
  • 网络Sputum volume;Sputumvolume;karbotsistein
  1. 经过胸部物理治疗后,24h排痰量治疗组多于对照组(P<0.05);

    Through the chest physical therapy , 24h sputum excretion volume of treatment group was more than that of control group ( P < 0.05 );

  2. 结果:(1)治疗2wk后,试验组哮鸣音的改善优于对照组(P<0.05),咳嗽、痰量、喘息、呼吸困难及FEV1和PEF的2组间比较,无显著差异(P>0.05)。

    RESULTS : ( 1 ) After 2 wk treatment period , the improvement of wheezing in the experiment group was superior to that in the control group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  3. 对两组1周内日排痰量及1周后不吸氧情况下的SPO2以及FEV1%预计值进行比较。

    One week later , the daily sputum volume within the first week , the oxygen saturation ( SPO2 ) without oxygen inhalation and the % of predicted value of forced expiratory volume in one second ( FEV1 % ) were compared .

  4. 湿热咳嗽患者咳嗽程度以轻、中度为主,大部分痰量较少。

    Degree heat cough patients with mild-based , mostly less sputum volume .

  5. 毛细玻璃管法测定单位时间内排痰量;

    The Volume of Sputum was determined by hair-thin tubes ;

  6. 小鼠呼吸道酚红排痰量法、大鼠毛细管排痰量法观察其祛痰作用。

    Observation on the phlegm expelling effect was completed by using phenol red .

  7. 痰量;

    The quantity of sputum ;

  8. 方法:采用浓氨水诱发、电刺激致咳法;酚红祛痰、毛细管排痰量法。

    Methods : Producing cough by Ammonia spirit and electricity , removing sputumn by Fenhong , measuring sputumn capacity with capillary .

  9. 中医方面,对支扩急性期的控制和减少患者痰量、减轻咳嗽方面积累了一些经验。

    We have accumulated some experience in controling of acute period , reducing the amount of expectoration and relieving coughing by some TCM means .

  10. 结果支气管灌洗组在胸片、痰量与性状的疗效率较常规治疗组高(P<0.05~0.01)。

    Results Bronchial-lavage treatment group is superior to routine treatment group in chest radiographs and sputum character , the difference is significant ( P < 0.05 ) .

  11. 方法:考察了紫菀生品及酒洗、蜜炙、清炒、蒸制、醋炙等不同炮制方法的饮片对小鼠气管酚红排泌量的影响和对大鼠气管排痰量的影响。

    Method : Resolving phlegm effects of the different stir-baked slices were evaluated by the excretion of phenol red in mice and the amount of expectoration drainage in rats .

  12. 比较观察两组病人痰液性状、痰量、痰痂、痰细菌培养、肺部感染等变化。

    A comparative study was made about the quality and the quantity of sputum , bacterial culture result and the incidence rate of sputum rheology and pulmonary infection between the two groups .

  13. 结果两组病人痰量比较,治疗前差异无显著性意义(P>005),用药后第3、7天观察组比对照组明显减少(均P<005);

    Results The sputum volume at 3 th and 7 th day after treatment in the observation group was significantly decreased as compared with that in the control group ( P < 0 05 ) .

  14. 临床观察也证明,气管切开后喷雾给药组在控制体温、痰量变化、拔管时间、痰培养与胸片方面也明显优于滴药法。

    Clinical observation also showed that the control of temperature , amount of sputum , extraction of canula-extracting time , sputum culture and X-ray chest film in the former were better than in the latter .

  15. 日排痰量及排痰效果排痰组显著高于人工组(P<0.01,P<0.05)。

    The volume of sputum and the effects of sputum ejection in the sputum ejection group were significantly improved as compared with those in the artificial group ( P < 0.01 and ~ P < ~ 0.05 ) .

  16. 结果雾化吸入紫菀及远志提取物后与吸入前相比,患者痰量增多、痰液干/湿比下降、黏度下降及中性粒细胞膜结合弹力酶表达降低;对照组无类似改变。

    Results After extract aqueous inhalation , the subjects in treatment group presented increased sputum production , decreased dry / wet weight ratio , lower mucosity and suppressed expression of membrane bounded neutrophils elastase compared with those in control group .

  17. 结论:支气管扩张患者并发可逆性气流受限患者应当吸入β2受体激动剂和糖皮质激素治疗,以阻断气流受限,明显减少痰量,利于感染的控制。

    Conclusion β _2-agonist and glucocorticosteroid should be inhaled in patients with bronchiectasia and reversible airflow limitation to block the airflow limitation and decrease the quantity of sputum draining , and they are also beneficial to the control of infection .

  18. 比较治疗前后患者体温、痰量及性质、肺部湿啰音、肺不张者肺段呼吸音情况、血氧饱和度、血气分析的变化及胸部X线表现变化以评价疗效。

    The index we used to evaluate the therapeutic effect include the change of body temperature , quantity and quality of sputum , bellows auscultation , breath sound changing of pulmonary atelectasis , saturation of blood oxygen , blood gas analysis and chest xray .

  19. 所有入选患者均符合①短期内咳嗽、咳痰、气短和(或)喘息加重、痰量增多,呈脓性或粘液脓性,可伴发热等症状。

    All patients were selected in line with : ① All patients have cough , sputum , shortness of breath , and ( or ) add to breathing , increased sputum volume , purulent or purulent mucus , fever may be accompanied by symptoms in short-term .

  20. 呛咳刺激吸痰法吸出痰量多(大于5ml占85%),而粘稠且一次插管成功率高达97%。

    Choke cough stimulate aspiration can suction more sputum ( > 5ml , 85 % ), and viscous . Rate of one intubation tube success was 97 % .

  21. 结果入院原因有咳嗽增加49例、气促加重47例、痰变脓性23例、痰量增加40例、发热12例等。

    Results The reasons for hospitalization were 49 cases of increased cough , 47 case of worsened rabid breathing , 40 cases of increased sputum , 23 cases of yellowish sputum and 12 cases of fever .

  22. 基于pps分析,乙酰半胱氨酸组和盐酸氨溴索组受试者的痰液性状、痰粘度、排痰难易程度、痰量及咳嗽等5项症状在治疗后均有相似的显著改善。

    Based on PPS analysis , the five clinical symptoms of the subjects including the sputum character , sputum viscosity , expectoration difficulty , amount of expectoration and cough for the subjects in the acetylcysteine group and the ambroxol hydrochloride group had similar noticeable improvements after the treatment .