specific strength and specific stiffness , which has attracted more and more attention .

  3. GaAs三元异质外延层厚度测量的X射线衍射比强度法

    X-Ray Diffraction Intensity Ratio Method for the Thickness Measurement of Ternary Heterogeneous Epitaxial Layers on GaAs Substrate

  4. Al-Si合金以其较高的比强度及较好的尺寸稳定性,在活塞材料中已逐步占据了统治地位。

    Among piston materials Al-Si alloys are becoming dominant gradually due to their better specific strength and shape stability .

  5. 聚丙烯腈(PAN)基碳纤维已经商业化几十年了,在所有商用的先进纤维增强体中,它拥有最高的比强度和比模量。

    Polyacrylonitrile based carbon fibers have been commercialized for several decades . They possess the highest specific strength and specific modulus among all commercially available advanced reinforcing fibers .

  6. 碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)具有比强度比模量高、耐腐蚀、可设计性好且成型容易等优异特性;

    Carbon fiber reinforced polymers ( CFRP ) has high strength ratio and modules ratio , corrosion resistance property and excellent designable and easily molding property .

  7. 随着的播期的推迟,POD的平均活性在次生壁加厚期有所下降,最终纤维比强度同样表现为下降趋势。

    With the detention in sowing date , the average POD activity declined in the secondary wall thickening , and the same behavior in the final fiber strength .

  8. ABA含量和POD酶活性影响纤维素的累积速率和累积量,进而影响纤维比强度。

    The content of IAA , ABA and the activity of POD affected the fiber strength by the rate of cellulose accumulation and the quantity cellulose accumulation .

  9. 探讨HVI测试棉纤维断裂比强度的影响因素。

    Effect factors of cotton fiber breaking tenacity tested by HVI were discussed .

  10. TiAl基合金因其具有高的比强度、比刚度,以及较好的高温抗蠕变、抗氧化性能等优点,引起了国内外学者的广泛关注。

    TiAl-based alloys have high specific strength , specific stiffness , excellent oxidation and creep resistance , which have been paid broad attentions to for years .

  11. TiAl合金以其高的比强度、比模量和良好的耐高温及抗氧化等性能成为上述领域具有潜质的候选材料。

    TiAl based alloy becomes the most potential candidate material due to its high specific strength , specific modulus and good high temperature performance and oxidation resistance .

  12. GMT的比强度高,抗冲击性优异;

    GMT has high specific strength as well as excellent impact strength and can be made into large size complex component by compression molding .

  13. 碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)因其比强度高、比刚度高等优越的机械性能,被广泛应用于航空航天领域、国防领域及交通运输领域。

    Carbon fiber reinforced plastics ( CFRP ) have been widely used in aerospace , defense and transportation applications because of their excellent mechanical properties such as high specific strength and high specific stiffness .

  14. Mg-Li合金具有比强度、比刚度高和减震性能好,以及电磁屏蔽性能优良,抗高能粒子穿透能力强等优点;

    It has high Specific strength and stiffness , good shock absorption property , and electromagnetic shielding , can antis penetrate of high-energy particles .

  15. SiC颗粒增强铝基复合材料具有比强度和比模量高、耐磨性好等优点,但是其伸长率明显低于基体合金且SiC颗粒在基体合金中的分布均匀性不够理想。

    Aluminum matrix composites reinforced with SiC particles are characteristic of high specific strength , high specific toughness and excellent abradability , but they exhibit much lower elongations than the matrices and the non-uniform distribution of SiC particles in the matrix .

  16. 高品质系与抗病品系配制的杂交组合,F1皮棉产量较现有推广品种增产15%以上,比强度提高20%以上,2.5%跨长和细度提高5%以上。

    The increment of F 1 hybrid over popular variety were higher than 15 % , 20 % , 5 % and 5 % for lint yield , fiber strength , span length and fineness .

  17. Al-Zn-Mg-Cu铝合金具有比强度高、价格低廉及加工性能良好等优点,被广泛用作航空航天领域的结构材料。

    Al-Zn-Mg-Cu aluminum alloys have been widely used as the structural materials in the aerospace industry due to their high specific strength , low price and excellent processability .

  18. Ni/Al系和Ti/Al系金属间化合物是极有潜力的新一代高温结构材料,它们具有许多优良性能,如高温高强度、高温耐蚀性、高的比强度和比刚度等。

    Being a new generation of high temperature structure materials , Ni / Al and Ti / Al system intermetallic compounds are most potentially . They possess many excellent capabilities at high temperature such as high strength , corrosion resistance , contrast intensity and contrast rigidity .

  19. TiAl基合金密度低,比强度、比刚度高,且在高温下保持较高的强度和刚度,是很有前景的高温结构材料。

    TiAl-based alloys have attracted much scientific research interest as ideal candidate materials for high temperature structural applications due to their low density , high specific strength , high specific stiffness and high temperature strength ratio .

  20. 抗虫组合的纤维强度、整齐度、马克隆值、比强度及伸长率与非抗虫对照CK1比较,优势不明显;

    Heterosis of fiber length , fiber uniformity , micronaire , fiber strength , elongation rate showed little significant deviation respectively comparing to CK1 .

  21. 镁合金密度小,比强度高,是一种重要的工程结构材料,广泛用于制造3C产品、汽车零部件等领域。

    Because of lower density , high ratio of strength to density and others advantages , Magnesium alloy is an important engineering structure materials used widely to produce 3C ( computer , communication and consumption ) and automobile products .

  22. 在所有的金属合金中,RS/PMMg97Zn1Y2合金的比强度是最高的。而在所有的Mg基合金中,RS/PMMg-Zn-Y合金具有最佳的综合性能。

    The specific strength of RS / PM Mg_ ( 97 ) Zn_1Y_2 is the highest among all metallic alloys and the RS / PM Mg-Zn-Y alloys have the best combination of tensile yield strength and plastic elongation among all kinds of Mg-based alloys .

  23. TMC因其高的比强度和比模量以及极佳的疲劳和蠕变性能,优异的高温性能及耐蚀性能而倍受瞩目,在航空航天工业中有着广泛的应用前景。

    TMC has attracted considerable interest as materials for components in elevated temperature aerospace and gas turbine applications because of higher specific tenacity and modulus , outstanding fatigue and creep properties , wonderful elevated temperature property and erosion resistance .

  24. 3个品种的M5群体的铃重与2.5%跨长和比强度均呈显著或极显著正相关,在其它性状间的相关性上3个品种的M5群体间存在较大差异;

    The positive correlation between boll weight and 2.5 % span length and fiber strength were significant at 0.01 or 0.05 levels in three varieties population of M_5 progenies . The correlation among other traits of three population of M_5 progenies were difference .

  25. Al-Cu-Mg合金属于高强度低比重变形铝合金,具有较高的比强度和比模量,良好的耐蚀性和优异的高温特性,是一种新型硬质结构材料。

    The Al-Cu-Mg alloy is a kind of deformation aluminum alloys with high strength and low specific gravity . Due to its high strength and modulus ratio , good corrosion resistance and excellent high temperature characteristics , the Al-Cu-Mg alloy has been a new type of rigid structural materials .

  26. 显著降低非光化学猝灭系数(NPQ),从而提高了后期群体和叶片对光能的利用;有效地增加了总铃数和铃重,使子棉产量提高8.9%~9.3%,纤维比强度增强。

    As the result , light energy utilization efficiency of cotton population and leaves at later growing stage were enhanced , total bolls and boll weight were increased remarkably , cotton lint yield were increased by 8.9 % ~ 9.3 % , and cotton fibers tenacity was improved .

  27. 碳纤维缠绕树脂基复合材料(CFWRP)具有比强度、比模量高、耐腐蚀等优异特性,因而在航空航天、海运、建筑、医学等领域有着广泛的应用。

    The carbon fiber wrapped reinforced plastics ( CFWRP ) have been widely applied in aerospace , marine transportation , building , medicine and so on , because of its outstanding characteristic including high specific tenacity and high specific modulus , anti-corrosive and so on .

  28. 在一定意义上讲,耐久性有时要比强度更为重要。

    To some point , durability is more important than strength .

  29. 新疆棉区棉纤维比强度形成机理的研究

    Studies on Mechanism for the Fiber Strength Forming of Cotton in Xinjiang

  30. 遮阴会降低纤维断裂比强度、纤维伸长率、成熟度和马克隆值。

    Shading could decline fiber intensity , elongation , uniformity and micronaire .