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  • 网络Moon god
  1. 他发现他们不是真正的艺人,而是月亮神的宗教追随者。

    He finds out that they are not real entertainers , but religious followers of the moon god .

  2. 柚子又大又圆,在广东寓意“月亮之神保佑你”,所以柚子也是在广东过中秋不可缺的人气水果!

    With a round shape and a Chinese name that means " moon goddess bless you ", the grapefruit has also become a favorite festival fruit .

  3. 苏格拉底否认谴责,并说,大家知道月亮是个神,他也赞成。

    All men , said he , know that the moon is a god , and he agreed with all men .

  4. 月亮石是月亮神额头上的一颗印度教的神圣宝石。

    The Moonstone is a sacred Hindu diamond at the forehead of the Moon-God .

  5. 另一方面,月亮对于夜空大母神而言,是她的精神象征。

    On the other hand , the writer regarded the moon as the spiritual symbol of the moon .

  6. 这可能是源于古希腊用插着一支蜡烛的一个圆形蜂蜜蛋糕来拜祭月亮和狩猎之神阿尔特宓斯的习俗。

    It may derive , distantly , from the ancient Greek practice of offering to Artemis , goddess of the hunt and of the moon , a round honey cake into which a candle was stuck .

  7. 当然,因为月亮空无一物,既不许说月亮是块石头,也不许说月亮是个神。

    For there is nothing , of course , to prevent the moon from being both a stone and a god .