
  • 网络Portal area;P-P
  1. 肝组织IL-17染色位于汇管区,与纤维化高度相关;

    IL-17 mainly located in portal area and was associated with fibrosis extent closely .

  2. bcl-2在肝纤维化大鼠肝组织中的表达明显高于正常肝组织,且主要表达在纤维间隔、汇管区等组织中。

    And the expression of Bcl-2 in liver fibrosis rats tissue was obviously higher than the normal liver tissue , with the main expression in the fibrous septae and portal area .

  3. Masson染色结果显示结扎肝叶中央静脉周围及汇管区出现广泛的胶原沉积,而未结扎叶肝脏则无明显胶原沉积。

    Masson staining showed that collagen deposited around the central veins and portal areas of the ligated lobes .

  4. 结果正常对照组大鼠肝组织中MC数量极少,仅(2.5±1.0)个,主要沿肝脏汇管区分布;

    Results In normal rat livers there were a few mast cells ( 2.5 ± 1.0 ) distributed along the hepatic portal areas .

  5. 结果:在诱癌2wk,CKIT和PCNA阳性细胞首先出现在汇管区,以后时间逐渐增加,CKIT阳性细胞在22wk逐渐减少。

    RESULTS : The positive cells of C kit and PCNA were first appeared in the port area in the second week and gradually increased in the subsequent time .

  6. Masson染色示B组肝脏汇管区扩大,多数汇管区可见胶原纤维增生形成纤维隔,肝小叶结构基本完整;

    Masson stain show that relative majority portal tracts are expand and full of collagen fiber in group B , and the fibrous septa encircled the hepatic lobule , but the lobular structure is normal .

  7. 在酒精组BFGF的表达除位于血管内皮细胞外,还位于窦周细胞、纤维间隔内浸润细胞的胞浆及汇管区、纤维间隔区的细胞外基质中。

    In normal liver , BFGF expressed in endothelial cells lining major vessels whereas positive reactions were observed in sinusoidal cells and extracellular matrix of fibrous bands In ethanol-fed rats .

  8. 免疫组化阳性的标本PCR结果全阳性。细菌主要位于肝窦内,亦有些位于汇管区内。

    IHC also showed that in most of the cases , H. pylori were located in sinus hepaticus , and in some cases , in portal area . In addition , IHC positive tissues were all shown PCR positive .

  9. 结果:大鼠肝脏表达瘦素mRNA及蛋白,瘦素蛋白阳性染色主要见于肝窦、汇管区、炎症区域,其mRNA及蛋白表达随肝纤维化发展而增多。

    RESULTS : The rat liver does express both leptin mRNA and protein , its protein mainly stained at hepatic sinusoids , portal area and inflammatory regions , and its mRAN and protein expression increased as the liver fibrosis developed .

  10. 在感染肝组织中,汇管区浸润细胞以CD4+T细胞为主,小叶内坏死区中以CD8+T细胞为主,与单纯HBV感染者比较,两者差异无显著性。

    In the infected hepatic tissue the infiltrated cells in portal area were mainly CD4 + T lymphocytes . By the contrast , in the intralobular and perilobular necrosis area CD8 + T lymphocytes were dominant .

  11. 结果表明:肝汇管区MC呈棕褐色;胃粘膜上皮及粘膜下结缔组织内MC分别被染成蓝色和棕褐色;

    The results demonstrate that MCS in the liver portal area and gastric submucosal connective tissues were stained dark brown whereas those in the gastric mucosal epithelium and in the lamina propria of the intestinal mucosa stained blue .

  12. 病理组织学检查结果表明给予HDN后可明显减轻肝脏损伤程度,表现为肝细胞水样变性和脂肪变性显著减少,汇管区无明显炎细胞浸润。

    The histopathological analysis showed that HDN can significantly alleviate the symptoms in the hepatopathy rats including hepatic steatosis , lobular inflammatory cells infiltration and necrosis .

  13. 结果:NASH模型大鼠肝组织出现了严重脂肪变和不同程度的炎症细胞浸润、肝细胞坏死、汇管区渗出;

    Results : The liver tissue of NASH rats showed severe steatosis , and different degrees of inflammation , cell infiltration , necrosis of hepatocytes and exudation in the portal area as compared with the normal rats ;

  14. 结果MMP2、MTMMP2mRNA及相关抗原在间质细胞和部分肝细胞中表达,以纤维间隔及汇管区最为明显。

    Results MMP-2 , MT-MMP-2 mRNA and related antigens were expressed in mesenchymal cells and parts of hepatocytes besides active pathological changes , especially in the fibrous septum and portal area .

  15. 6周模型组肝细胞大量坏死,中央静脉及汇管区纤维隔形成,与4周模型组相比IL-1β及IL-1βR阳性细胞明显减少(P<0.01);

    In 6 week group the necrosis of hepatocytes was serious and the fibrotic septa formed around central vein and portal area . The positive cells of IL-1_ β and IL-1_ β R decreased obviously compared with that of 4 week group ( P < 0.01 ) .

  16. 光镜下检查显示,BDL组及PTX组均可见肝细胞坏死及增生,汇管区可见胆管扩张、胆汁淤积,肝坏死程度以BDL组为重。

    Microscope examination showed that liver cell necrosis was heavier in BDL group than that in PTX group . Bile was filled up in bile duck in both group .

  17. 原位杂交阳性8例(444%)。TTV阳性表达细胞散在分布于肝小叶内,坏死区及汇管区旁较密集。

    Out of the 18 cases , TTV DNAs was detected in 8 cases ( 44.4 % ), in which the positive cells were scattered in the intralobular areas and more aggregated in the periportal and necrotic areas .

  18. 实验结果:胆总管结扎2w后肝小叶汇管区有明显的间质细胞和胆管增生及肝纤维化,胆总管结扎4w导致肝硬变形成;

    The results have showed that marked proliferation of liver mesenchymal cells and bile duct and liver fibrosis became apparent after 2 weeks of biliary obstruction , 4 weeks of biliary obstruction led to liver cirrhosis ;

  19. 4wk时可见大面积出血性坏死,汇管区明显增宽,窦壁细胞增生显著,有大量的长梭形细胞附着,窦壁增厚,肝窦甚至扭曲;

    On 4 wk , the lesion consisted of a large areas of hemorrhagic necrosis and enlarged portal tracts , sinusoid wall cells intensely proliferated , and attached with numerous long fusiform cells ;

  20. 汇管区炎细胞浸润42例次(79.25%)。

    42 ( 79.25 % ) of inflammatory cells infiltration in portal area ;

  21. 结论卵圆细胞起源于汇管区的胆管上皮;

    Conclusions The oval cells originate from bile duct of the periportal regions .

  22. 肝细胞发生颗粒和脂肪变性,汇管区血管充血;

    Liver cells granular degeneration and fatty degeneration , vessels of portal area engorgement ;

  23. 在肝脏、汇管区阳性反应明显多于小叶中央区。

    Peripheral cells of the hepatic lobules showed stronger'immunostaining'than those in the central zone .

  24. 网状纤维主要分布在汇管区、纤维隔、炎症区、肝窦旁、实质细胞周围;

    Distribution of reticular fiber was similar to collagen fiber , besides around hepatocyte circumference .

  25. 汇管区淋巴细胞聚集;

    Lymphocytic aggregations at portal areas .

  26. 组织病理学变化:肝脏,肝细胞空泡变性,胆管增生。肝小叶内和汇管区有小灶性的浆细胞浸润和嗜酸性粒细胞浸润,及后期肝细胞极度肿胀;

    Histopathology transformations : Liver , vacuolar degeneration and swollen in hepatocytes , small bile ducts proliferated .

  27. 肝脏组织学特点为汇管区纤维增生明显,肝小叶结构正常。

    The histologic characteristics include fibrous proliferation of interlobular portal areas , and normal structure of hepatic lobules .

  28. 肝脏病理显示:汇管区及肝小叶内可见不同程度的炎细胞浸润,以淋巴细胞为主。

    Inflammatory cells most of which were lymphocytes infiltrated in various degree in header and lobules of liver .

  29. 实验结果证实肝动脉注射血管硬化剂无水乙醇后可以引起邻近汇管区肝脏局部坏死,胆管闭塞。

    Experiment result revealed obliteration of the bile duct and necrosis of the liver around the portal tract area .

  30. 不同年龄组间,胆管增生、汇管区面积和肝纤维化及肝硬化有显著性差异。

    The degrees of ductal proliferation and liver cirrhosis around porta hepatis differed among the children of different age groups .