
tàn xiān wéi
  • carbon fibre
碳纤维[tàn xiān wéi]
  1. 原始的碳纤维材料很像布料。

    In its untreated state the carbon fibre material is rather like cloth .

  2. 碳纤维电极循环伏安法检测维生素B6的条件选择

    Conditioned Choice of Cheeking VB 6 by Circulating volt-Ampere Method at a Carbon Fibre Electrode

  3. 碳纤维复合材料的软X射线检测

    Inspection of CFRP by the use of soft X-ray

  4. Si涂层可提高碳纤维的抗氧化性能;

    Si coating can rise the oxidation resistance of CF ;

  5. 碳纤维增强水泥压敏效应AC测试方法探讨

    Investigation on the Method of AC Measurement of Compression Sensibility of Carbon Fiber Cement

  6. 催化改性碳纤维降低柴油机NOx排放的试验研究

    Experimental Study of Reduction of Diesel ′ s NO_x Exhaust by Modified Activated Carbon Fiber

  7. 随机载荷下碳纤维薄板增强RC梁试验研究

    Research on RC Beams Strengthened with Carbon Fiber Laminate under Random Load

  8. 高温热处理温度对PAN基碳纤维结构和力学性能的影响

    The effect of heat-treatment temperature on the structure and mechanical properties of carbon fiber

  9. 碳纤维筋(CFRP)夹片式锚具的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis of CFRP Tendons under Action of Wedge - type Anchorage

  10. 碳纤维/LAS玻璃陶瓷的界面、显微结构与力学性能

    The interface , microstructure and mechanical properties of c_f / Las glass-ceramics

  11. 锆钛酸铅溶胶制备及Sol-Gel法制备涂层碳纤维的研究

    Synthesis of Lead Zirconate Titanate Sol and Preparation of Carbon Fibre with PZT Coating by Sol-Gel Method

  12. 碳纤维属于脆性材料,用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)可以直接观察到它的表面和内部缺陷。

    Carbon fibre is known as a brittle material . Its surface and inner defects can be directly observed by SEM .

  13. 碳纤维增强塑料(CFRP)加固混凝土柱机理研究

    Mechanics research on the Carbon Fibre Reinforced Plastic ( CFRP ) reinforcing the concrete pole

  14. PAN基碳纤维及原丝中微孔洞缺陷的一维多取向SAXS表征

    Multi-orientated One-dimensional SAXS Study of Microvoids in PAN-based Carbon Fibers and Fibril

  15. 结果表明,对于纤维体积分数为10%的碳纤维增强铸型尼龙复合材料(10%CF/MC尼龙复合材料),随着吸湿介质的PH值减小,它的吸湿率增大。

    For the 10 % CF / MC nylon composites , the moisture content increases greatly with the decrease of the pH data of the media .

  16. 碳纤维复合材料(CFRP)在电子工程中的应用

    CFRP Application in Electronic Engineering

  17. 龄期对碳纤维RPC力学性能的影响跟养护制度有关。

    An impact on carbon fiber RPC mechanical properties relates to the fact that maintain the system age .

  18. 碳纤维筋应用于预应力结构,其锚固问题是需要解决的重要问题,对CFRP预应力筋的锚具进行专门的研究很有必要。

    The anchorage problem of CFRP bars has to be solved if it is to be used in the prestressed structures .

  19. 用交流阻抗法对PAN基碳纤维、石油焦、沥青焦、针状焦进行了嵌锂过程的研究。

    Electrochemical intercalation of lithium into PAN based carbon fibers , petroleum coke , pitch coke and needle coke were studied by AC impedance method .

  20. 碳纤维(LCF)-无宏观缺陷(MDF)水泥基复合材料电学性能的研究

    Electrical properties of carbon fiber - MDF Cement Composite

  21. 利用XRD研究了PAN基碳纤维在连续高温石墨化和热牵伸石墨化过程中纤维内石墨微晶沿纤维轴择优取向性的变化。

    The changes of preferred orientation of PAN-based carbon fibers during continuous high temperature graphitization and hot stretching graphitization were investigated by X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) .

  22. 将经碳纤维预浸织布加强的PMMA与对照组相比较,弯曲强度显著增加(P<0.01),其强度满足临床需要。

    Comparing the PMMA which had strengthened by pre-submerged carbon fabric weaved cloth with the comparing group the flexure strength and both added obviously , the quantity satisfy the clinic requests .

  23. 用斜入射方法并考虑了激光被折射和P极化激光的共振吸收,计算了碳纤维靶的等离子体状态和激光增益。

    The plasma condition and the gain coefficient of a carbon fiber target , which is irradiated by oblique incident laser light were calculated . The refraction of laser and the resonance absorption of P polarization laser were considered .

  24. 提出了制备活性碳纤维是实现废旧PVC无害化、资源化的切实可行的方法之一。

    Converting the waste PVC plastic into activated carbon fibers was one of the most practicable methods to reuse , resource and recycle the waste PVC plastic with harmlessness .

  25. 研究了碳纤维增重率与pH值、时间和温度的关系,以及镀层中含磷量与镀液pH值、硫脲含量的关系。

    The relationship between weight increasing ratio of carbon fibre with pH value , time and temperature , and the relationship between phosphor content in the deposit with pH value and sulfourea content were studied .

  26. 碳纤维复合材料(CFRP材料)具有自重轻、强度高等许多优点,在桥梁工程尤其是桥梁加固工程上得到较广泛地应用。

    CFRP has many advantages , such as lightness and high strength , etc. It has been widely used in bridge engineering especially in strengthening of bridges .

  27. 以短碳纤维为初始原料,采用溶胶&凝胶技术引入SiO2组分,在一定的热压烧结制度下得到致密Cf/SiO2复合材料;

    Short carbon fiber reinforced silica glass matrix composites are manufactured under certain particular hot pressed conditions with sol-gel silica and short carbon fibers as raw materials .

  28. 纳米碳纤维(Carbonnanofiber,CNF)作为一种新型碳材料,因其独特的结构和物理化学性质受到人们的广泛关注。

    As a new category of carbonaceous material , carbon nanofiber ( CNF ) has been attracted much attention due to their unique structure and properties .

  29. ~(133)Xe示踪剂法研究活性碳纤维对大气本底水平氙的吸附性能

    Study on adsorption of activated carbon fiber to background-level xenon in air by the method of ~ ( 133 ) xe tracer

  30. 活性碳纤维SACF对有机溶剂蒸气吸附性能的研究

    Studies on Absorption Characteristics of Activated Carbon Fiber for Organic Solvent Vapor