
  • 网络Sputum Culture
  1. 手术病理证实4例,CT导向穿刺活检证实2例,痰培养真菌阳性6例。

    All results were proved by pathology ( 4 cases ), CT guide needle biopsy ( 2 cases ), and sputum culture ( 6 cases ) .

  2. 部分病例普通痰培养结果并不能确定致病菌。

    Common sputum culture was not reliable in some cases .

  3. 他们均完成了一张关于五种症状的调查问卷,并进行了肺结核菌痰培养和HIV检测。

    All completed a five-symptom questionnaire and underwent sputum TB culture and HIV testing .

  4. 5例最终痰培养MRSA转阴,1例因心力衰竭死亡。

    MRSA cultures were negative in 5 cases after antibiotic treatment .

  5. 18名肺结核菌痰培养呈阳性的个人没有表现出肺结核的症状,其中8人(4人在HIV状况组)的痰涂片呈阳性。

    TB was asymptomatic in18 culture-positive individuals , 8 of whom ( 4 in each HIV status group ) had positive sputum smears .

  6. VAP发生于术后(479±281)d,术后(567±290)d痰培养阳性;

    VAP occurred ( 4 79 ± 2 81 ) day after operation .

  7. 老年组、非老年组CRP(C反应蛋白)的升高、痰培养阳性率一致(P>0.05),但致病菌株有差异。

    The positive rate of sputum bacteriological examination and CRP were statistically homogeneous , but the pathogenic strains was significantly different in both groups ( P < 0.05 ) .

  8. 结果老年患者机体抵抗力低下,平均住院时间长,下呼吸道感染发病率高,痰培养以G杆菌为主,铜绿假单胞菌居首。

    Results Elderly patients with long term tracheostomy were more vulnerable to lower respiratory tract infection because of low resistance and long hospital stay , with G bacilli and aeruginous Pseudomonas predominant .

  9. 方法借助支气管炎痰培养在血平板上的菌落产生褐色素,将其用革兰阴性菌简易定属方法鉴定,进一步检查生物学特征,测定菌株的DNA碱基组成(G+cMol%),最后确认。

    METHODS A simple method for defining Gram-negative bacteria was used to differentiate B. parapertussis from bronchitis sputum culture on blood plates . And then the biological characteristics as well as the DNA confirmation ( G + C mol % ) were assayed .

  10. 方法对深圳市人民医院ICU46例VAP患者的痰培养及药敏结果进行回顾性分析。

    Methods The retrospective analysis was performed in the sputum cultures and antibiotics sensitivity results of 46 cases of VAP registered in ICU of Shenzhen People 's Hospital .

  11. 方法:采用支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)细菌定量培养,并与保护标本刷(PSB)和痰培养进行比较。

    Method : Quantitative cultures of bronchoalveolar lavage fluids ( BALF ) were compared with quantitative cultures of protected specimen brush ( PSB ) and routine sputum cultures .

  12. 研究者说,痰培养阳性组和痰培养阴性组在入住icu、应用无创性正压通气、需行有创性机械通气和住院时间方面没有明显差异。

    ICU admission , noninvasive positive pressure ventilation use , the need for invasive mechanical ventilation , and the length of hospital stay did not differ in the positive and negative sputum culture result groups , the investigators say .

  13. 方法对207例RICU肺部感染患者280次阳性痰培养结果及药物敏感试验进行分析。

    METHODS We studied 207 pulmonary infections cases in RICU and analyzed the result of cultured positive sputum for 280 times and conducted drug sensitive test .

  14. 方法1995~1997年登记的复发肺结核病例痰培养阳性并作药物敏感试验,治疗方案为HREZ/HRE。

    Methods Drug_susceptibility tests was done in sputum culture _positive cases with RPT between 1995 and 1997.HREZ/HRE was used as therapeutic scheme .

  15. 结果:痰培养阳性16例,病毒检测阳性13例,MP-IgM检测均为阴性。

    Results : 16 cases were positive in bacterium culture , 13 cases were positive in virus test , while MP-IGM tests were negative in all the cases .

  16. [方法]对60例次长期机械通气老年病人的呼吸机管道及湿化器在使用前及连续使用7d后进行细菌培养,同时采集下呼吸道分泌物做痰培养。

    Method : a total of 60 cases / times of bacteria culture of tubes of ventilator and humidification device was performed before used and 7 days after use continuously for senile patients with long-term mechanical ventilation . And lower respiratory tract secretions of all patients were cultured as well .

  17. 痰培养在小儿下呼吸道感染病原诊断中的价值

    Etiological diagnosis value of phlegm cultivation on respiratory infection in children

  18. 675例婴幼儿下呼吸道感染痰培养与药敏试验结果分析

    Analysis of sputum culture of 675 cases of lower respiratory infection

  19. 方法对36例经痰培养确诊为呼吸道真菌感染的患者进行回顾性分析。

    Methods Review the 36 patients with hospital acquired respiratory tractor infection .

  20. 痰培养在治疗呼吸系统疾病中的价值应用

    Value of Sputum Cultivation in the Treatment of Respiratory Disease

  21. 方法分析90例院内获得性肺炎患者的痰培养结果。

    Methods Phlegm germiculture in 90 cases with nosocomial pneumonia were analyzed .

  22. 1050例痰培养和701株菌抗生素敏感试验的分析

    Analysis of Antibiotics Sensitivity Test 1050 Cases Sputum Cultivate and 701 Bacteriums

  23. 老年糖尿病并发医院获得性下呼吸道感染患者的痰培养病原学分析

    Hospital acquired low respiratory tract infection in elderly diabetic patients

  24. 90例医院内获得性肺炎痰培养的临床分析

    Analysis of 90 cases with nosocomial pneumonia through phlegm germiculture

  25. 慢性阻塞性肺疾病痰培养和药敏结果分析

    Sputum Cultivation and Sensitivity Tests for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

  26. 方法:应用常规痰培养方法检测病原菌,对阳性结果作体外药敏试验。

    Methods : Sputum is sent for culture to examine the pathogenic bacteria .

  27. 但是,患者痰培养阳性率偏低。

    However , patients with sputum culture positive rate is low . 4 .

  28. 肺癌患者痰培养与药敏结果分析

    Study of the lung Cancer 's Phlegm and the Table of Medicine 's result

  29. 270例肿瘤患者痰培养结果及耐药情况分析

    Analysis of Sputum Culture for Germ and Drug Resistance in 270 Patients with Cancer

  30. 109例肺心病患者痰培养和药敏结果分析

    Analysis of drug sensitive of sputum cultures fro 109 patients with pulmonary heart disease