
lián xù péi yǎnɡ
  • continuous cultivation
  1. ABO血型对恶性疟原虫体外连续培养生长的影响

    The influence of ABO group erythrocytes on the growth of Plasmodium falciparum in the continuous cultivation in vitro

  2. 微生物连续培养过程中非线性行为的分析与模拟

    Analysis and Simulation of Nonlinear Behavior in the Model of Microbial Continuous Cultivation

  3. 基因工程菌Pichiapastoris连续培养的生长及抑制动力学

    Growth Inhibition Kinetics of Genetically Engineered Pichia pastoris in Continuous Culture

  4. 96孔板细胞同样方法热处理,连续培养3d后,进行MTT检测。

    The cells seeded in 96-well plates were preconditioned using the same method , and then cultured 3 days for MTT assay .

  5. 半连续培养中,更新率和更新周期都显著影响着细胞和DHA的产率。

    Renewal rate and renewal period affect the cell and DHA productivity markedly .

  6. 经过20代转管连续培养检测细菌组合的稳定性,结果表明,这两个拮抗细菌组合从13代之后,其pH值基本稳定,组合内菌落种类及数目也基本稳定;

    Stability of the synergism of these bacterial mixtures were tested continuously for 20 generations in respect to pH values , colony shapes and numbers , and the inhibitory activities against plant pathogens .

  7. Chemostat中环状微生物连续培养模型的定性分析

    Qualitative analysis of an annular model for microorganism continuous culture in Chemostat

  8. 时变环境下Chemostat中微生物连续培养食物链模型的分歧分析

    Bifurcation Analysis to a Food Chain Model in Chemostat with Time Varying Environment

  9. 采用微滴培养法连续培养72h,对比观察不同浓度3TC和IFNα对体外胚胎细胞早期发育的直接影响。

    The effects of 3TC and IFN a in various concentrations on development of embryos were observed .

  10. 采用连续培养系统的4个发酵罐进行3次连续培养试验,研究瘤胃稀释率(DR,下同)对于瘤胃微生物发酵和微生物生长效率的影响。

    A study was conducted using a single effluent continuous culture system to investigate the effect of dilution rate ( DR ) on rumen microbial fermentation and microbial growth efficiency .

  11. 方法:采用厌氧菌连续培养技术,用菌液的吸光度(ABS)和菌落计数作指标,描述矿化液对变链菌生长繁殖的影响;

    METHODS : Continuous anaerobic cultivating technique and describing its effects on propagate of Streptococcus mutans with absorbency ( ABS ) of bacterial liquid and take count of bacteria .

  12. 体外连续培养的细胞在有限次数的细胞分裂后,丧失合成DNA及分裂的能力,最后导致增殖能力的丧失,但基本代谢过程仍能维持,这种现象称为复制衰老。

    Cultured cells lose the ability of DNA synthesis , mitosis , and finally the ability of cell proliferation after they have undergone a finite number of population doublings in vitro , though the cells still maintain the basic metabolic process .

  13. 实验证明,菌株GX4-1在利用鱼粉废水进行半连续培养生产絮凝剂是比较稳定的。

    In experiments , we also found that the process of semi-continuous culture of the bacterium using fish meal wastewater as medium was steady .

  14. 采用酶消化联合组织块培养法分离的胎鼠头盖骨成骨细胞体外连续培养最多达到13d,AKP和茜素红S染色阳性均表现阳性结果。

    Osteoblast were isolated from fetal mouse cranial bone with method which based on combination of tissue block and mixed enzyme digestion .

  15. 用5μmol/L的5溴2脱氧尿苷(BrdU)对培养的hMSCs进行连续培养标记。抗氯霉素单克隆抗体杂交瘤细胞株的筛选及金标试纸检测方法的建立

    HMSCs were labeled with BrdU . Filtration of hybridoma lines of monoclonal antibody and development of colloidal gold - labeled strip for rapid detection of chloramphenicol

  16. 2.10ug/ml鹿茸多肽获得最佳促进MSCs增值效应,且能逆转MSCs在体外连续培养过程中异倍体的产生;

    The best promotion of proliferation of MSCs was achieved when the amount of PAP was lOug / ml and PAP was able to eliminate the generation of heteroploid of MSCs cultured in vitro continually .

  17. 将诱导出的耐药菌接种在无抗菌药物的MH肉汤中,35℃培养,每24h转种一次,连续培养5天。用纸片确证试验测定临床分离菌株和实验菌株的ESBLs。

    The induced resistance strains were incubated drug-free MH broth per day , for five continuous days at 35 ℃ . The ESBLs of clinical isolated strains and test strains were measured with confirmatory test .

  18. 在淹水条件下,采用连续培养法研究了后海沉积物(HH)、环科院沉积物(HK)和土壤(TR)的氮素矿化过程。(2)总论;

    Under waterlogged incubation conditions , the nitrogen mineralization of two different sediments ( HH and HK ) and a general soil ( TR ) were investigated with the method of the continuous incubation .

  19. 在空白培养基(不添加任何激素的MS基本培养基)中连续培养两周能有效降低褐变率,但污染率也随之增加,所以不做任何预处理更适合曼地亚红豆杉的下一步组培实验。

    Continuous culturing ( without any hormones in MS basic medium ) for two weeks in blank experiments can reduce browning rate effectively . but the contamination rate has also increased , so without any pretreatment of Taxus Media is more suitable for the next experimental .

  20. 抑菌实验以及细菌连续培养后CFU菌落计数均表明,S.s对P.g、P.i的生长有抑制作用。

    Bacteriostatic experiment , CFU colony count after continuous culture shows that the S.s has the growth inhibition function on P.g , P.i.3 .

  21. 10μg/ml时PAP获得最佳促进MSCs增殖效应,且PAP能消除MSCs在体外连续培养过程中异倍体的产生。

    The best promotion of proliferation of MSCs was achieved when the amount of PAP was 10 μ g / ml , and PAP was able to eliminate the generation of heteroploid of MSCs cultured in vitro continually .

  22. 本研究利用双外流连续培养系统,通过瘤胃pH、氨氮、细菌氮、NDF、ADF消失率的测定,系统研究了不同钼、硫、氮、铜水平对瘤胃发酵参数的影响以及营养物质代谢规律。

    The experiments studied the effect on the rumen fermentation and fiber degradation under different feeding levels of nitrogen , sulfur , molybdenum , or copper with dual - flow continuous culture system ( DFCCS - ⅲ) and rumen nylon-bag method .

  23. 本试验通过体外连续培养分析了高、低分级指数混合粗饲料日粮24h连续培养中不同时间点培养液中的有机物消化率的动态变化。

    This experiment was carried out to study the effects of different grading index ( GI ) values of mixed forages with different forages and concentrate ratios on in vitro organic matter digestibility ( IVOMD ) after incubated 24 h in batch culture .

  24. 相关实验研究证实,可以利用甲酸连续培养和驯化产氢菌种以及调节发酵体系的pH值,在连续发酵中,甲酸的产氢能力在标准状态下高达273ml/g,能源转化率为63.80%。

    It was found that formic acid can be used to culture hydrogen-producing bacteria and control pH value of the system . Even at continuous fermentation the hydrogen yield can reach 273ml / g , the rate of energy conversion could be 63.80 % .

  25. 结果:1.倒置显微镜下新鲜及冷冻部分分离培养组均可见单层颗粒细胞包裹的小卵泡,连续培养14d,未见明显生长,卵泡内出现黑色颗粒,有退化坏死的迹象。

    Small follicles wrapped by monolayer granulosa cells in fresh and frozen partial-isolated culture group were found failed to increase in diameter and become dark and necrotic in appearance through inverted microscope after continual culture for 14 days .

  26. 非培养条件下用耗氧剂亚硫酸钠模拟活细胞的代谢耗氧,当连续培养达到稳态时,供氧与耗氧达到平衡,CC值恒定,利用稳态时的有关数据能方便地计算出KLa值。

    The oxygen-consuming metabolism in the live cells is simulated with sodium sulphite under non-cultured conditions . The supply of oxygen is equal to the consumption , and the value of C / C ~ is invariable during the steady state of continuous culture .

  27. 离体和盆栽试验表明,草莓白粉病菌经38℃高温处理8h,分生孢子不能萌发;或每天38℃处理8h,适温下16h连续培养4d后病斑不再产生分生孢子。

    Experimental results showed that the conidia of strawberry powdery mildew could not germinate at 38 ℃ for 8 hours and the pathogen sports could not produce conidia at 38 ℃ for 8 hours or 20 ℃ for 16 hours - 4 days in vitro and potted plant .

  28. 连续培养表明,中性蛋白酶的比生产速率在比生长速率为0.2h ̄(-1)时最大。

    Continuous cultures were conducted and it showed that the maximum specific neutral protease productivity was obtained at the specif-ic growth rate around 0 . 2h  ̄( - 1 ) .

  29. 将该菌用于连续培养反应器处理合成有机废水试验,结果表明PSB-O可以有效去除合成有机废水中的COD,在稀释率为0.025h-1时去除率达到最高62.8%,可以用于有机废水处理。

    The disposing of synthetic organic wastewater test in continuous reactor shows that the PSB-O can removal COD in synthetic wastewater effectively , the highest COD removal rate can be 62.8 % at the dilution ratio of 0.025 h-1 , which is adequate for organic wastewater disposal .

  30. 新建成的RLC-310细胞系来自人原发性肾透明细胞癌组织,在体外经过2年的连续培养,已传代130次。

    A newly established renal carcinoma cell line ( RLC-310 ) derived from a human renal clear cell carcinoma tissue has been maintained in culture for over 130 transfer generations in 2 years .