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  1. 商业银行的企业房产抵押贷款研究

    The Study on the Enterprises ' Property Mortgaged Loan of Commercial Bank

  2. 一段时间以来,银行家们一直在警告称,随着经济放缓迫使企业拖欠抵押贷款偿付,商业地产将成为下一个亏损源头。

    Bankers have been warning for some time that commercial real estate would be the next source of losses as the slowing economy forces companies to fall back on mortgage payments .

  3. 2007年,花旗集团(citigroup)和贝尔斯登(bearstearns)等机构在理论上分离的企业中持有抵押贷款衍生品或对冲基金。

    In 2007 , institutions such as Citigroup and Bear Stearns held mortgage derivatives or hedge funds in supposedly segregated companies .

  4. 奥巴马政府扶持银行、管理汽车企业、重写抵押贷款合同、追捕白领罪犯。

    Mr Obama is propping up banks , managing car firms , re-writing mortgage contracts and chasing white-collar criminals .

  5. “扭转”操作的目的是降低长期借贷成本,从而向企业部门和抵押贷款领域提供更多的贷款。

    This aims to lower long-term borrowing costs , and thus supply more credit to the business sector and mortgage world .

  6. 债券部分可以选择一支基金,比如富达债券总指数基金,该基金持有高等级中期企业债券、抵押贷款及政府和政府机构债务。

    For the bond component , pick a fund such as the Fidelity Total Bond fund that largely owns high-grade , intermediate-term corporate bonds and mortgages , along with government and and agency debt .

  7. 白宫表示,总统将提名企业周转专家、抵押贷款巨头房地美前任董事会主席约翰•科斯基宁为新任美国国税局局长。

    The White House says the president will nominate John Koskinen , a corporate turnaround specialist and former chairman of mortgage giant Freddie Mac , to be the new commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service .

  8. 银行贷款的四种贷款技术中,财务报表型贷款比较适合大企业,抵押担保型贷款比较适合中等规模企业。

    In four kinds of loan technology of the bank loan , the financial statement type grants the loan and is relatively suitable for the big enterprise , the guaranteeing type of the mortgage grants the loan and is relatively suitable for medium-sized scale enterprises .

  9. 对于自身实力有限、发展依赖中小企业的中小商业银行来说,目前传统的中小企业固定资产抵押贷款模式仍然无法满足中小企业的融资需求。

    Currently , for those small and medium commercial banks which have limited strength and depend on SMEs , the traditional mortgage lending model of fixed assets of SMEs could hardly meet their financing needs .

  10. 我们问的问题是,在下列金融服务领域,英国五强企业占据多大的市场份额:零售银行、企业银行、抵押贷款、保险和再保险、政府债券发行、外汇、信贷互换和衍生品?

    What , we are asking , was the UK market share of the top five companies in the following financial services : retail banking , corporate banking , mortgages , insurance and re-insurance , government bond issuance , foreign exchange , and credit swaps and derivatives ?