
chén yún
  • dust cloud
尘云[chén yún]
  1. 产生的尘云将会笼罩整个星球长达几周。

    The dust cloud will envelop the planet within weeks .

  2. 铝粉粉尘云和戊烷云雾燃烧诱导爆炸研究

    Explosions Induced by Combustion of Aluminum Dust Cloud and Pentane Vapor

  3. 另一组更倾向于“北落师门b”是笼罩在尘云中的系外行星这一假设。

    The other group favors the hypothesis that Fomalhaut b is an exoplanet , albeit one shrouded in dust .

  4. 这种情形意味着那里有冷分子气体,它是形成大质量高温星、产生HⅡ区的原始气尘云残余。

    This circumstance means that cool molecular gas is located there , a vestige of the original gas-dust cloud from which not massive stars were formed , spawning HII zones .

  5. 实验中,观察到两种粉尘火焰,即湍流火焰和层流火焰,火焰形态转变对应的点火延迟时间约等于1.1s,即粉尘云湍流运动强度为10cm/s。

    The transition occurs when the ignition delay time is about 1.1 s , corresponding to a turbulence level of 10 cm / s.

  6. 试验粉尘为玉米粉(平均直径5μm),采用YA-16高速摄影机观察了激波特性和粉尘云的发展。

    Corn starch particles ( mean diameter 5 μ m ) were used as dust particles . The behaviors of shockwaves and developments of dust cloud were observed using YA-16 highspeed camera .

  7. 通过对Godbert-Greenwald恒温炉分析与改造,设计了粉尘云最小点火温度实验装置,并建立了相应的测试系统。

    Through the analysis and reform of Godbert-Greenwald constant temperature furnace , an improved experiment equipment for determining the minimum ignition temperature of dust clouds is designed , and a corresponding measurement system is also set up .

  8. 用脉冲激光法引爆并测定粉尘云最小点火能量

    Pulsed-Laser Blasting for Dust Cloud with Minimum Ignition Energy Determined

  9. 狂风间歇地席卷火星上的尘云。

    Violent winds periodically drive clouds of dust around Mars .

  10. 粉尘云激波点火现象实验研究

    Experimental study of the ignition phenomena on suspended dust

  11. 激波诱导的燃烧粉尘云边界层的结构

    The structure of combustion dust cloud within boundary layer induced by shock wave

  12. 工业粉尘云爆炸下限的实验研究

    Experimental Studies of Lower Explosible Limit of Industrial Dusts

  13. 粉尘云最小点火能测试方法的比较与分析

    Comparison and Analysis of Different Testing Methods of Minimum Ignition Energy of Dust Cloud

  14. 郁郁葱葱的,鲜活的乐园现在变成一团丑陋的太空尘云。

    The lush , vibrant paradise was now an ugly cloud of space dust .

  15. 粉尘云最小点火能量的计算机辅助测试

    CAT of Dust Cloud Minimal Ignition Energy

  16. 敏感条件对粉尘云最小点火能的影响规律分析

    Analysis on the Influencing Laws of Sensitive Conditions on Minimum Ignition Energy of Dust Clouds

  17. 粉尘云最小点火温度测试实验系统设计

    Design of the Experiment System for the Determination of the Minimum Ignition Temperature of Dust Clouds

  18. 她那强大的尘云。

    Her mighty dust cloud .

  19. 另外,燃烧粉尘云轮廓及颗粒点火时间的理论值与实验结果较一致,说明此模型能很好地描述上述流动特征。

    The theoretical results of dust cloud height and particle ignition time are in good agreement with those of experiments .

  20. 实验分析表明泄爆过程中,导管内有效可燃粉尘云是影响二次燃爆的主要因素。

    Through the experimental result the effective combustible dust is the main influencing factor of the secondary combustion and explosion .

  21. 报道了用脉冲激光引爆并测定粉尘云最小点火能量的方法。

    A new experimental set-up has been developed using pulsed-laser to blast various dust clouds with minimum ignition energy determined at once .

  22. 该方法的发展为精确估计沙尘云辐射强迫和评估沙尘云的直接和间接辐射效应奠定了基础。

    The retrieval method lays the foundation on accurately estimating dusty cloud radiative forcing and evaluating direct and indirect effect of dust aerosols on cloud .

  23. 根据激光雷达特有物理量对沙尘气溶胶的不同判定标准,对沙尘事件的强度、持续时间、沙尘云厚度以及沙尘天气的污染特征进行了解析和探讨。

    Depending on different verdict standards , the discussion on the intensity , duration , dust cloud thickness and other characters of dust events was demonstrated .

  24. 以对粉尘云状态参数的定量测定为基础,对玉米粉尘火焰在开口垂直管道中向上传播的过程进行了实验研究。

    Based on the quantitative determination of dust cloud parameters , the upward flame propagation through cornstarch dust clouds was investigated in an open vertical duct .

  25. 很多观测站在地表观测了撞击全过程,科学家希望撞击所激起的尘云和碎石能为研究“卓越湖”区域的地质构成提供依据。

    Observatories watched the event from Earth and scientists hoped the cloud of dust and debris would provide clues to the geological composition of the site .

  26. 对所采集煤尘样品进行实验分析,测定了不同粒径范围下煤尘层和煤尘云的最低着火温度。

    Analyzed the coal dust samples we collected , mensurated the minimum ignition temperature of coal dust layer and coal dust cloud in different diameter range .

  27. 粉尘云最小点火能是粉尘爆炸重要的特性参数之一,是采取粉尘爆炸防护的基础。

    Minimum ignition energy ( MIE ) of dust cloud is an important characteristic parameters of dust explosion , which is the basis of dust explosion protection .

  28. 实验证明,点火药头药剂不同,其化学点火具的点火延迟时间不同,对粉尘云的最大压力上升速率及相关研究结果的影响十分显著。

    Experiments show that the different compositions make different ignition delay time , and their effects are remarkable on the maximum velocity of pressure rise and related research of dust cloud .

  29. 研究结果表明,密闭容器中氮气、氩气对镁粉尘云的惰化效果具有相似性,但两者对爆炸超压的影响不同,随着氧浓度的降低氩气惰化效果的增加较氮气的明显。

    The results showed that the inert effect of nitrogen to Mg powder explosion in confined vessel was similar to argon , but they showed different effect on the explosion overpressure .

  30. 他们用高度腐蚀性的化学制剂分离出被认为是不可能来自与我们的太阳系同源相关的尘云。

    They used highly corrosive chemical agents to isolate grains that seemed like they could not possibly have come from the relatively homogenous dusty cloud that gave rise to the solar system .