
  • 网络Phlegm
  1. 痰湿体质是多种疾病的发病的重要内因,耗伤阳气、阻碍气机、痰多挟瘀是痰湿体质人群患病后的病机特点。

    Thecommon pathogenesis of phlegm-dampness constitution was consumption of Yang Qi , the stagnation of Qi and Phlegm complicated with stasis .

  2. 夏日里容易烦躁、口渴、喉痛或痰多,吃黄瓜有助于化解炎症。

    In the summer day easy to be agitated , thirsty , sore throat or the phlegm are many , eats the cucumber to be helpful to the melt inflammation .

  3. 用于顽痰阻肺,咳喘痰多之症。

    Dispels phlegm or coughs with abundance of phlegm .

  4. 咳嗽的厉害吗?痰多吗?发烧吗?

    Doctor : Is the cough very bad ? Much sputum ? Any temperature ?

  5. 你咳出来的痰多吗?

    Did you cough up much sputum ?

  6. 纳差痰多加脾,口苦、善叹息加肝胆穴等。

    To add to liver - gall if with bitter taste in the mouth and sighing usually .

  7. 结论清热解毒液雾化吸入能有效预防及减轻留置胃管致咽喉部的疼痛、咽燥、痰多等不适。

    Conclusions Antipyretic and antidote liquid through vapor absorption can effectively treat patients with painful and sputum pharynx by stomach tube .

  8. 伤风感冒,咳嗽痰多,身热发烧,泄呕吐泻,夜啼惊跳。

    It 's traditionally used for relieving phlegm , mild vomiting , diarrhoea , fever , cold , cough and night cry for children .

  9. 能提示严重情况的其他症状,她说,包括全身瘙痒、咳嗽、痰多、呼吸短促、心悸、胸痛及腹泻。

    Other symptoms that can indicate a severe problem , she said , include itching , cough , sputum production , shortness of breath , palpitations , chest pain and diarrhea .