
  • 网络effect of prevention;bacillus subtilis
  1. 目的:了解卡介菌多糖核酸(BCG-PSN)对婴幼儿反复呼吸道感染的防治效果及免疫功能的影响。

    Objective : Know about the effect of prevention and cure to infant 's repeating respiratory tract Infection ( RRI ) as well as its influence on immune function with Bacill Calmette Guerin polysaccharide nucleic acid ( BCG - PSN ) .

  2. 南方某部队肺结核综合防治效果观察

    The effect of prevention and treatment for pulmonary tuberculosis in Southern Army

  3. /667m2时药后3d对茶小绿叶蝉的防治效果达到75%以上,且对有益天敌昆虫和作物安全。

    / 667m2 , and was safe to beneficial insects and crops .

  4. ~(137)Cs在土壤中的污染行为与钾盐的防治效果

    Behavior of ~ ( 137 ) cs in soils and potassium Countermeasures

  5. 3%阿维·高氯EC的毒力及对大豆害虫的防治效果

    The Toxicity and Control Efficiency of Mixture of 3 % Avermectin and Cypermethrin

  6. TS制剂对番茄花叶病毒病的防治效果及其生理机制的研究

    The study on effects of virucide & ts in preventing tomato mosaic virus disease

  7. 溴敌隆、磷化锌和C型肉毒素的防治效果均在70%以上,说明这三种化学药剂对大沙鼠均有不错的防治效果。

    The prevention effects of bromadiolone , zinc phosphide , and C-control botox are all over 70 % , indicating that these three chemicals are fairly effective in controling Great Gerbils .

  8. 目的观察维生素E、C与维拉帕米联合应用对大鼠睾丸纤维化的防治效果,以探索防治睾丸纤维化发生的理想药物。

    Objective : To investigate the preventive effect of antioxidant and calcium channel blockade on testicular fibrosis in rats and to explore the ideal drug of preventing testis fibrosis .

  9. 药剂防治效果与烟叶内SOD、POD活性呈正相关,而与CAT活性呈负相关。

    Control effects of chemicals had positive relation to activities of SOD and POD in tobacco leaves but had negative relation to CAT .

  10. TOPSIS法及RSR分档法在结核病防治效果综合评价中的应用

    Application of TOPSIS combined with RSR to comprehensive evaluation of TB control effect

  11. Bt与锐劲特混用对水稻二化螟有较显著的防治效果。

    Mixture of Bt and Regent is effective in the control of striped rice borer , Chilo suppressalis ( Walker ) .

  12. 还利用TMV的不同寄主,考察了植物次生物质对TMV的防治效果。

    The control effects of active substances in TMV different host plants were determined .

  13. [结论]该复式PCR检测系统适应于现场疟疾流行病学监测,防治效果考核,疑似疟疾病人的诊断及虫种鉴定。

    [ Conclusion ] The multiplex PCR can be suitable for The field malaria epidemiological surveillance , evaluation of the control effect , diagnosis and determination of malaria species .

  14. 在忻州、朔州等地示范推广5.44万hm2,平均防治效果为78.1%,增产11.1%。

    The average effect of control was 78 . 1 % and the yield increased 11 . 1 % .

  15. 虽然取得了一定防治效果,但同时也带来了不少问题,尤其是化学农药带来了3R(resurgence,residue,resistance)问题。

    They obtained good results and problems simultaneity , especially 3 " R " ( resurgence , residue , resistance ) problems caused by chemical pesticide .

  16. 结论丝虫特异性IgG4检测试剂盒敏感性和特异性较高,可以用于消除丝虫病地区监测的筛查和防治效果评价。

    Conclusion The filaria-specific IgG4 testing kit is sensitivity and specificity for filaria .

  17. 不同添加物对大豆根腐病生防菌株BH1-OA(15-1)和DSLHX3防治效果的影响

    The Effects of Different Additives on the Prevention and Cure Effects of Bio-controlling Strains for Soybean Root Rot

  18. 不同施肥措施及EM菌剂对大棚黄瓜连作障碍的防治效果设施蔬菜连作障碍成因分析与防治对策

    The Effects of Different Fertilization and EM Microbial Agent on the Problem of the Continuous Cote Planting The Problems Caused by Monoculture and the Solutions in Protected Vegetables Cultivation

  19. 目的观察三种不同的麻醉方法对妇科腹腔镜手术后恶心呕吐(postoperativenauseaandvomiting,PONV)的防治效果。

    Objective To compare the efficacy of three different anesthesia methods in the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting ( PONV ) in gynecologic laparoscopy .

  20. 目的了解山西省忻州市实现消除碘缺乏病(IDD)阶段目标后,IDD病情的消长趋势,干预措施落实情况和防治效果。

    Objective To investigate the prevailing tendency of iodine deficiency disorders ( IDD ) and the fulfillment of prevention and control of IDD .

  21. 目的:通过评估掌握消除碘缺乏病(IDD)工作的现状,评估防治效果,制订防治策略。

    Objective : To study the status of IDD elimination , assess the prevention and cure effect , and to work out preventive strategies .

  22. 目的研究选择性肠道去污(SDD)对小儿MODS的防治效果。

    Objective To investigate the efficiency of selective decontamination of the digestive tract ( SDD ) for the treatment of children with MODS .

  23. NNT在常见慢性病防治效果评价中的应用

    The Application of NNT in Evaluating the Efficacy of Prevention and Control of Chronic Diseases

  24. 以改良Kato法考核其防治效果,并用IHA检测抗体水平,结果表明:洲岛型疫区单纯选择性人群化疗难以阻挡血吸虫病传播,但可以降低流行率。

    The results showed that single selective mass chemotherapy measure could only reduce the intensity of the prevalence of the disease .

  25. 目的以社区健康服务中心为基本研究单元,应用数据包络分析法(DEA)开展社区高血压综合防治效果评价。

    Objective Based the community health service , using data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) to evaluate the effect of current model of comprehensive prevention and control community-based for hypertension in Shenzhen city .

  26. [目的]了解连城县碘缺乏病(IDD)的病情消长趋势,评价措施的落实情况和防治效果,为制定防治措施提供科学依据。

    [ Objective ] To study the prevalence trend of iodine deficiency disorder ( IDD ) in Liancheng county , and evaluate the control measure on it .

  27. 目的探讨黏附分子P选择素、ICAM1及树突状细胞(DC)在大鼠肝和肾缺血再灌注损伤中作用,以及抗P选择素单抗的抗黏附抑制及其防治效果。

    Objective To investigate the role of P-selectin , intercellular adhesion molecule-1 ( ICAM-1 ) and dendritic cells ( DCs ) in rat liver / kidney with hepatic ischemia-reperfusion injury , as well as the preventive effect of anti-P-selectin lectin-EGF domain monoclonal antibody ( PsL-EGFmAb ) .

  28. 本实验对非致病镰刀菌fusariumoxysporum菌株47号(简称FO47)对番茄枯萎病的生物防治效果进行了初步研究。

    Non pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strain 47 ( FO47 ) was studied for its biocontrol effect against Fusarium wilt of tomato .

  29. 实验菌种为AL和L32两株菌株,通过2菌株混用与各菌株单独使用进行室内生物测定,结果表明混用后的防治效果明显高于菌株单独使用的防治效果。

    Through the comparison of the mixture of AL and L32 with single bacterial plant , control effects of mixture bacterial plant was higher than single bacterial plant .

  30. 建立胃腔感染VacA+CagAHp的昆明系小鼠模型,观察抗-VacA+CagA+Hp-IgY对小鼠胃腔感染VacA+CagA+Hp的防治效果。

    The Kunming mice model infected by VacA + CagA + Hp were created and applied to observe the prevention and treatment effects of anti - VacA + CagA + Hp-IgY against VacA + CagA + Hp infection in stomach of model mice .