
huì kuǎn rén
  • remitter
汇款人[huì kuǎn rén]
  1. 能告诉我汇款人的地址么?

    Can l have the address of the remitter ?

  2. 请发汇款人地址给我们,因为传真上看不清楚。

    Please send the remitter address to us since we can not read the fax clearly .

  3. 我给银行打过电话但他们没向我透露汇款人的任何信息

    I called the bank , but I couldn 't get ' em to give me any information on who it came from .

  4. 我们尚未收到查询的那笔资金,请你们直接与汇款人联系,指示他们就此信事宜与我们联系。

    We have not received the funds in question and would request you to contact the remitters direct instructing them to approach us with reference to this letter .

  5. 电汇信汇票汇日期金额收款人姓名收款人地址汇款人姓名汇款人地址备注签名上述汇款由我本人支付,金额可以从本人在贵行开立的账户中扣除。

    Date Amount Name of Beneficiary Address of Beneficiary Name of Remitter Address of Remitter Remarks Signature In payment of the above remittance , please debit my account with you .

  6. 自退汇通知投交汇款人之日起满十个月未被领回的汇款,上缴国库。

    Remittances which are unclaimed when a period of ten months expires , counting from the date of delivering the return-remittance notice to the remitters , shall be turned over to the state treasury .

  7. 之后,那些完成非法汇款的人将获得30%-50%的佣金。

    Those who completed the illegal transfers could receive commission of 30 to 50 percent .

  8. 世行移民与汇款部门负责人迪利普拉塔(dilipratha)表示,他预计,在中期内,全球汇款将继续以每年10%的速度增长。

    Dilip Ratha , who heads the migration and remittances unit at the world bank , says he expects remittances worldwide to continue growing at about 10 per cent a year in the medium term .

  9. 我在俱乐部见过他,听说他是靠家里汇款生活的人。

    I 've met him at the club . I 'm told he 's a remittance man .

  10. 过去五十年间,如果有人收拾行囊前往国外挣钱,往家里汇款,这种人通常是巴西人,或者其他“新兴市场国家”的人们,而不会是发达的欧洲人。

    During the past five decades , if anybody has been packing their bags to travel overseas to send remittances home , it has typically been the Brazilians , or other " emerging markets " peoples , not the developed Europeans .

  11. 上述汇款的境外收款人应为合格投资者本人。

    The overseas receivers of the above-mentioned repatriation should be the QFII themselves .

  12. 他说:“尤其是汇款,对许多人来说是摆脱极度贫困的一条重要出路”。

    " Remittances in particular are an important way out of extreme poverty for a large number of people ," he says .

  13. 汇款丢失,汇款人只要在1年内查询和索赔,邮局就应当按照规定查询和赔偿。

    Remittance is missing , the remitter should inquire inside 1 year only and claim for compensation , post office ought to inquire according to the regulation and compensate for .

  14. 汇款单涉及三方:汇款人(付款人)、收款人、受票人。

    There are three parties to a money order : the remitter ( payer ), the payee and the drawee .

  15. 第七条邮件和汇款在未投交收件人、收款人之前,所有权属于寄件人或者汇款人。

    Article 7 . Postal materials and remittances shall be owned by senders and remitters before they are delivered to recipients and remittees .