
huà huǒ
  • fire-transmission
化火[huà huǒ]
  1. 但加入WTO之后,闭税的调剂,配额的撤长,市场化火平较上的脚外业合做呈现黑暖化。

    But after WTO , because of the customs duty 's adjustment and quota 's cancellation , competition appears superheating in the wristwatch industry with high degree marketability .

  2. 网络化火电厂烟气排放连续监测系统的研究

    Research on Web-based Continuous Emissions Monitoring System in Thermal Power Plants

  3. 计算机化火电厂设备维修管理系统的发展、设计与开发

    Progress , Design and Development of Computerized Thermal Power Equipment Maintenance Management System

  4. 其中肝郁化火证最多,共183例,我们以肝郁化火型为例进行分类器的构建。

    The most syndrome is Pathogenic fire derived from stagnation of liver-QI which up to 183 cases .

  5. 中医证型为气郁化火(P<0.01)。

    The syndrome type of Chinese medicine was the syndrome of fire due to qi stagnation ( P < 0.01 ) .

  6. 在英国今天是化火夜,有人买化火,然后在他们的家的后花园放。

    It is firework night in England today , some people buy fireworks then set them off in their back gardens .

  7. 中医辨证为肝郁化火、痰热内扰等热证、实证的失眠症患者更易出现焦虑症状,而焦虑症状的出现又会进一步加重睡眠障碍,使睡眠效率下降,进入恶性循环。

    Insomniacs with liver-fire , phlegm interference showed more anxiety symptoms , and anxiety symptoms decreased sleep efficiency to make into a vicious cycle .

  8. 西门子公司正致力于推动模块化火电厂的发展,以满足匹配和成本效益两方面的需求。

    Siemens has consequently driven forward the development of its modular steam power plants which meet the demands for both individual adaptation and cost-effectiveness .

  9. 小柴胡汤加减治疗肝郁化火型失眠的临床研究

    The Clinical Research of the Treatment of Insomnia of Fire Derived from Stagnation of Liver-QI Type with Bupleurum Tenue Buch . - Ham Decoction

  10. 患者病位多在肝、肾,发病以肝郁化火、肾虚火旺为主。

    Liver and kidney are possessed of the majority in the locations of the disease in Five Zang Organs , Liver Depression Transforming to Fire and Fire Hyperactivity due to Kidney Deficiency are prevailing in the invasions .

  11. 结果发现肺癌患者中医证候分为:痰浊阻肺、气虚、肝郁化火和瘀血阻络4类,解释比例为71.58%。

    The syndromes of these lung cancer patients could be divided into 4 types : turbid phlegm obstructing lung , deficiency of qi , fire ( heat ) transformation of liver stagnation and static blood blocking collaterals . The variable proportion is 71.58 % .

  12. 滋水清肝饮针对的病机是肝郁化火,燥伤阴血,肾阴亏虚,或兼火燥生风。

    But the efficacy of HGH remains to be determined . 4 . The Nourishing kidney and Clearing liver-heat Decoction is used for stagnation of liver-qi and transforming into fire , dryness impairs the yin-blood , deficiency of kidney-yin , or with fire-dryness generating wind .

  13. 通过主成分及因子分析提取9个勃起功能障碍核心病机证素,按出现频率依次为湿热、肝气郁结、血瘀、肾阴虚、肾阳虚、痰湿、心脾两虚、肝郁化火、气阴两虚。

    Through principal component and factor analysis , we have distilled nine core syndrome etiologies : Liver Constraint with Qi Stagnation , Blood Stasis , Kidney Yin Deficiency , Kidney Yang Deficiency , Phlegm-Damp , Heart-Spleen Paired Deficiency , Liver Constraint transforming into Fire , Qi-Yin Paired Deficiency .

  14. 虚拟样机模拟分析技术在大空间钢结构性能化抗火设计中的研究

    Reality prototype to the performance-based safety design of large-spaced steel structure

  15. 无所不化的火,烧硬了冰

    That fire , which all things melts , should harden ice

  16. 钢结构性能化抗火设计的初步设想

    A preliminary scheme for performance - based fire-resistant design of steel structures

  17. 上海南站钢屋盖结构性能化抗火安全评估

    Analysis of the Fire Safety of the Steel Roof Construction of Shanghai South Railway Station

  18. 实施规范化的火调工艺流程可以大幅度的提高火调的质量,同时也能提高生产效率。

    Applying standardized fairing procedure for boundary walls of superstructure could improve the quality and efficiency of fairing work .

  19. 众山在他以下必消化,诸谷必崩裂,如腊化在火中,如水冲下山坡。

    The mountains melt beneath him and the valleys split apart , like wax before the fire , like water rushing down a slope .

  20. 首先,确定性能化抗火设计目标,利用高大空间建筑火灾下的空气升温实用公式计算得到结构构件的实际升温曲线。

    Firstly , the target of performance-based fire safety design is set up , then the actual time-temperature curve of structural elements can be calculated through utility temperature elevation empirical formula in large space fire .

  21. 传统的基于单个构件的处方式和简单性能化结构抗火设计方法,不能反映构件间的相互作用,因而不能反映整体结构真实的火灾行为。

    Traditional proscriptive and single-member performance-based fire resistance design methods can not consider well the interaction between structural members , which has significant influence on the behaviour of the whole structure in fire .