
lián xù biàn yì
  • continuous variation
  1. F2代粒荚比有广泛分离,属于数量性状遗传;F2代广义遗传力各组合平均为51.9%。F2植株籽粒的垩白表现连续变异,亦属于数量性状遗传,但不呈正态分布。

    It belonged to quantitative inheritance and its broad sense heritability in F 2 was 51.9 % on average of crosses . The chalkiness character in F2 showed a continuous variation , quantitative inheritance and non-normal distribution .

  2. 不同基因型硝酸盐含量呈连续变异且接近正态分布,聚类分析将它们分为三类。

    Nitrate content on different genotypes sweet pepper was continuous variation and nearly normal distribution . Cluster analysis was fallen into three categories .

  3. 通过琼脂迟播共培法考察了水稻RIL各家系及亲本的化感作用,结果表明,各家系对稗草的根长和茎长抑制率呈连续变异,证明了化感作用是数量遗传性状。

    And inhibitory effects of all entries on barnyardgrass root-length and shoot-height showed continuously variant , implying that allelopathy is a quantitative character .

  4. F2这6种特征性状均为连续变异,有相当比例的个体表现超亲遗传,正反交趋势一致;

    The 6 Chen g 's index traits of F 2 ranged successively , and many individuals showed over - parent genetics , with the same trends in both direct cross and reciprocal cross .

  5. 对SIG在RIL群体中的分离和分布规律及其关系进行了研究,结果表明,SIG在重组自交系群体中呈连续变异,分布频率大致接近正态分布,同时存在双向超亲分离现象;

    The results showed that the frequency of SIG value and other 8 quality traits in RIL population was approximately normally distributed and the tremendous transgressive segregation for all traits was observed .

  6. RILs种子萌发性状的次数分布呈连续变异,表明种子萌发性状是由多基因控制的数量遗传性状,且多数RILs偏向于盐敏感型。

    The frequency distributions of germination traits in RILs population showed continuous segregation , suggesting these were quantitative traits controlled by several genes , and more RILs were skewed to salt sensitive type .

  7. 对两片种源试验林9a调查资料系统地研究,结果表明:香椿种源的地理变异基本上是与纬度相平行的南北倾斜的连续变异型式。

    This paper analyses the data for 9 years obtained from two tested plantations of Chinese mahogany . The results indicated that the geographic variation of Chinese mahogany provenance was basically a south-north cline pattern that was parallel to latitude .

  8. 与水稻产量相关的绝大多数农艺性状的遗传规律,大多不表现为孟德尔式的遗传,而是呈现连续变异,表现为数量性状遗传的特点。

    Most of agronomic traits for rice production show genetically continuous distribution with characteristics of quantitative trait , rather than Mendelian inheritance .

  9. 结果表明:碾磨品质、外观品质和蒸煮品质等13个性状在重组自交系群体中都呈连续变异,同时存在双向超亲分离现象。

    The results showed that all of 13 quality traits varied continuously , and transgressive segregation for all the traits was observed in RIL .

  10. 利用混合选择策略对个体进行选择,双重自适应交叉将分阶段交叉与正弦自适应交叉方法相结合得到交叉概率,提出的连续变异策略采用连续的粗搜到细搜的过程。

    It makes use of the improved adaptive crossover operator and the adaptive mutation operator , and combines with a kind of fitness function that considers the balance of the performance target and the .

  11. F1代果肉颜色表现从白色到橙黄色的连续性变异;

    The flesh of F 1 showed continuous variation from white to orange .

  12. 不连续地理变异,人们往往作为一种特殊情况把它分开。

    Discontinuous geographic variation is often set aside as a special case .

  13. 居群内连续型变异的特点及其在物种鉴定中的运用

    Characteristics of continuous variation within a population and its application to species determination

  14. 在二十世纪以前,遗传被认为是一种融合的,连续的变异。

    Before the early twentieth century , inheritance was considered to be a blending , a continuous variation .

  15. 雄球花出现百分率、新梢下部聚生的雄球花数、雄球花的大小和色彩等性状,均受多基因控制,呈现连续性变异;

    In the populations , the fertility , colour , number and size of male cone are controlled by multigene , and the variation of these characters appear continuous .

  16. 土壤机械阻力的连续测定及空间变异结构分析

    Measurement of Soil Mechanical Resistance On-the-go and Analysis of Its Spatial Variability

  17. 结果表明,南京城市地价空间上的分布既有连续性又有变异性。

    The results show that the distribution of Nanjing land price has both continuity and variability .