
  • 网络Ordinary housing
  1. 现行普通住房标准是市政府于2005年颁布的

    The present ordinary housing standard is the municipal government promulgates in 2005 .

  2. 宏观调控下重庆主城区普通住房发展动态及规划管理研究初探

    Exploration of Planning Management and Development about Ordinary Housing in Chongqing under Macro-Control Policies

  3. 海南:销售普通住房如何申请免税?

    Hainan : general sales tax shelter how to apply ?

  4. 建设部透露:普通住房今明两年将推出优惠政策!

    Construction revealed : general housing policies which will be launched next two years !

  5. 挂牌待售的房产数量一直在减少,推高了很多市场普通住房的价格。

    Real-estate listings have been dropping , pushing up prices of regular homes in many markets .

  6. 城镇廉租住房制度就是政府针对具有城镇常住居民户口的最低收入家庭提供租金相对低廉的普通住房并实施管理的一项制度。

    The low - rent-house system of urban place means that the government offers inhabitants with low-rent-house and manages them .

  7. 个人购置住房贷款是指银行向借款人发放的用于购买自用普通住房的贷款。

    Personal house purchase loan means a loan lent by bank to the borrower for purchasing a self-used common housing .

  8. 普通住房的价格必须与人们当前的收入水平相适应,让绝大多数普通老百姓买得起。

    The average housing price should match people 's income level , so that the majority of people can afford it .

  9. 金融产品的投资风险较大,而普通住房的投资近期面临国家调控政策的巨大压力。

    Investment is risky for financial products , while the average investment in housing recently faced with the enormous pressure of national regulatory policies .

  10. 本通知规定将居民首次购买普通住房契税税率暂统一下调至1%。

    This circular provides that where residents firstly purchase ordinary housing , the deed tax rate temporarily decreases to the unified tax rate of1 % .

  11. 为确保所购短售房比普通住房便宜,买家应当将房产的修缮需要费多少工夫这一因素考虑进去。

    They should consider how much work the property will need in repairs to make sure that the short sale will be cheaper than buying a regular listing .

  12. 城镇廉租住房是政府向城镇低收入家庭提供租金补贴或者以低廉的租金配租的具有社会保障性质的普通住房。

    Urban low-rent housing is that for the government to low-income urban families with rent subsidies or low rent allocated to the renter with social security the nature of ordinary housing .

  13. 纵观国内国外,我国现阶段的经济适用住房建设与英、美等国家在四、五十年代大规模的普通住房建设非常相似。

    Looks over domestically and overseas , in our country housing construction is very great degree similar to the housing construction that England , America in 40 's , the 50 's experience .

  14. 今年2月,香港政府采取了一些旨在让楼市降温的措施,对超过2000万港元(合258万美元)的豪宅征收“双倍印花税”,并降低了普通住房的税率。

    In February , the government took steps to cool the market , doubling stamp duty on properties worth more than HK $ 2m ( $ 258000 ) and introducing a lower duty on cheaper homes .

  15. 今年2月,香港政府采取了一些旨在让楼市降温的措施,对超过2000万港元(合258万美元)的豪宅征收双倍印花税,并降低了普通住房的税率。

    In February , the government took steps to cool the market , doubling stamp duty on properties worth more than HK $ 2m ( $ 258,000 ) and introducing a lower duty on cheaper homes .

  16. 虽然数据不够完整,但分析师们表示,目前中国城市普通住房的价格约为全国平均家庭年收入的8至10倍;在北京和上海等城市,房价收入比已接近30倍。

    Data are incomplete but analysts say the price of an average apartment in a Chinese city is now about 8-10 times the average annual income nationwide ; in cities like Beijing and Shanghai the ratio is closer to 30 times .

  17. 东部城市南京周一说,它将提高居民从该市住房公积金借钱购买普通住房的上限,以提振处境艰难的房地产市场。

    On Monday , China 's eastern city of Nanjing said it would let residents borrow more money from the city 's housing provident fund to buy ' ordinary homes , ' in a move designed to give the struggling property sector a boost .

  18. 个人住房贷款是我国福利分房制度向住房分配货币化转变过程中引入的一种金融产品,它是指贷款人向借款人发放的用于购买自用普通住房的贷款。

    Personal real estate loan is a financial product that was brought in during the transformation from the welfare housing allotment system to magnetization of housing allotment . This product refers to the loan made by the credit giver to the credit receiver for purchasing personal common real estate .

  19. 确实,在一套普通的住房内,不往身上抹黄油,K就别想从这个房间进入另一个。

    Indeed , K.would not think to pass from room to room in a conventional dwelling without first stripping completely and then buttering himself .

  20. 此外,该行还补充表示,希望支持居民家庭购买普通自住房。

    The PBoC added it wanted to support households in their home purchases .

  21. 采取有效措施,增加普通商品住房供给。

    We will take effective measures to increase supply of regular commodity housing .

  22. 重点增加中小套型普通商品住房建设。

    Emphasis will be placed on building more ordinary small and medium-sized commodity housing units .

  23. 此外,该行还补充表示,希望“支持居民家庭”购买普通自住房。

    The PBoC added it wanted to " support households " in their home purchases .

  24. 房地产业应重点发展面向广大群众的普通商品住房。

    The real estate industry should focus on developing reasonly priced commercial housing for ordinary people .

  25. 优先保证中小户型、中低价位普通商品住房(含政府保障型住房)供应。

    Give priority to ensuring small and medium-sized , low-priced commodity housing ( including government security-housing ) supply .

  26. 研究得到了兰州市普通商品住房的特征价格模型及三个住房子市场模型,得出子市场的主导因素,研究结果与实际情况符合较好。

    The research was supported by Lanzhou City housing hedonic price model and the three housing sub-market model , obtain the dominant sub-market factors . Results in good agreement with the actual situation .

  27. 经济适用房是指纳入政府经济适用住房建设计划,建设用地实行行政划拨,享受政府提供的优惠政策,向城市中低收入家庭供应的普通居民住房。

    Affordable housing is incorporated into the government affordable housing construction program , the implementation of administrative allocation of land for construction and enjoy the preferential policies provided by the Government to low-income families in cities the supply of ordinary residential housing .

  28. 然而,普通家庭在住房及交通两项费用上的支出占家庭全部预算的50%以上。

    But the average family spends more than 50 % of its budget on housing and transportation .

  29. 在发达国家,汽车已成为主要交通工具,轿车更是普通家庭除住房外必备的用具。

    In developed countries , automobiles have become the principal means of transport and besides houses , cars are absolutely necessary for ordinary families .

  30. 在我国普通消费者的个人住房贷款主要来源于商业银行的贷款业务。

    Most housing loans of consumers come from commercial banks loan business .