
  1. 这个队正争取保住它在联赛中的位置。

    The team is bidding to retain its place in the league .

  2. 他们队正全力以赴准备两年后第三次赢得联赛冠军。

    They are chasing their third league title in two years .

  3. 我们的足球队正与邻镇的足球队争夺冠军称号。

    Our football team is contending with one from the next town for the championship .

  4. 紧张万分的时刻:原美国前总统克林顿以及滚石乐队主唱MickJagger(米克·贾格尔)结伴观看比赛,他们的表情为什么那么严肃呢?原来美国队正1球落后呢。好家伙!

    Tense Times : The former US President and his rockstar companion watch nervously as the USA goes a goal down

  5. 因为他们有一名愿意测试和兑现他们的天赋上限的疯狂主教练,密尔沃基雄鹿队正处于一个独特的地位,挑战着现代NBA比赛的打法。

    and because they have a coach crazy enough to experiment with and extract the bounds of their talents , the Milwaukee Bucks are in a unique position to challenge the way the NBA game is currently played .

  6. 应约旦的要求,一支由F16战斗机和爱国者导弹构成的分遣队正随时待命。

    A detachment of F-16 fighter jets and Patriot missiles are staying at the request of Jordan .

  7. 西班牙人带着闪耀的履历来到了科克比学院,而在其调教下的U18队正转变成一只踢出华丽足球的球队,这更作证了其证书的成色十足。

    The Spaniard arrived in Kirkby with a glittering CV and has since bolstered his credentials by moulding an U18 side that turned heads with its attractive style of football .

  8. 一支抢救队正设法接近陷于井下的矿工。

    A rescue team are trying to reach the trapped miners .

  9. 这两个足球队正争夺欧洲冠军。

    The two football teams are competing for the European Championship .

  10. 图片显示这个队正开始欧洲之行。

    The team is pictured setting off on their European tour .

  11. 据报道,湖人队正考虑其他选择,尽管选择少之又少。

    The Lakers are reportedly mulling alternatives , though there are few options ;

  12. 现在,库里和他的金州勇士队正行进在为创造又一个成就的正确道路上。

    Now , Curry and the Golden State Warriors are right road of adding another accomplishment .

  13. 鹈鹕队正寻求一个多方交易来达到他们最佳的资产组合。

    The Pelicans are seeking a multi-team trade scenario in order to acquire their preferred combination of assets .

  14. 从极端事件岩土勘察队正计划到日本旅行,研究破坏。

    A team from Geotechnical Extreme Events Reconnaissance is planning a trip to Japan to examine the destruction .

  15. 迦纳队正享受著世界杯带来的节日般的气氛,他们已经准备好要去颠覆世界冠军。

    After SOT The Black Stars are enjoying the party atmosphere and are ready to upset the world champions .

  16. 当时,美国海岸防卫队正准备从波士顿港撤走所有留守人员,实现灯塔全自动化。

    The United States Coast Guard was preparing to automate and remove all remaining personnel from the old lighthouse in Boston Harbour .

  17. 前任美国第一夫人贝蒂福德的最后一次悼念仪式在她的故乡密歇根州的大急流城举行,军方仪仗队正搬运着她的棺木。

    And with a military honor guard carrying her casket , the final memorial service was held for Betty Ford in her hometown of Grand Rapids , Michigan .

  18. 应不断上涨的房价和劣质住房,一群主要由唐人街老年人组成的低收入者跨越了语言和文化障碍,组成一队正努力改变他们的街区面貌。

    In response to rising rents and shoddy housing , a group of low-income , mostly elderly Chinatownrenters have crossed language and cultural barriers to change to theirneighborhood .

  19. 这支队伍很有希望赢得伦敦奥运会的女子团体冠军,要是在八年前中国队正处于上升态势时,几乎没有人会做这样的预测吧。

    The team is favored to win the women 's team gold medal in London , something few would have predicted eight years ago when the Chinese were ascendant .

  20. 在斯坦科维奇杯和伦敦奥运会测试赛的不佳战绩之后,中国男子篮球队正从头开始。

    China 's men 's basketball team is heading back to the drawing board after less than stellar results at the Stankovic Cup and a London Olympic test event .

  21. 阿森纳队正是其中之一,而阿森纳队对贝克汉姆也是心仪很久。据悉,阿森纳队目前正在为今年夏天引进这名英格兰队队长进行有关筹划。

    Arsenal , one of the few clubs he would be keen to play for in the Premiership , will consider making an offer for the England captain in the summer .

  22. 一队士兵正朝我们走过来。

    A contingent of soldiers was marching towards us .

  23. 我透过窗户向荒原望去,我们俩都看到一队人正穿行于石楠丛中。

    I looked out of the window at the moor . We could both see the line of men walking through the heather .

  24. 迦洛德突然发现另一队恶魔正盘旋在戴斯德上空,而企图让戴斯德离开道路。

    Jarod caught sight of another group of demons hovering over Desdel , and so Jarod tried to pull Desdel out of the way .

  25. 竞技体育融入学校体育的领域是当今世界体育发展的一大特点,我国高校成立高水平运动队,正是适应了这种发展趋势的需要。

    The tournament athletics being melt into the realm of schools ' athletics is a big characteristic of the athletics development of the world nowadays , the universities of our country establishes the high level sport brigade just to adapt the demand of this kind of development trend exactly .

  26. 杰克:“哈哈。Slash(对了),我正在看这个视频,太阳队的球员正试着用一只眼投篮。”

    Jake : " Haha . Slash I 'm watching this video with suns players trying to shoot with one eye . "

  27. 对了,我正在看这个视频,太阳队的球员正试着用一只眼投篮。

    Slash I 'm watching this video with suns players trying to shoot with one eye .

  28. 老姚过去三年接受了四个手术,火箭队担心他们正来到转折点。

    With four surgeries in three years , the Rockets worried they were reaching a breaking point .

  29. 我们发现两个现实生活中突击队表示,正忙于结算解闷从公司圣诞派对,美利坚合众国。

    We discovered two real life commandos that are busy clearing boredom from corporate Christmas parties of America .

  30. 据法新社报道,最近,日本国家足球队教练冈田武史正忙着回绝那些聘他做农夫的邀请。

    Japan 's coach Takeshi Okada says he has been declining offers to become a farmer , AFP reported .