
bǐ zhòng
  • proportion;specific gravity;specific weight
比重 [bǐ zhòng]
  • (1) [specific gravity]∶ 一物质的密度与取作标准的某一物质(例如在其最大密度的温度4C时的纯水)密度之比(两者的密度都是在空气中称重而取得的)

  • (2) [proportion]∶某事物在整体中所占的分量

  • 工业在整个国民经济中的比重

比重[bǐ zhòng]
  1. 习惯吸烟的人口比重随年龄的增长而上升。

    The proportion of regular smokers increases with age .

  2. 党员队伍结构不断优化。年轻党员持续增加。文化程度明显提高。女党员、少数民族党员比重不断提升。

    The composition of Party membership has continuously improved , featuring a rising number of young members , higher education level , and steady growth in the proportion of female members and those from ethnic minority groups , according to the report .

  3. 做到辛辣菜和清淡菜比重相当。

    Balance spicy dishes with mild ones

  4. 地方税收在人们收入中的比重将超过以往任何时候。

    Local taxes are going to be taking a bigger bite out of people 's income than they ever have before .

  5. 视频游戏公司的代表律师斯科特·维特林说配音演员“在制作视频游戏的工作中只占不到0。1%的比重。

    Scott Witlin , the lawyer representing the video game companies , says voice actors " represent less than one tenth of 1 percent of the work that goes into making a video game . "

  6. 其中一个原因是,现在越来越多的国家成为了石油生产国,所以这些国家受油价下跌的影响占全球经济的更大比重。

    One reason is that more countries are big oil producers now , so the nations suffering from the price drop account for a larger share of the global economy .

  7. 进经济结构会有所支持。消费也需要继续增长。为保证经济高质量增长,可支配收入占GDP的比重以及新增就业数量也需要增加。”

    omy is driven by new points of growth rather than old ones , and an improving economic structure will support it . Consumption needs to keep rising . The percentage of disposable income in GDP and the number of new jobs created also need to rise to ensure high-quality growth . "

  8. 占比最高,为30.8%。上半年人均居住消费支出2649元,占人均消费支出的比重为23.1%,人均消费支出占比仅次于食品烟酒。教育文化娱乐消费的增长最快,增速68.5%;遥遥领先于其他支出类别。

    Spending on education , culture and entertainment remained the fastest-growing area in per capita expenditures , with an increase of 68.5 percent year-on-year , far more than other sectors .

  9. 发展中经济体相比发达国家更受外资青睐流入发展中经济体的外国直接投资约为6160亿美元,比2019年下降12%,流入发展中经济体的外国直接投资占全球外国直接投资的比重已高达72%,达到历史最高水平。

    Although FDI to developing economies decreased by 12 percent to an estimated $ 616 billion , they accounted for 72 percent of global FDI — the highest share on record .

  10. 意见提出的主要目标是:到2025年,综合实力、内生动力和竞争力进一步增强,创新能力建设取得明显成效,全社会研发经费投入占地区生产总值比重达到全国平均水平。

    By 2025 , the comprehensive strength and competitiveness of the region should be further enhanced , and marked progress should be achieved in innovation capacity , with its proportion of research and development input in the regional GDP reaching the national average , says the guideline .

  11. 但由于统计惯例和一些统计口径的问题,房地产业增加值占GDP的比重被严重低估。

    But because of the problems in statistic practice and criterion , its added value is heavily devalued .

  12. 比重及Al(H2PO4)3/SiO2比值对绝缘涂层性能的影响

    Influence of Specific Gravity and Al ( H_2PO_4 ) _3 / SiO_2 Ratio on Performance of Insulation Coating

  13. 比较第一与第二大股东相对持股比例的Z指数;股权流通比重系数Pf。

    Index Z is the equity proportion between the first and the second shareholder in a listed company .

  14. 该行估计,房地产及钢材和水泥等相关产业占中国GDP的比重为16%。

    It estimates that real estate and related industries , such as steel and cement , account for 16 % of China 's GDP .

  15. EVA在其中所占的比重高达40%,成为新考核办法中最重要的指标。

    EVA in which the proportion of up to40 % , a new evaluation method of the most important indicators .

  16. 从1995年到2005年10年中,我国的医药企业不断壮大,整个医药产业在GDP中的比重翻了两番,达到了4%。

    From 1995 to 2005 , China 10 years and pharmaceutical enterprise expands unceasingly , the whole medicine industry weight in GDP tripled to reach 4 % .

  17. 现代服务业占GDP比重更是远低于全国平均水平,与发达地区的差距更大。

    The proportion of modern service sector in GDP is far smaller than the national average level and the gap to the developed areas is even much deeper .

  18. 笔者从国际能源价格下跌、我国各行业能源利用效率的比较、三次产业的比重变化等方面进行分析,揭开了我国1997&1999年能源消费与GDP增长负相关之迷。

    The writers have analyzed the causes from three aspects : the fall of price of international energy resources ; comparison of efficiency of energy resources in different industries ;

  19. 但是我国从1993年开始流通产业在GDP中的比重基本上呈下降的趋势,流通产业相对落后的状况更加突出。

    But our country started from 1993 to circulate the industry basically to assume the drop in the GDP proportion the tendency , the circulation industry relative backwardness condition is more prominent .

  20. 据统计,国民经济的证券化率(股票市值占GDP的比重)从1993年的10.2%上升到2001年的50%;

    According to statistics , the stock ratio in GDP ( Proportion of market value of stock in GDP ) has increased from 10.2 % in 1993 to 50 % in 2001 ;

  21. 制造企业对我国经济发展贡献较大,在GDP中所占比重较高,而采购环节的控制对我国制造业的发展起到至关重要的作用。

    Manufactures make a huge contribution to our economic development and take a bigger portion in GDP . While internal control of purchasing process plays an important role in the development of manufactures .

  22. 随着半导体工艺的不断等比例缩小,嵌入式存储器在SoC中所占的比重(面积)将逐渐增大。

    Embedded memory is an important part in SoC , and the ratio ( Area ) of embedded memory which takes part in SoC increase with manufacture process scaling down .

  23. 同时,资源、环境污染以及资源环境损耗值占GDP的比重分别为7.35%~10.20%、1.13%~3.63%和8.82%~13.02%;

    The rates of resource , environmental pollution and resource depletion amount to 7.35 % - 10.20 % , 1.13 % - 3.63 % and 8.82 % - 13.02 % of the GDP respectively ;

  24. 此外,随着互联网的迅速发展,电子商务发展更加迅猛,电子商务对世界经济做出了巨大的贡献,并且在GDP中的比重越来越大,冲击着传统企业的组织形式和经营方式。

    It makes huge contribution to the global economy and occupies bigger portion in GDP . The organizational and operational styles of tradition companies are being influenced by the electronic commerce more and more .

  25. 教育投入在省际存在重大差异,特别是财政性教育经费占GDP比重,最高省份是最低省份的3.7倍多。

    Educational investment has great difference between pro-vinces , especially the percentage of education funds in GDP proportion . The maximum proportion in province is more than 3.7 times that of the minimum province .

  26. 研究了烧结态和真至热处理态高比重合金(95W-3.5Ni-1.5Fe)的断裂韧性K(Ic)和动态断裂韧性K(Id)以及断裂试样断口的微观形貌。

    The fracture toughness K_ ( IC ) and dynamic fracture toughness K_ ( Id ) and the fracture micromorphology of sintered and vacuum heat-treated heavy alloy ( 95W-3.5 Ni-1.5 Fe ) specimens have been studied .

  27. Facebook的移动业务随后显示出了增长迹象,尤其是在2013年第二季度,在该公司移动业务广告收入占广告总收入的比重上升之后,Facebook的股价出现了大幅反弹。

    The stock rebounded sharply once Facebook was able to show traction in mobile , notably from the second quarter of 2013 when mobile advertising jumped as a percentage of total ad revenue .

  28. 利率衍生品市场交易量迅速增长,在OTC金融衍生品交易中所占比重在70%以上。

    The volume of trade in the interest rate derivative market increases rapidly and has accounted for more than 70 percent of the OTC financial derivative trading .

  29. 通过上述分析,笔者认为河南省文化产业的发展虽取得了一定成绩,但还是存在着文化产业结构不合理、从业人员少、高素质人才缺乏、文化产业增加值占GDP比重低等一系列问题。

    For example , culture industrial structure is unreasonable , few of the jobholders , lack of the high quality talented person , the cultural industry increase in value to occupy the GDP proportion is low status .

  30. 论文主要采用格兰杰因果检验法和回归方法,来分析三次产业结构、基础设施与物流成本占GDP比重间的关系。本文主要应用的是中美两国产业结构、基础设施、物流成本数据。

    In this study , we adopt the test of Granger causality and Multiple regression to figure out the exact relationship of industry structure 、 infrastructure and logistics costo This article mainly apply to the data of US and China .