
yún sù yùn dòng
  • uniform motion
匀速运动 [yún sù yùn dòng]
  • [uniform motion] 物体在单位时间内所通过的距离相等的运动

匀速运动[yún sù yùn dòng]
  1. 静止、匀速运动和加速运动三类目标分别对应着正弦信号、线性调频(LFM)信号和多项式相位信号(PPS)三种差频信号模型。

    The beat signal model of the stationary , uniform motion and accelerated motion target is sinusoid , Linear Frequency-Modulated ( LFM ) signal and polynomial-phase signal ( PPS ) respectively .

  2. 将运动模型扩展到任意形式的匀速运动,并给出了数学模型。

    Subsequently the motion form is extended to arbitrary uniform motion ;

  3. 基于Z变换的局部匀速运动模糊图像恢复算法

    Blurred Image Restoration of Local Uniform Motion Based on Z Transform

  4. 首先,在匀速运动单阵元被动合成孔径模型的基础上分析了单阵元被动合成孔径所面临的信号频率和DOA的估计模糊问题。

    Firstly , the ambiguity of frequency and DOA is analyzed based on the uniformly moving single sensor model of passive synthetic aperture .

  5. 结果表明,在静止情况下得到吴-杨势.匀速运动情况下的势也可以通过Lorentz变换从吴-杨势得到。

    In the case of constant velocity we obtain a potential which can also be obtained through Lorentz transformation from the Wu-Yang Potential .

  6. 建立了目标的多站IRST(红外搜索与跟踪)系统的伪线性观测模型,基于该模型提出了匀速运动目标的伪线性卡尔曼滤波算法。

    A PLKF ( pseudo-linear Kalman filter ) was presented for tracking a moving target by using multi-stations of IRST systems .

  7. 阐述了将变速运动等间隔时间采样的回波数据等效为匀速运动中非等间隔时间采样数据的原理,并由此导出了基于非均匀傅里叶变换的变速直线运动SAR算法。

    The principle of equivalent method from the uniform sampling data with variable motion to the non-uniform sampling data with uniform motion is expounded , and from this , the SAR imaging for variable motion based on non-uniform discrete fourier transform is studied .

  8. 为了对机动目标建模,本文还讨论了交互式多模型(IMM)方法,并采用匀速运动模型和当前加速度运动模型,来实现交互多模型算法;

    The interactive multi-models ( IMM ) method was also discussed , which is implemented of the uniform and " currently " accelerated motion model for the maneuvering target modeling .

  9. 作为托勒密体系中的三大数学装置之一,equantpoint是匀速运动的参考点但不是等距运动的中心,因此应该译成偏心匀速点。Equant应该译成偏心匀速圆。

    Equant is one of the three mathematical devices of Ptolemaic System . Equant point is not the centre of equal distance , but the centre of equal motion .

  10. 通过实验,与没有扰动观测器的PD控制相比较,工作台静态定位精度提高了0.5μm,以120mm/s匀速运动时工作台的轨迹跟踪精度提高了3μm。

    In the check experiments , compared to the PD control without disturbance observer , the static positioning accuracy of the stage is improved 0.5 μ m , while the tracking accuracy is improved 3 μ m at the uniform speed of 120mm / s.

  11. 匀速运动模糊失真图像的点扩散函数(PSF)为矩形,直接调用MATLAB中点扩散函数的创建函数和维纳滤波图像恢复函数,可实现图像恢复。

    In MATLAB , by directly call the created function of point spread function and the Wiener filter image restoration function , image restoration can be realized . The point spread function of double shadow blur distortion image is more complicated .

  12. 本文利用Moller变换与Lorentz变换实现了非匀速运动的等离子体波参考系与静止真空实验室参考系之间的电子能量的广义变换。

    The general transformation of electron energy between the laboratory frame and the moving plasma wave frame is obtained by using the Moller transformation and the Lorentz transformation .

  13. 根据时域线性系统理论,讨论了电光成象系统在象作匀速运动和简谐振动两特定条件下之MTF衰减问题。

    According to the linear system theory in the time domain , this paper discusses ome problems of MTF deterioration caused by image motion under two special conditions , constant velocity linear motion and harmonic vibration .

  14. 理论分析和仿真表明,基于多模型的C-IMM扩展地图调整方差法对于目标在道路交叉点时,或者目标在道路上匀速运动时,跟踪性能有所改进。

    Simulations show that : the performance of target tracking is improved by using C-IMM extend map-tuned variance method when target is on road or junction .

  15. NPR在报道中说,在一个为期四个月的研究中,那些在20分钟中交替做八秒全速运动和12秒慢速运动的人们消耗的脂肪比做40分钟匀速运动的人们更多。

    In one four-month study , people who rode an exercise bike for 20 minutes and alternated between eight-second sprints and 12-second slow periods lost more fat than those who rode for 40 minutes at a steady pace , NPR says .

  16. 对匀速运动荷电粒子磁场的探讨

    The study on magnetic field produced by uniform motion charging particles

  17. 匀速运动的电偶极子的电场和磁场分布

    Distribution of electric and magnetic field of electric dipole in uniform motion

  18. 采用匀速运动法通过竖井导入高程

    Leading in Height through a Shaft Using Uniform Motion Method

  19. 匀速运动电荷电场中的高斯定理

    Gauss ' theorem for fieid of charges in uniform motion

  20. 密立根油滴到达匀速运动状态的确认

    The Affirmation for Arriving at Uniform Motion State by Millikan Oil Drops

  21. 匀速运动模糊图像的快速恢复

    Restoration of Photographs Blurred by Uniform liner Image Motion

  22. 匀速运动的线源荷载激励下无限长梁动力分析

    Dynamic Analysis to Infinite Beam under a Moving Line Load with Uniform Velocity

  23. 探究落球法测液体黏度实验中小球达匀速运动所需的时间

    Time needed for reaching constant speed when measuring liquid viscosity using falling-ball method

  24. 提出了一种基于图像熵技术的匀速运动目标多脉冲宽带时延-时间伸缩成像方法。

    A multiple impulse wide-band acoustic imaging approach of underwater target is presented .

  25. 双缸单作用活塞泵中活塞匀速运动的探讨

    Research on Uniform Motion of Piston in Double Cylinder Single Acting Piston Pump

  26. 偶数齿形匀速运动带式烧结机参数研究

    Reserch into Parameters for Designing an Uniform Motion Sintering Chain with an Even-Number-Teeth Sprocket

  27. 通过检测在变换后参量空间的积累程度,可以识别处于匀速运动的目标。

    Constant velocity targets are detected by accumulating data in the Hough parameter space .

  28. 匀速运动点电荷电场的一种计算方法

    A Method of Computation of Electric Field in Uniform Motion of Point Electric Charge

  29. 沿轴线方向匀速运动的线性电四极子的电磁场

    The electromagnetic field of a linear electric quadrupole moving uniformly along the axis of the quadrupole

  30. 较好地解决对匀速运动目标命中问题的求解,图解逼近法具有单方向收敛的优点。

    The methods can solve fairly good the hit problem of moving target at uniform speed .