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  • defense
防御 [fáng yù]
  • [defense] 防守抵御

防御[fáng yù]
  1. 结成联盟往往是为了共同防御。

    Leagues are commonly made for mutual defense .

  2. 我们必须确保我们的防御没有漏洞。

    We must see that there is no gap in our defense .

  3. 防御全面进攻是不可能的。

    It is impossible to defend against an all-out attack .

  4. 人体对疾病具有先天性防御机制。

    The body has natural defence mechanisms to protect it from disease .

  5. 幽默是比暴力更有效的防御武器。

    Humour is a more effective defence than violence .

  6. 这个村庄毫无防御能力。

    The village is defenceless against attack .

  7. 为什么英国要坚持消减其军事防御力量?

    Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces ?

  8. 政府已经开始沿东部边境修筑防御工事。

    The government has started building fortifications along its eastern border .

  9. 这一起对毫无防御能力的孕妇的袭击,令人无比震惊。

    This was a sickening attack on a pregnant and defenceless woman

  10. 这一地区非常平坦,根本没法进行防御。

    The land was flat , giving no scope for defence

  11. 该防御工事能抵御当时所使用的各种进攻手段。

    The fortress was proof against the techniques of attack then in use

  12. 军官们打算重新夺回该市的防御区。

    Officers were going to retake sectors of the city .

  13. 这些改革的目的之一就是以最低成本实现有效的防御。

    One aim of these reforms is effective defence with minimal expenditure .

  14. 如果没有防御体系,欧洲政治联盟就不完整。

    European political union would be incomplete without a defence element

  15. 国家需要有一定的防御能力,以应对不可预知的情况。

    The country needs a defence capability as insurance against the unexpected .

  16. 欧洲石器时期最大的土木防御工事位于威尔特郡的西尔布利山。

    Europe 's biggest Stone Age earthworks are at Silbury Hill in Wiltshire .

  17. 政府说这些举措纯粹是出于防御目的。

    The government said the moves were purely defensive .

  18. 为防御可能发生的空袭,该城市正在建防空洞。

    The city 's bomb shelters were being prepared for possible air raids .

  19. 美国最优先考虑的是帮助各国自卫防御。

    America 's priority is to help nations defend themselves

  20. 这些防御工事用于阻止坦克等车辆前进。

    The defences are intended to obstruct any advance by tanks and other vehicles .

  21. 检查站因为军事上无法防御而被舍弃。

    The checkpoint was abandoned as militarily indefensible .

  22. 军方随时准备由防御立场转向备战立场。

    The military machine is ready to change its defensive posture to one prepared for action

  23. 圣徒队一度防御能力很强,现在却成了联盟里防守漏洞最多的队伍。

    Once a tough defensive team , the Saints now have the most porous defence in the league .

  24. 有些人认为这种程度的补偿实质上是阻止任何投标对手的“毒丸”防御。

    Some believe this level of compensation is essentially a poison pill to put off any rival bidders .

  25. 经过6周的轰炸,他的防御已经不堪一击,在这种极端情况下他才愿意离开。

    Only in extremity , when his defences had been reduced by six weeks of bombing , was he ready to leave .

  26. 长城曾用来防御军事侵略。

    The Great Wall was once used to defend against military aggression .

  27. 他们用马车搭起路障,加强村子的防御。

    They fortified the village with barricades of carts .

  28. 政府在这一地区构筑防御工事抵御进攻。

    The government fortified the area against attack .

  29. 进攻是最好的防御。

    Offensive is the best defence .

  30. 我们将把兵力加进防御互助条约。

    We will put military muscle into the mutual defence pact .