
duì liè
  • queue;formation;train
队列 [duì liè]
  • [formation] 队伍的行列

  • 队列缓缓前进

队列[duì liè]
  1. 基于消息队列和Web服务的分布式系统异步交互方式体系架构

    Construct distributed application system base on Web services and message queue

  2. 如果您想完全避免冲突问题,请为您的发起队列选择一个不以SYSTEM开始的名称。

    If you want to avoid this problem altogether , choose a different name for your initiation queue that does not begin with SYSTEM .

  3. 士兵在政府大楼外面来回练习队列行进。

    Soldiers were marching up and down outside the government buildings .

  4. 各队已整好了队列。

    The teams formed up into lines .

  5. 将军神情忧郁地望着队列经过。

    The general watched the process with an air of melancholy .

  6. 阅兵队列沿宾夕法尼亚大道缓慢而庄严地行进。

    A military parade marched slowly and solemnly down Pennsylvania Avenue .

  7. 舞蹈演员们排成一个人形队列。

    The dancers step into a formation which represents the human being .

  8. 这个营在营地广场上排成以连为单位的队列。

    The battalion formed up by companies on the barrack square .

  9. 上周五,他来到学校后,发现没有垃圾需要清理。他看到近800名学生在走廊里成队列站着,他们拿着手工卡片,吹着扩音器,为他大声唱着生日快乐歌。

    Last Friday , after he arrived at the school , instead of finding garbage to clean up , he found almost 800 students lining the hallways with handmade cards , blowing noisemakers and singing a full-throated happy birthday to him .

  10. 呈V形队列飞行的鹅可以比单独飞行时要飞得更远70%的距离。

    Geese flying in a V shape can fly 70 percent farther without than birds flying alone .

  11. 快乐的;积极向上的。活泼的音乐和队列表演使开幕式的气氛轻松欢快。

    Live music and a parade set an upbeat mood for the official opening .

  12. 马车队列队从城里经过。

    A cavalcade processed through town .

  13. 输入ERROR作为队列的名称并单击OK。

    Enter ERROR for the queue name and click OK .

  14. host&队列管理器驻留的主机名或IP地址。

    Host-the hostname or IP address where the queue manager resides .

  15. 针对随机早期检测算法(RED)参数配置困难的问题,提出了一种自适应阈值RED(SATRED)主动队列管理算法。

    Random early detection ( RED ) is an effective algorithm for active queue management .

  16. RED队列稳态误差分析

    Steady State Error Analysis of RED Queue

  17. 研究了在不同队列长度、不同概率p(呼叫时到达间隔时间为0的概率)情况下令牌桶算法的健壮性。

    Robustness of the token bucket algorithm is studied under the condition of different token banks and probability p.

  18. DigitalUnix实时消息队列传递机制及其应用

    Digital UNIX Realtime Message Queue Passing Mechanism and Its Application

  19. go()方法传递两个字符串,一个用于队列管理器,一个用于队列名。

    The go () method is passed two strings , one for the queue manager and one for the queue name .

  20. 自适应模糊BLUE主动队列管理算法

    Adaptive Fuzzy Blue Active Queue Management Algorithm

  21. 一个consumer获得锁,运行任务,并把队列清空。

    One consumer gets the lock , works the task , and leaves the queue empty .

  22. 创建控制表、复制队列映射和Q订阅。

    Create control tables , replication queue maps , and Q subscriptions .

  23. 该模式与前面模式的区别是,它在发送Web服务回复之前等待响应队列上的响应消息。

    The difference is that this pattern waits for a response message on a response queue before sending the Web service reply .

  24. 提出了一种基于网络前端速率的单参数模糊自适应PID信元队列控制机制并对其进行了稳定性和鲁棒性分析。

    This paper proposes a fuzzy and adaptive PID control mechanism and analyzes its robustness .

  25. QoS体系中的主动队列管理算法研究综述

    Overview of Active Queuing Management Algorithm in QoS Architecture

  26. 更改队列管理器通道以使用CA

    Altering queue manager channels to require CA

  27. 请注意,如果您使用SI总线,则与队列管理器名称无关。

    Notice that the Queue Manager Name is irrelevant if you use the SI Bus .

  28. BPEIntQueue:BPEContainer的内部队列,用于在流程内部的活动之间导航。

    BPEIntQueue : Internal queue in the BPE Container used for navigation between activities inside a process .

  29. 基于Delphi循环队列概念模型的设计

    The Cyclic Queues Design of Concept Model Based on Delphi

  30. 如果它准备处理新请求,write()方法就会为请求处理而将该客户机排到队列中。

    If it is ready to handle a new request , the write () method enqueues the client for request processing .