
xiǎn xìng
  • dominance
显性[xiǎn xìng]
  1. 蛋白质和赖氨酸含量的平均显性度((H1/D)~(1/2))均为超显性。

    The mean degrees of dominance ( H_1 / d ) ~ ( 1 / 2 ) of protein and lysine content were overdominance .

  2. 显性效应的QTLs有17个,占17.3%;

    17.3 % QTLs ( that was 17 loci ) expressed dominance effect ;

  3. 因为它是由显性基因携带,所以感染者的孩子会有约50%的可能性遗传该疾病。

    Because it is carried by a dominant gene , an affected individual can expect about half of his or her children to inherit the illness .

  4. 他发现重组隐性性状和显性性状的模式与重要性。

    He discovered the patterns and importance of recombinant recessive and dominant traits .

  5. 蓝眼睛是隐性的;而褐色眼睛是显性的。

    Blue eyes are recessive and brown eyes are dominant .

  6. 连贯呈现出显性与隐性、静态性与动态性、微观性与宏观性的二元性特征。

    Coherence enjoys in nature the dichotomy between explicitness and implicitness , stability and dynamics , and and macrocosm .

  7. 其中Ms是显性不育基因,Rf是显性上位基因。

    Ms is a dominant sterile gene , Rf is a dominant epistatic gene .

  8. 杂交试验表明,柱型性状是由单个显性基因(Co基因)控制的,利用现有的柱型苹果品种作为亲本选育新的柱型苹果品种是可行的。

    The experiment of hybridization indicated that columnar growth habit is controlled by a single dominant gene .

  9. 传统观点认为,控制是基础生成的,PRO是非显性的词汇条目。

    Traditionally , PRO is believed to be abase-generated , non-overt lexical item .

  10. 玉米两个显性对生基因的SSR分子标记定位

    Location of Two Dominant Opposite Genes of Maize by SSR Marker

  11. 利用DNA显性分子标记快速鉴定水稻品种中的抗稻瘟病基因Pi-at

    Rapid Survey for Presence of a Blast Resistance Gene Pi-ta in Rice Cultivars Using the Dominant DNA Markers Derived from Portions of the Pi-ta Gene

  12. 玉米对生性状两个显性基因SCAR分子标记

    Obtaining of SCAR Markers of Two Dominant Genes for Opposite Leaves and Fruits Trait of Zea Mays

  13. 公共管理P途径与B途径的融合,形成了新公共管理,这表明公共管理学开始成为一个显性的学科范式。

    The melt of path P and path B in public administration forms new public administration , which implies that public administration science has become a dominant subject paradigm .

  14. 本文报道了小剂量(0~1.0Gy)x射线单次全身照射雄性小白鼠诱发的精母细胞晚粗线期染色体畸变与显性致死间关系。

    The relationship between chromosomal aberration and dominant mutation in spermatocytes of late pachytene phase in male mice after a single X-irridiation was reported .

  15. 目的:对一个常染色体显性遗传扩张型心肌病(familialdilatedcardiomyopathy,FDCM)家系进行基因定位。

    Objective To localize the gene of autosomal dominant familial dilated cardiomyopathy with conduction defect .

  16. 结论在适应症范围接受LASIK治疗不会引起间歇性或显性斜视的发生。

    Conclusion For indications , LASIK does not cause intermittent or constant strabismus .

  17. 结论在掌握适应证的前提下,Af时行射频消融阻断显性旁道是可行的。

    Conclusion Radiofrequency catheter ablation of manifest accessory pathway during Af is feasible under suitable condition .

  18. Rf是显性上位基因,它能抑制MS不育基因不育性的表达,从而使育性恢复可育。根据遗传学原理,不育株的基因型为MSrfrf;

    According to the principles of genetics , the genotype of sterile plant was MS__rfrf ;

  19. 晶体蛋白βA1基因缺失突变导致常染色体显性遗传核性先天性白内障

    Autosomal dominant congenital nuclear cataract caused by a deletion mutation in the β A1-crystallin gene

  20. 结节性硬化综合症(TuberousSclerosisComplex,TSC),是一种以全身多器官错构瘤病变为特征的常染色体显性遗传性疾病。

    Tuberous sclerosis complex ( TSC ) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by hamartomas in the affected organs .

  21. 结果表明:小麦F2代籽粒的蛋白质含量的遗传符合加性-显性模型;沉淀值的遗传符合加性-显性-上位性模型。

    The results indicated that the inheritance of protein content in F2 grains was fitted to additive-dominant model and that of sedimentation value was fitted to additive-dominant-epistasis model .

  22. logistic回归多因素分析表明显性黄疸、γ&谷氨酰转肽酶增高是最好的预测指标,纳入回归模型;

    The multivariate logistic regression analysis identified obvious jaundice and abnormal gamma-glutamyltransferase as the two significant independent factors and a statistical model was developed with a formula .

  23. 结果表明花生窄叶性状受显性基因控制,F2代窄叶与宽叶的分离符合一对基因遗传(3:1)的分离比例。

    The character of narrow leaflet was dominantly-inherited . The segregation of narrow and normal leaflet in F2 populations indicated that the narrow leaflet was controlled by a dominant gene .

  24. 对杀虫剂的代谢抗性和主要靶标抗性的显性水平作了理论解释,其中包括昆虫对Bt抗性的显性水平的解释。并对抗性显性具有的多变性作了阐述。

    The dominance levels of metabolic resistance and major target resistance to insecticides are interpreted , including the dominance levels of insect resistance to Bt.

  25. 在过去几年中,人们己经开始将RNA干涉技术用于临床治疗的实验研究,例如病毒感染性疾病、肿瘤和其他一些显性遗传性疾病。

    In the past several years , people have tried to take advantage of RNAi to treat diseases such as virus infectious diseases , malignant diseases and some genetic diseases .

  26. 结果GDM产后近期随访诊断为显性糖尿病者23例,糖耐量减低11例,列为产后糖代谢异常组。

    Results 23 of the patients had diabetes and 11 had IGT in the early postpartum follow up .

  27. 结果177个大家系的Ⅱ型DM的遗传度为143.06%±3.3%,提示在这些家系中有一个显性主基因存在。

    Results The heritability of familial type ⅱ DM was 143.06 % ± 3.3 % . One dominant major gene might influence the genesis of type ⅱ DM .

  28. 应用cDNA-AFLP研究甘蓝型油菜显性细胞核雄性不育差异表达基因

    Differentially Distinguished Expressed Genes in Dominant Genic Male Sterility ( DGMS ) Brassica napus Using cDNA-AFLP

  29. EH患者钙泵活性明显改变,受遗传因素控制,是垂直传递,为常染色体显性遗传。

    The ac2 + - Mg2 + - ATPase activity of EH patients is distinctly defective and controled by genetic factors and transmitted in autosomal dominant inheritance .

  30. 到2010年,CAFTA建成之后,区域间贸易壁垒的减少和消除将大幅度增加区域贸易总量,届时,具有相似显性比较优势的出口产品的竞争度也会相应上升。

    And when CAFTA are established , the competitions among exported commodities with similar Revealed Comparative Advantage are going to increase relevantly .