
  • Graphics card;video card;NVIDIA;GPU;VGA
  1. 本文提出一种采用可编程显卡的计算能力来加速锥束CT体数据等值面重构的方法,并进行多方面的改进,有效地提高移动立方体(MarchingCubes)算法的性能。

    We present a approach to accelerating isosurface reconstruction for cone-beam CT volume data by exploiting the power of programmable GPU , and improve on several aspects , achieve much better performance of Marching Cubes algorithms .

  2. 另一方面,充分的利用显卡的可编程特性,实现了512立方量级三维数据的实时体绘制,并加入了,光照,伪彩色,裁减,CT值过滤等功能。

    On the other hand , It makes full use of the programmable ability of the GPU to realize the real-time volume rendering of 512 cube data . Moreover , it adds other functions , such as lighting , color index , clipping and ct value filtering .

  3. 基于通用显卡实现CT加速重建的技术综述

    Development of Accelerated CT Reconstruction Based on General Graphics Boards

  4. 5.Videocard显卡A:我需要一个快一点的显卡。

    A : I need a fast video card .

  5. 鼠标就是老鼠那个词,mouse,很形象。2.ThesoundcardandanAsusvideocardarebuilt-in.声卡和华硕显卡也是内置的。

    The sound card and an Asus video card are built-in .

  6. 目的本文综述了通用显卡在CT重建加速中的技术应用。

    Objective : The technical application of general graphics boards in CT accelerated reconstruction is summarized .

  7. 结果阐明了显卡在CT重建中的加速特点和实现方法。

    Results : Analyze the method and character in the use of graphics hardware to accelerate reconstruction .

  8. 要知道不是所有的3D显卡生产商提供这样的兼容性,尤其是旨在游戏市场的廉价显卡生产商们。

    Not all3D card manufacturers provide such compliancy , especially cheaper cards aimed at the gaming market .

  9. 网络文献内容增长规律的实证研究&以PC显卡相关内容主题的增长为例

    A Study of the Increase of Network Information Contents On the Regulation of Internet Information

  10. CPU及显卡生产商AMD超微半导体公司(AdvancedMicroDevices)决定放弃已并购的ATI品牌。

    CPU and graphics manufacturer AMD is dropping its ATI brand which it acquired when it purchased the company .

  11. 随着PC和图形显卡的飞速发展,基于PC集群的绘制系统以其廉价而强大的能力恰能满足要求。

    With development of PC and graphics hardware , rendering systems based on pc-cluster which are cheaper and powerful can also do that work .

  12. 所有的MacBookAir电脑都进行了升级,处理器和显卡得到改进,闪存速度更快,存储容量更大。

    All MacBook Airs were updated with improved processors , graphics , faster flash storage and larger amounts of memory .

  13. 就算最便宜的iMac内存中也带独立显卡,而基础配置的XPSOne是没有的。

    Even the cheapest iMac has a dedicated video card with its own memory , something the base XPS One lacks .

  14. 主流廉价级显卡一般是面向大型多人在线网游(MMO)和休闲3D游戏。

    The mainstream value segment is primarily composed of Massively Multiplayer Online ( MMO ) and casual gamers .

  15. 具有硬字库的智能化仪器通用CRT汉显卡设计

    The Design or CRT Chinese Character Display driver generally used for intelligent instruments with hard character Library

  16. 近日的JonPeddieResearch研究报告称,到2013年左右,集成显卡将从市场上完全消失。

    A recent Jon Peddie Research report said integrated graphics chipsets would all but vanish by2013 .

  17. VGA或性能更高的显卡和一台彩色显示器

    VGA or better video card and a color monitor

  18. 在显卡工作过程中,Z缓冲器、帧缓冲器和纹理缓冲器都会大幅占用显存带宽资源。

    The course of their work in graphics , Z buffer , frame buffer and texture buffer memory bandwidth will be substantially occupied resources .

  19. 在GPU(图形处理单元)在许多现代显卡需要一个散热片和风扇。

    The GPU ( graphics processing unit ) on many modern graphics cards requires a heatsink and fan .

  20. 您不必将时间浪费在尝试寻找显卡驱动程序或SCSI驱动程序上。

    You don 't need to waste time trying to track down video drivers or SCSI drivers .

  21. 这样绘图时就不会占用CPU资源,我们仅仅靠显卡就可以完成绘图工作了。

    This will allow the image to be drawn without the CPU getting involved , we just want the graphics card to do the work for us .

  22. 显示器可接受视频,显卡,和DVI输入信号。

    The monitor accepts video , VGA , and DVI input signals .

  23. 计算机在启动时首先执行的是初始测试POST(开机自检,PowerOnSelfTest),它将测试多个设备,包括处理器、内存、显卡和键盘。

    The first thing a computer does on start-up is a primer test , POST ( Power On Self Test ) . Several devices are tested , including the processor , memory , graphics card , and the keyboard .

  24. 此特性允许在所需组件初始化后由内核控制图形硬件(比如PCI总线和显卡)。

    This feature allows the kernel to control the graphics hardware after the required components are initialized ( such as the PCI bus and graphics card ) .

  25. 而随着个人电脑的普及和3D图形应用的迅速发展,普通计算机中的图形显示设备(显卡)的运算性能和处理能力,已经达到了非常高的水平。

    Since the popularization of personal computer and the requirement of the rapidly growing PC games , the computing capability of graphics equipment ( graphics card ) in personal computers has reached a much high level .

  26. 重点介绍了S3ViRGE/DX寄存器组、软件结构、PCI接口的应用、硬件图形加速和显卡时钟。

    What described mainly in this paper are registers of S3 ViRGE / DX , structure of the software , PCI , hardware graphies acceleration and the chip clocks .

  27. 本文主要论述PC总线双频单显卡用于单片微机系统CRT显示时的硬件转换接口和软件编程方法。

    This paper presents how to realize the design of hardware and software when the IBM-PC monochrome display adaptor is used for the CRT interface of single chip microprocesser system .

  28. 它担负着CPU、内存、硬盘、显卡等各种设备的连接,其性能直接关系到整台计算机的稳定运行。

    Responsible for the connection of CPU , memory , hard drives , graphics cards and other devices , its performance is directly related to the stable operation of the entire computer .

  29. 使用DirectX技术实现对显卡内存的直接操作,避免了绘图中的闪烁;

    The system uses DirectX technology to direct operate VGA memory and avoid the wink in drawing .

  30. 视网膜显示屏MacBookPro是第一款完全依赖闪存存储的MacBookPro笔记本电脑,处理器和显卡都经过改进。

    The MacBook Pro with Retina Display is the first MacBook Pro to rely solely on flash storage and has an improved processor and graphics .