
  • 网络Lianyungang city
  1. 连云港市强制戒毒人员HCV、HIV与梅毒感染状况

    Infection Status of HCV , HIV and Syphilis among Drug Addicts under Compulsory Rehabilitation in Lianyungang City

  2. 提出了连云港市城市形象CIS系统的结构模型,模型构建的总体目标以及作为CIS实践的结构框架。

    This paper puts forward the structure model of CIS system of Lianyungang City , the overall goal of formulating the model and the structure model in CIS practice .

  3. 面向GIS的连云港市航道数字地形模型建设

    The Digital Terrain Model Establishment of Lianyungang Channel by using GIS

  4. 连云港市城市表层土壤Pb污染评价与赋存形态

    The Pb Contamination Assessment and Fractionation of the Topsoil in Lianyungang

  5. 在中国加入WTO和实行西部大开发政策后,连云港市城市化进程应该加快。

    After China joined WTO and began to exploit the west , the process of urbanization in Lianyungang should be sped up .

  6. 连云港市蝮蛇(Agkistrodonhalys)生态资料的初步观察

    Preliminary observation of the ecology of Agkistrodon halys from Lian Yun Gang

  7. 结果表明,连云港市大气SO2表现出明显的上升趋势,而TSP则表现出显著的下降趋势;

    The results indicated that the SO2 series had a significant increasing trend , while a significant decreasing trend was detected for TSP series .

  8. 分别在北京和江苏省连云港市对携带Btcry基因的荧光假单胞菌工程菌进行了田间残留与扩散的追踪检测。

    Biosafety detection of the remnants and diffuse of engineered Pseudomonas fluorescens strains with Bt cry genes in small scale field test was carried in Beijing and Lianyungang , Jiangsu Province .

  9. 运用非参数Mann-Kendall法对连云港市3个定位监测点近10年来的大气SO2、NOx和TSP序列数据进行了趋势检验和突变分析。

    A non-parameter Mann-Kendall test method was used to analyze the trends and abruption of air pollutants series of SO2 , NOx and TSP at three monitoring sites in Lianyungang city during the past 10 years .

  10. 结合连云港市新港大道XL-5标段,采用全站仪导线测量确定各加密点的坐标和高程的具体测设。

    Based on XL-5 lot of Newport Avenue in Lianyungang city , this paper adopts the whole station traverse to determine the encrypted coordinates of points and the measurement of elevation .

  11. 连云港市水质自动监测系统预警体系的建立

    Beforehand Alarm System for the Automatic Water Quality Monitoring of Lianyungang

  12. 试析连云港市旅游资源开发中的环境问题

    Analyzing the Environmental Problems in the Exploitation of Lianyungang Tourism Resources

  13. 连云港市政策性农业保险试点问题及对策研究

    Lianyungang City 's Political Agricultural Insurance Pilot Problems and the Countermeasures

  14. 连云港市农业产业结构调整的战略研究

    Strategic Study of the Agricultural Domain Structures Adjusted in Lianyungang City

  15. 连云港市2008年免疫规划工作综合审评情况分析

    Synthetic examination analysis of immunization programs work in Lianyungang in 2008

  16. 连云港市海洋经济可持续发展战略研究

    Strategies for the Sustainable Development of Marine Economy in Lianyungang City

  17. 连云港市全民健身路径使用与管理现状的研究

    Lianyungang Fitness for the Use and Management of the Current Path

  18. 连云港市162例预防接种不良反应监测分析

    Analysis of monitoring on 162 cases of adverse event following immunization

  19. 连云港市快餐业发展问题探讨

    Inquiry about Problems in Development of Lianyungang Fast Food Industry

  20. 热带气旋活动与连云港市的暴雨、大风天气

    Activities of tropical cyclone and the weather of Lianyungang City

  21. 连云港市城市文化定位与城市设计研究

    Study on the Urban Culture and Urban Planning of LYG

  22. 连云港市地籍测量坐标系统的选择

    Choice of reference frame on cadastration to city of lianyungang

  23. 连云港市海岸带环境与经济发展协调性研究

    Harmony Assessment of Coastal Environment and Economic Development in Lianyungang

  24. 连云港市2008年上半年麻疹监测分析

    Surveillance on Measles in Lianyungang City in The First Half of 2008

  25. 连云港市海州区经济发展战略探讨

    Research the Development Strategy on Economy of Haizhou District , Lianyungang City

  26. 连云港市中老年服装市场发展潜力探讨

    On Potentials of Middle and Old-aged Garment Market in Lianyungang

  27. 连云港市艾滋病病毒感染者传播途径调查

    Investigation of Route of Transmission of HIV in Lianyungang City

  28. 连云港市海岸带功能区划初步研究

    A preliminary study on the functional zonation division of Lianyungang Coastal Zone

  29. 连云港市测绘信息管理系统建立实践

    Establishment on surveying and mapping information management system of Lianyungang

  30. 论连云港市滩涂海岸的综合开发

    On the Comprehensive Development of the Tidal Flat in Lianyungang