
huì bào
  • report;review;report back;give an account of
汇报 [huì bào]
  • [report;give an account of] 综合材料向上级(或群众)报告

  • 汇报工作

汇报[huì bào]
  1. 那封信指示他立即向总部汇报。

    The letter instructed him to report to headquarters immediately .

  2. 如果有什么事要向我汇报,立即给我打电话。

    Call me urgently if you have anything to report .

  3. 他们汇报说并没有真正发生违法的事。

    They reported back that no laws had actually been broken .

  4. 他被带到美国空军基地汇报执行使命情况。

    He was taken to a US airbase to be debriefed on the mission .

  5. 尽量查找有关他的资料,向我汇报。

    Find out as much as you can about him and report back to me .

  6. 应由其中一名组员准备向全班汇报你们的讨论情况。

    One person in the group should be prepared to report back to the class on your discussion .

  7. 他向中央情报局汇报完任务执行情况后就去了里约热内卢。

    He went to Rio after the CIA had debriefed him .

  8. 当然,他会汇报整个审议过程的情况。

    He would , of course , report back on all deliberations

  9. 首相已听取了她议会助手的简要汇报。

    The Prime Minister has been briefed by her parliamentary aides .

  10. 我一找到他就马上汇报。

    I 'll report back the moment I have located him

  11. 她决定把这件事汇报给医院的护士长。

    She resolved to report the matter to the hospital 's nursing manager

  12. 英国和沙特阿拉伯的官员听取了他们的情况汇报。

    The men have been debriefed by British and Saudi officials

  13. 她必须向朱塞佩修女汇报自己的活动。

    She had to report her comings and goings to Sister Giuseppe .

  14. 官员们没有将重要信息汇报给他们的上司。

    Officials failed to pass vital information to their superiors

  15. 这一事件已汇报给监狱长。

    The incident was reported to the prison governor .

  16. 他来此是进行身体检查,并听取国务院官员的汇报。

    He is here for medical check-ups and debriefing by State Department officials .

  17. 向他们汇报的消息中很多都是道听途说。

    Much of what was reported to them was hearsay

  18. 你需要向布赖恩汇报,听从他的指挥。

    You are to answer to Brian , to take your orders from him .

  19. 这些团队应于明年年初向首相汇报情况。

    The teams are due to report back to the Prime Minister early next year

  20. 我现在要去教区牧师家拜访,然后适时向你汇报情况。

    I 'll now call at the vicarage and report to you in due course .

  21. 每个居民区都有自己的侦探组织,他们向当局汇报陌生人的情况。

    Each neighborhood had its own organization of snoops who reported strangers to the authorities .

  22. 已经确定了一个日子,届时将向所有的市政委员汇报有关该建议的最新进展情况。

    A day has been set aside to bring all councillors up to speed on the proposal

  23. 他把我们的研发情况作了汇报。

    He has given a report on every aspect of our research and development .

  24. 那个学生向他父母汇报考试情况:已考完五科,还剩两科。

    The student reported to his parents on his exams : five down and two to go .

  25. 听了汇报后,新任经理对公司的情况有了个轮廓。

    After hearing the reports , the newly-appointed manager got a general picture of the situation in the company .

  26. 把实验中你观察的东西记下来,我回来后向我汇报。

    Get down what you have observed in the experiment and report it to me after I come back .

  27. 而且他们会花费更多的时间在相互合作上,而不是向上级汇报。

    They are also spending more time working with each other rather than reporting upwards .

  28. 一位女士在患了引发手部剧痛的自身免疫疾病以后,被鼓励尝试编织,她在工艺纱理事会的网站上汇报说,她的手现在不那么僵硬和疼痛了。

    A woman encouraged to try knitting and crocheting after developing an autoimmune disease that caused a lot of hand pain reported on the Craft Yarn Council site that her hands are now less stiff and painful .

  29. 请听Lan说一会儿,他将向我们汇报公司上个季度的业绩。

    e.g. Please give your ear to Lan for a moment . He 's going to update us about the company 's performance last quarter .

  30. 我将向你汇报。

    I shall report to you .