
yuè qiú bèi miàn
  • far side of the moon;hidden side of the moon
  1. 地-月系统的平动点L1点及L2点的Halo轨道在探月工程中有重要的应用价值,可分别用于地月连续通信覆盖和月球背面的探测。

    The L_1 libration point and the halo orbit around the L_2 point in the Earth-Moon system play an important role in exploring the Moon . It can link the Earth with the nearside and farside of the Moon , respectively .

  2. 月球背面的环形山中,就有一座以他的名字命名。

    Shi Shen crater on the Moon is named after him .

  3. 在月球背面,天然放射性元素含量普遍表现为低值特征。

    On the farside , these three elements generally show the features of low abundances .

  4. 不过我觉得把后面的头发变成类似月球背面那样触及不到的区域很有意思。

    But I ended up really liking having the back be this sort of dark side of the moon .

  5. 新华社已经发布了图片,向世界展示月球背面的样子。

    Already , Xinhua has released a picture showing the world what this section of the moon looks like .

  6. 现在,研究人员们认为他们有办法了解月球背面的神秘并把这种方法分享到了《天文物理期刊通讯》杂志上。

    Now , researchers think they have a solution to the mystery , which they share in the Astrophysical Journal Letters .

  7. 这部影片的上映也正值中国太空计划取得里程碑成就之际:今年1月,中国的一个探测器在月球背面着陆。

    The openings also come as China reached a milestone in space : the landing of a probe on the far side of the moon in January .

  8. 1月,中国的嫦娥四号机器人探测器携带一台小型巡视器历史上首次在月球背面着陆。

    In January , Chang'e-4 , a Chinese robotic spacecraft including a small rover , became the first ever to land on the far side of the moon .

  9. 2019年1月3日,“嫦娥四号”探测器成功在月球背面软着陆,释放出“玉兔二号”月球车,开始对月球南极-艾特肯盆地的着陆区进行巡视探测。

    marking the country 's fourth lunar exploration and the world 's first expedition to the far side of the moon . The probe made a soft landing on the far side on Jan 3 , 2019 , and then released Yutu 2 to roam and survey the landing site in the South Pole-Aitken basin .

  10. 但是,由于撞击坑在月球的背面,它只能在太空中才能被看到。

    But since it 's far of the moon , it can only be seen from the space .

  11. 我完全享受它,我不用和戴夫和吉姆通话……在月球的背面,我甚至都不用和休斯敦联系,这真的是这次旅途中最棒的一部分。

    I didn 't have to talk to Dave and Jim any more ... On the backside of the Moon , I didn 't even have to talk to Houston and that was the best part of the flight .

  12. 嫦娥四号探测器的着陆器和月球车在月球背面恢复工作,这是第23月昼工作期。

    The lander and rover of the Chang'e-4 probe have resumed work for the 23rd lunar day on the far side of the moon .

  13. 地&月系共线平动点L2相对地球和月球不变的空间位置使得它在月球背面探测任务中起着十分重要的作用。

    The collinear libration point L2 of the earth-moon system plays an important role in exploration of the back of the moon for its relatively fixed position with respect to the earth and the moon .

  14. 在归纳月球重力场确定的技术流程的基础上,针对月球背面绕月卫星摄动无法观测的困难,分析了目前所能采取的各种处理办法及其特征。

    Based on concluding the computation flow of lunar gravity field recovery , the method of dealing with the difficulty of unobservable to farside of lunar are analyzed on emphases .

  15. 相反,我觉得自己是月球表面上发生的一切的一部分……但我并不是说我没有一种孤寂感,这种感觉确实存在,尤其是当我转到月球的背面,和地球通信的无线电信号突然中断的时候。

    I don 't mean to deny a feeling of solitude . It is there , reinforced by the fact that radio contact with the Earth abruptly cuts off at the instant I disappear behind the moon .