
tè zhǒnɡ bīnɡ
  • special forces;Special Arm;special technical troops
  1. 这部3D战争片的男主人公冷锋(吴京饰)是个痞性十足的特种兵。一次突击行动中他违抗军令打死了毒枭,被开除出队。

    The 3-D war epic centers on Leng Feng , an insubordinate special forces soldier who is expelled from the army because he disobeys orders and shoots a drug lord during an assault mission .

  2. 海军特种兵海上训练卫勤保障特点及训练伤预防

    Feature of Logistic Support and Prevention of Training Wound During Sea training of Navy Special Forces

  3. 他的家人称本•拉登在美国特种兵的袭击中身亡之后,AliKhan曾经在内部会议上批评巴基斯坦军队高层领导。

    His family said that after the killing of Osama Bin Laden in a US raid , Brigadier Khan had criticised the Pakistani top brass in an internal session .

  4. 某特种兵大队军事训练损伤调查的描述性分析

    Descriptive analysis on military training injuries in a special force corps

  5. 嘿,我们可是特种兵耶。

    Hey , we 're the army corps , sir .

  6. 某部特种兵军事训练伤流行病学调查

    An epidemiological survey of military training injuries in special soldier

  7. 我军的特种兵部队已经做好了战斗准备。

    Our special technical troops are ready to go into the battle .

  8. 特种兵军事训练体能消耗的营养现状及其需求研究

    The Needs for Physical Nourishment During the Military Training of Special Kind Soldiers

  9. 论部队资金控制特种兵应激状态的测查研究

    ON FUNDS CONTROL Investigation of stress of soldiers in special force of PLA

  10. 特种兵高强度训练后集训疲劳行为的观察与防护

    Observation and prevention of some special soldiers ' fatigue after their intense training

  11. 你想当特种兵?加油干吧!

    You wanna be a soldier ? Work hard !

  12. 他不可能是特种兵,那是胡说八道。

    No way he 's special ops . it 's just PR crap .

  13. 你是做什么的,特种兵吗?

    What are you , a SWAT member ?

  14. 目的改善与防护某特种兵队员高强度集训疲劳。

    Objective To improve and prevent fatigue under intense training of certain special soldiers .

  15. 据此提出了特种兵部队皮肤病防治的建议。

    The suggestions for the prophylaxis of the dermatoses were proposed for the army .

  16. 特种兵也应该如此。

    This applies to the special arms too .

  17. 你怎么样,你是演特种兵呢还是演间谍?

    What about you , you were a green beret kid ? Secret agent ?

  18. 然而,心理健康是特种兵执行特殊军事任务的重要保障,所以,研究特种新兵元情绪能力训练具有重要意义和价值。

    Therefore , It was valuable to research the meta-mood ability training in special recruits .

  19. 特种兵部队脑力疲劳调查

    Investigation of mental fatigue in special troops

  20. 它们杀死了麻风病菌,然后这些特种兵继续攻击体统。

    They kill the leprosy bacteria , and the corpses get tossed into the system .

  21. 这个新创新的支援力量是防范讨厌的工程师和特种兵的法宝。

    This new and innovative support power is your answer to those pesky Engineers and Commandos .

  22. 六个小组的特种兵悄无声息地朝反叛者的秘密总部摸去。

    Half-a-dozen groups of specially trained troops converged silently on the secret headquarters of the rebels .

  23. 操纵装置不能控制特种兵与基地防御设施。

    Try to Manipulate a Unit at the Flank of the Army ( Directional Armor ) .

  24. 去年,一支中国特种兵分队曾与巴基斯坦特种兵在北部边境地带展开过联合军事演习。

    Last year a contingent of Chinese commandoes joined Pakistani commandos on exercises in the northern region .

  25. 如果你不相信我们,这是你的错,因为你不是真正的特种兵。

    If you don 't believe us , it is because you aren 't a real operator .

  26. 我的一位舍友早上3点起床参加消防演习,但忘了特种兵可以不去。

    One of my flat mates went outside for a3am fire drill , but forgot he sleeps commando . : P.

  27. 起初,我想当国民警卫队员,还想过进特种兵部队。

    At first , I wanted be a state trooper , then I wanted to be in the Special Forces .

  28. 听说你在追踪一个神秘的特种兵。是的,怎么?

    I hear you 're chasing after some mysterious special forces guy . Yeah , what is it to you ?

  29. 海军、空军也有高级的学校,各特种兵、技术兵种也有高级的学校;

    Both the navy and the air force should have higher-level schools , as should the various special and technical arms .

  30. 特种兵泰勒·戴维斯好几年都参与这项活动,他对公墓的规模感到震撼。

    Specialist Taylor Davis , who has taken part for several years , is awestruck by the size of the cemetery .