
huì jí
  • adduct;collect;compile;come together;confluence;converge
汇集 [huì jí]
  • [compile;collect] 累积

  • 将大多数选票汇集起来

汇集[huì jí]
  1. 这些指令都被截流了,转向骑士公司或其主要竞争对手Citadel公司、花旗(Citigroup)和瑞银(UBS)的电脑系统,由这些系统对汇集的数百万交易指令进行撮合。

    Instead , they get cut off , diverted into the computer systems of knight or its main competitors citadel , Citigroup and UBS , which match those with the millions of other orders they collect .

  2. 山使雨水汇集谷中,使地肥沃多结果子。

    The hills collect the rain for a hundred fruitful valleys .

  3. 旧城区汇集了许多教堂、大宅院和清真寺。

    The Old Town has a whole collection of churches , palaces and mosques .

  4. 数百辆长途汽车将会在首都汇集。

    Hundreds of coaches will converge on the capital .

  5. 这个发动机汇集了现代最顶尖的科技。

    This engine uses all the most modern technology

  6. 该建议是在汇集提取了心脏专家小组的意见后作出的。

    The advice is based on the distilled wisdom of a panel of heart specialists .

  7. 该节目重新开播了,新系列中汇集了一大批音乐家和喜剧剧目。

    The programme is back for a new series with a great line-up of musicians and comedy acts .

  8. 如同大多数极端天气状况一样,其剧烈程度是由于几种气象条件反常地汇集在一起造成的。

    Like most cases of extreme weather , its severity was due to an unusual confluence of events .

  9. 五条小河的水都汇集在这里。

    Water from five streams collected at this place .

  10. 我正在为交通事故的报告汇集统计数字。

    I am compiling statistics for a report on traffic accidents .

  11. 这部书是由一系列讲义汇集整理而成的。

    The book grew out of a series of lectures .

  12. 西班牙是一个汇集了多种传统和民族的国家。

    Spain is a composite of diverse traditions and people .

  13. 该办公室乃是自私者与谄媚者汇集之处

    The office is a menagerie of egotists and sycophants .

  14. 多种社会因素的汇集

    a confluence of social factors

  15. 《意见》指出,把更多优质内容、先进技术、专业人才、项目资金向互联网主阵地汇集、向移动端倾斜。

    The document calls for assembling more quality content , advanced technologies , professional talent and funds to internet platforms and mobile terminals .

  16. 这些广大的参与者逐渐汇集到一个由热情的Go程序员组成的专门社区。

    That cross-section grew to become a dedicated community of enthusiastic Go coders .

  17. 我们汇集的角色与职责可以用于您的工作分解结构(workbreakdownstructure)。

    Our collection of roles and responsibilities can serve as input to your work breakdown structure .

  18. 完整的模型只是为我们汇集的每一篇blog日志重复这个结构而已。

    The full model simply repeats this structure for each blog that we aggregate .

  19. HFC网络回传通道干扰与均衡汇集问题的探讨

    Discussion of Collecting Disturbance and Equalization in Return Path of HFC Network

  20. 本文设计与实现了一种基于DOM技术的合并XML文档的方法,解决了数据汇集的问题。

    The paper also designs a method of mergence of XML files based on DOM technology and resolves data mergence .

  21. 皇家历史学会(theRoyalHistoricalSociety)是英国汇集从事学术工作的历史学家和研究人员最多的机构,其中许多学者都很苦恼,因为他们的学术兴趣遭到了漠视。

    Many fellows of the Royal Historical Society , Britain 's largest grouping of academic historians and researchers , fret that their interests are being disregarded .

  22. Web服务社区缺少的内容就是一个地方,将各种角色的成员汇集在一起,来讨论测试和其他与Web服务相关的问题。

    Something that the Web services community has been lacking is a place where all members in all various roles can come together to discuss testing and other concerns related to Web services .

  23. 系统基于XML元数据进行异构消解,采用DOM技术实现数据汇集,屏蔽了后台的多个局部数据库的异构性,提供给用户一个统一的查询界面,较好的解决了分布式信息查询的问题。

    The system resolves the query of distributed information by masking the heterogeneity of the local databases and offering a unified query interface to the user .

  24. 多功能的GIS为地质学家们提供了查询、汇集、分析、显示、修正和绘制各种勘探和开发图件等的强有力工具。

    A complete GIS can provide geologists a powerful tool for the inquiry , collection , analysis , display , modification and drawing of various data of hydrocarbon exploration and development .

  25. 本研究所实现的KPI汇集使能器实现了数据源、汇集方法、汇集过程的动态指定。

    The KPI aggregator implements dynamical generation of the data sources , aggregate methods and aggregate processes .

  26. AMB地产在巴西的战略类似于在其他10个国家所做工作的汇集。

    AMB 's strategy in Brazil is similar to efforts it has mounted in10 other countries .

  27. 它们要么手工,要么使用导入Excel电子表格或者Word表格的软件,来汇集测试结果,分析测试结果,然后生成产品报告。

    They compile the results of testing either manually or with homegrown programs that import the Excel spreadsheets or Word tables , process the test results , and then produce reports .

  28. 它汇集了近几年来国内外对PPTA浆粕纤维在制备工艺,成型机理以及应用等方面的研究成果,并对目前国内外主要采用的纺丝法,非纺直接法工艺分别进行了讨论。

    Both spinning and nonspinning process of producing PPTA pulp are discussed respectively .

  29. CSP生产流程中尚可汇集形变热处理工艺,因此CSP工艺技术将拓展出更广阔的产品范围。

    The ausforming process can be joined in the CSP production line . Thus the product scope of CSP could be widened .

  30. G1→S期之间的调控点是细胞内外信号经传递、整合汇集到细胞核,对细胞的增殖进行调控的关键点,该点调控异常与肿瘤发生、发展关系密切。

    The checkpoint between G1 and S phase is a key point involved in the regulation of cell proliferation , through which the intracellular and extracellular signal can be transmitted and integrated to nucles .