
  1. 从虚瘀痰毒论治顽固性高血压的病因病机,探讨中医对顽固性高血压的治疗方法。

    To treat Resistant hypertension of pathogeny and pathogenesis , and explore Resistant hypertension about therapeutic methods of TCM with the theory of " qi " deficiency , blood stasis , phlegm and toxin .

  2. 痰瘀毒相关论

    Discussion on correlation of phlegm , blood stasis and poison

  3. 风温肺热病;痰热瘀毒阻肺;

    Accumulation of phlegm , Heat , Blood stasis and toxin in the lung ;

  4. 内生湿热体质是痛风性关节炎发病的内在基础,而发病以后内生湿热体质又是进一步产生痰热瘀毒的内在原因。

    Wet-heat constitution is the base of gout arthritis , also is the internal cause of further cause of phlegm-heat and stasis-toxin .

  5. 目的:观察痰清宁治疗脓毒症的临床疗效及动脉血乳酸水平的变化,为中西医结合治疗脓毒症提供新的思路和方法。

    Objective : To observe the clinical efficacy of Tan Qing Ning in treating sepsis and its influence on the level of lactic acid .

  6. [结论]1.脑瘤的病理因素以风、痰、瘀、毒、虚为主,其中癌毒为脑瘤发生发展的关键。

    The pathological factors of brain tumor mainly include wind , phlegm , stasis , toxins and deficiency , in which cancerous toxins are crucial for the development of brain tumor ; 2 .

  7. 随后痰、湿、毒致病等各种病机学说被不断地提出,极大地丰富了对消渴病发病机理的认识,使得临床疗效不断提高。

    Subsequently , sputum , humid , and harm as such pathogenesis theories were constantly raised , greatly enriching the awareness on the pathogenesis of diabetes , which makes therapeutic effect continue to increase .

  8. 导师周岱翰教授根据肺癌的病理机转,认为大体上可将肺癌分为肺郁痰瘀、脾虚痰湿、阴虚痰热、气阴两虚,痰瘀毒结等四个证型。

    According to the pathogenesis , lung cancer were determined form four pattern : lung depression with phlegm stasis , spleen deficiency with phlegm damp , yin deficiency with phlegm heat , qi and yin deficiency and meeting phlegm stasis toxin .