
yuè tái
  • railway platform;balcony;terrace;dock;platform
月台 [yuè tái]
  • (1) [balcony;terrace;railway platform]∶旧时为赏月而筑的台和三面有台阶、正殿前方突出的台也叫月台

  • (2) [railway platform]∶火车站上、下火车的地方,站台

月台[yuè tái]
  1. 有一个女人,穿着不方便的长裙,在月台上追赶一张被风吹跑的纸。

    A lady wearing a somewhat awkwardly long skirt was seen running after a piece of paper on a railway platform .

  2. 月台很冷,所以我们赶紧躲到温暖的候车室。

    It was cold on the railway platform so we hurried into the warm waiting room .

  3. 卡车驶离装货月台时塑料水龙带还连在上面。

    The truck left the loading dock with hoses still attached .

  4. 通用柴油动力火车头将车厢转轨到了4号月台。

    The GM diesel engine shunted the coaches to Platform 4 .

  5. 车站月台的两头种着玫瑰花。

    The station had roses growing at each end of the platform .

  6. 火车撞上了月台尽头的栅栏。

    A train plowed into the barrier at the end of the platform

  7. 月台在下班赶着回家的通勤族脚下不堪重负。

    The platforms groan with homeward-bound commuters .

  8. 月台上全是穿灰绿色制服的人。

    The platform was crawling with greygreen uniforms .

  9. 他在圣拉扎尔街上的圣拉扎尔火车站的月台上画画。

    He worked on his paintings right on the train platform at the Gare Saint-Lazare , the train station on Saint Lazare Street .

  10. 莫奈的朋友,印象派画家皮埃尔·奥古斯特·雷诺阿,向儿子们讲述了克劳德·莫内以及他画火车的故事。莫内需要得到许可才能在火车月台上作画,用他的印象派风格画出他所看到的东西。

    Monet ’ s friend , Impressionist painter Pierre Auguste Renoir , told the following story to his sons about Claude Monet and painting the trains . Monet needed permission to spend time on the train platform and paint what he saw in his impressionistic style .

  11. W:我猜你现在认识火车上的很多人。M:是的,我每天都会在月台上碰到我认识的人。

    W : I suppose you know lots of people on the train now . M : Yes , I bumped into someone I know on the platform every day .

  12. 冷藏库采用封闭式月台的技术经济分析

    Technique & Economy Analysis of the Refrigerated Docks for Cold Storages

  13. 运载能力可以通过加长列车和扩展月台来增加。

    Capacity can be increased with longer trains and extended platforms .

  14. 去亚特兰大是在这个月台等车吗?

    Is this the right platform for the train to atlanta ?

  15. 涉及的车站名称和月台编号;

    The name of the station and the platform number involved ;

  16. 那女孩在月台上不耐烦地踱来踱去。

    The girl marched up and down the station platform impatiently .

  17. 记住,搭一路车,在北月台。

    Remember , the number 1 train . The uptown platform .

  18. 这是去伦敦的火车的月台吗?

    Is this the right platform for the train to london ?

  19. 你最好到四号月台去搭沪杭线。

    You 'd better take the Hu-Hang-Line , track No. 4 .

  20. 往市政厅的火车停在哪一个月台?

    To what platform does the train for City Hall come ?

  21. 她站在月台上,神经紧张地抚弄自己的衣服。

    She stood on the platform , nervously fingering her dress .

  22. 她匆匆向第四号月台入口处走过去。

    She hurried over to the entrance to No.4 Platform .

  23. 也可能是从那边月台到这边来呀。

    You could have come through the underpass from the opposite platform .

  24. 从我的车厢到月台还要走好一段路。

    It was quite a walk from my coach to the platform .

  25. 我应该到哪一个月台搭公共汽车。

    Which gate should I go to for the bus ?

  26. 海岸守卫人事正在保护主要港口和伊拉克人涂油水于月台。

    Coast Guard personnel are protecting key ports and Iraqi oil platforms .

  27. 他在车站把沉重地箱子摔在了月台上。

    He plonked the heavy suitcase on the platform at the station .

  28. 我影只形单地站在无人的月台上。

    I found myself standing alone on the deserted platform .

  29. 列车在月台停了几分钟。

    The train stands at the platform for several minutes .

  30. 去迪特律是在这个月台上车吗?

    Is this the platform for the train to detroit ?