
yuè piān shí
  • partial lunar eclipse
月偏食[yuè piān shí]
  1. 月偏食了。

    The moon is partly eclipsed .

  2. 这种月偏食只能从太空里才能看得见。

    The partial eclipse was visible only from space .

  3. 他们研究星空中的一切现象,他们也观察到了日全食和月全食以及日偏食和月偏食。

    They studied everything in the sky and they also noticed both total and partial eclipses .

  4. 但由于整个月球会经过地球的半影,在接近月偏食时,月球会明显较暗。

    However , as the entire moon will cross the penumbra partial shadow of the earth , it will appear significantly dimmer around the time of partial eclipse .

  5. 记者在各大天文论坛上看到,一些天文爱好者已将自己拍摄到的月偏食照片上传与同行分享。

    Reporters at the major astronomical forum that the number of amateur astronomers have their own take on the partial eclipse upload photos to share with their peers .

  6. 今年八月,将会出现一次日全食和一次月偏食。1991年日全食时,罕见的钻石环。

    Later this year , in August , there will be a total solar eclipse and a partial lunar eclipse . Diamond-ring at end of 1991 total solar eclipse .

  7. 天气许可之下,在地球环太平洋地区的居民都能够见到此次的月偏食。

    Clouds permitting , the partial lunar eclipse was visible from the half of the Earth facing the Moon at the time of the eclipse , which included much of Earth 's Pacific Rim .