
  • 网络Fangchenggang City
  1. 防城港市是一九九三年五月经国务院批准设立的地级沿海开放港口城市。

    Fangchenggang City is a recently established coastal open port city at the regional level approved by the State Council in may1993 .

  2. 广西北部湾经济区由南宁市、北海市、钦州市、防城港市四市所辖行政区域组成,同时,包括玉林市,崇左市的交通和物流。

    Guangxi Beibu Gulf Economic Zone covers the territory of Nanning , Beihai , Qinzhou , Fangchenggang , and includes the transportation and logistics of Yulin and Chongzuo .

  3. 防城港市旅游资源优势及旅游开发策略

    Study on the superiority and the way of developing tourism in the Fangcheng harbor city

  4. 防城港市地处中越边境,是我国大西南地区通往越南和东南亚的交通要道,区位优势明显。

    Because of being on the border between China and Viet Nam and on the vital communication line from China to south-east Asia , Fangcheng Harbor City has obvious superiority in place .