
  • 网络Specific growth rate;Sgr
  1. 方法通过考察比生长速率、3种控氧方式以及诱导强度对细胞和类人胶原蛋白产量的影响,确定最佳的发酵工艺。

    Methods The effects of specific growth rate , oxygen-enrichment methods and inducement strength on the cell yield and human-like collagen production were investigated to optimize fermentation conditions .

  2. 选定菌株A、B、C、F和H进行生产性能的测定,包括最适培养温度与比生长速率的测定,并通过热休克培养与加盐培养,对各酵母菌株进行生物量与海藻糖积累试验。

    The production capability of strain A , B , C , F , H was determined , including suitable culture temperature , specific growth rate , biomass and trehalose accumulation .

  3. 在静态培养条件下,脐血造血细胞群体的比生长速率为034d-1,倍增时间为2d。

    In static cultivation of hematopoietic cells , the population specific growth rate was 0 34 d - 1 , and the average double time 2 days .

  4. 对SY-1进行生产性能的测定,包括最大比生长速率、最适培养温度等。

    The production capability of SY-1 was determined .

  5. 应用扩展的Monod模型关联醋酸菌比生长速率

    Correlations of specific growth rate of Acetobacter aceti using the extended Monod kinetics

  6. 随着细胞比生长速率的增长,细胞中PHB含量和单位菌体合成PHB的量不断下降。

    PHB content in cells decreased and the quantity of PHB produced per unit mass of cells declined rapidly with increasing specific growth rate .

  7. 8T和1.2T磁感应强度处理下比生长速率下降的差别并不明显,说明磁处理的影响在此强度范围趋于稳定;

    There was no distinct difference between the decrease of growth at magnetic intensity from 0.8T to 1.2T , which tended towards stability .

  8. 结果表明:发菜的生长与栽培时间尺度有一定的关系,培养初期(1周内)发菜的比生长速率较快,日生长为3.5%,10d内发菜净增长了42%,但培养后期发菜生长势头减弱。

    The results showed that the specific growth rate ( SGR ) of N. flagelliform was culture-time dependent , that 42 % net increase in dry weight was obtained during the first 10 days cultivation and the maximal daily SGR was 3.5 % .

  9. 细胞比生长速率较在有血清条件下稍有下降,而抗体合成速率提高(0.0207/h比0.0218/h,0.387pg/cell/h比0.218pg/cell/h,P<0.01)。

    Although the specific cell growth rate reduced slightly , antibody productivity increased ( 0.0207/h vs. 0.0218 / h , 0.387 vs. 0.218 pg / cell / h , P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 细胞比生长速率的参数辨识与优化

    Parameter Identification and Optimization of Specific Growth Rate of Cells

  11. 微生物间歇发酵比生长速率辨识及优化算法

    Identification of specific growth rate and optimization algorithm in microbial batch culture

  12. 毕氏酵母流加发酵过程的比生长速率控制

    Specific Growth Rate Control for Pichia pastoris Fed-Batch Cultivation

  13. 葡萄糖或谷氨酰胺限制引起比生长速率下降。

    Glucose or glutamine limitation decreased specific growth rate .

  14. 酒精发酵的酵母比生长速率与代谢产物及底物的关系

    The Relationship of Yeast Specific Growth Ratio and Product and Substrate in Ethanol Fermentation

  15. 微生物比生长速率μ的含义

    Meaning on specific growth rate of microorganism

  16. 菌体比生长速率的酒精发酵动力学研究

    Study on Kinetics of Alcohol Fermentation on the Basis of the Biomass Specific Growth Rate

  17. 甘油对平衡期细胞增殖有促进作用,提高比生长速率和生物量;

    Glycerol can promote the cell proliferation in the stationary growth phase by enhancing cellular specific growth rate .

  18. 模型的输入为比生长速率,由宏观动力学模型得到。

    The input of the cell cycle model is the specific growth rate , which is obtained from the kinetic model proposed earlier .

  19. 方法控制相关发酵参数,观察溶解氧浓度、比生长速率和培养时间对工程菌生长和质粒浓度的影响。

    Methods Observe the influence of fermentation parameters including dissolved oxygen concentration , specific growth rate and culture time on the growth of recombinant E.

  20. 比生长速率最高为0.262d1,在快速生长期,日平均增重达到30%。

    The highest rate of specific growth was 0.262 d 1 and daily average rate of liveweight growth was 30 % in fast growing period .

  21. 在有、无氧气存在的情况下,我们测定了培养温度对酵母比生长速率的影响。

    We investigated the influence ( effect , impact ) of temperature on the specific growth rat of yeast in the presence or absence of oxygen .

  22. 固定化细胞生长的饱和常数和抑制常数增大,比生长速率减小,产酸速率增加;

    Both of substrate and product have inhibitory effects on the fermentation . The constants of saturation and inhibition for the growth of immobilized cells increase .

  23. 将该模型应用于考察氯化钠和甘油对细胞增殖行为的影响,结果揭示,氯化钠显著抑制指数生长期和平衡期细胞分裂,降低酵母比生长速率和生物量;

    Cell culture trial indicates that sodium chlorine significantly inhibits cell proliferation in the exponential and stationary growth phase via decreasing cellular specific growth rate and biomass .

  24. 在已建立的毕氏酵母发酵过程结构模型基础上,进行了甲醇流加阶段恒定比生长速率控制研究。

    Based on the structured model for Pichia pastoris proposed earlier , a set point control of the specific growth rate during the methanol growth phase was studied .

  25. 结果比生长速率显著影响类人胶原蛋白的产量,且最适比生长速率为0.15~0.20h-1;

    Results The results showed that specific growth rate affects human-like collagen production greatly and its optimum value was ( 0.15 ) ~ 0.20 h ~ ( - 1 );

  26. 实验表明选育优良的米曲菌株不仅要考察菌株的蛋白酶活力,也要考虑菌株孢子的比生长速率。

    The result showed that the activity of protease should be concerned , as well as the specific growth rate of spores when selecting and breeding the excellent strains .

  27. 该小球藻在30℃时,摇瓶异养培养的比生长速率为0.055h-1,倍增时间为12.6h。

    The specific growth rate of the alga is 0.055 h-1 , and the doubling time is 12.6 h when it is cultured under the optimal conditions in a flask .

  28. 在基准培养条件下,大蒜细胞的比生长速率约为0.22~0.26day~(-1),倍增时间约为2.7~3.2天。

    Under the standard culture condition , the specific cell growth rate was 0.22 ~ 0.26 day ~ ( - 1 ), and the doubling time was 2.7 ~ 3.2 days .

  29. 呼吸强度的变化趋势与菌体的比生长速率曲线具有较好的相关性,说明呼吸强度的变化能在一定程度上反映菌体的生长状况。

    It was found that the changes of breathing intensity showed a strong correlation with the growth rate of mycelium , which could be used to determine the mycelium growth state .

  30. 把微生物比生长速率μ定义为单位重量菌体的瞬时增量,生理含义明确,便于实际应用。

    The meaning of microorganism specific growth rate varies with different explainer . It is reasonable that specific growth rate is defined as instantaneous increment of microorganism cell a unit of weight .