
  • 网络energy-saving materials
  1. 本文就我国建筑设计中节能材料的应用谈几点看法。

    In this paper , the views on the application of energy-saving materials in the construction are presented .

  2. 通过选用节能材料、应用创新的工艺等,可以使围护结构的节能达到标准要求。

    By selecting energy-saving materials and the innovative technology , energy-saving standard for envelop structure can be achieved .

  3. 复合定形相变储能材料(PCM)是一种新型的环保节能材料,具有重要意义。

    The shapely phase change material ( PCM ) was a new type of environmental material for energy-storing with far-reaching significance .

  4. 一种性能可调的新型节能材料-电致变色膜

    A Kind of New Property Regulated Saving Energy Material - Electrochromic Film

  5. 外墙保温技术及节能材料寒冷地区建筑外墙保温技术性能评价

    Performance Assessment about Building External Wall Thermal Insulation Technology in Cold Regions

  6. 电机节能材料&磁性槽楔

    Energy Saving Materials & Magnetic Wedges Used for Motors

  7. 二氧化钒智能节能材料的溶液法制备与光学性能

    Solution Processing and Optical Properties of VO_2 Thermochromic Materials

  8. 建筑节能材料商机待掘

    The market opportunity of the material of construction energy conservation waited for excavated

  9. 谈新型环保型节能材料的发展及应用

    Discussion on the development and application of the late-model environmental economy energy material

  10. 节能材料在建筑节能中的应用我国建筑节能材料的发展前景

    Energy-saving Material Used for Architectural Energy-saving Development prospect of energy-saving building materials in China

  11. 新型节能材料&硅酸铝纤维的研究

    Research on mineral wool fibre of aluminum silicate

  12. 导电聚合物的合成及其红外反射性能在节能材料中的应用

    Synthesis of Conducting Polymers and Their Applications of Infrared Reflectance Properties to Saving Energy Materials

  13. 建筑节能材料及节能屋面设置

    Energy-conserving Construction Material and Roofing

  14. 首次提出了利用导电聚合物的红外反射性能,将导电聚合物用作节能材料的设想。

    Conducting polymers with high infrared reflection used as saving energy materials is supposed for the first time .

  15. 南宁新兴苑小区新型节能材料的研究与应用

    Research and Application of New Types of Energy Saving Materials in the Xinxing Yuan Residential Quarter of Nanning

  16. 导热系数测量在节能材料的研究、开发和生产中起着极为重要的作用。

    And the measurement of TCC plays an important role in the research , development and manufacture of the thermal insulation material .

  17. 对上述结果及形成原因进行了理论上的讨论。阐述了导电聚合物用作节能材料的原理。

    The obtained results and their influences are discussed . The mechanism of conducting polymers used as saving energy materials is explained .

  18. 保温材料是目前国内外建筑节能材料领域内的研究热点,由于浆体保温材料的施工方便、亲和性好、成本低等特点使其成为保温材料体系的一个重要组成部分。

    Nowadays , many researchers in the field of energy-saving building materials are engaged in the study of insulating materials both at home and abroad .

  19. 高品质的保温节能材料,是隔冷、隔热防结露的克星,热传导系数低并且保持稳定,对任何热介质起隔绝效果;

    It is a high quality material for warm-keeping and energy-saving , which is the killer of dew forming and the transmission of cold and heat .

  20. 作为新型的高温隔热节能材料,环保型可降解陶瓷纤维已经在某些领域完全替代了传统的硅酸铝纤维。

    As the energy-saving high-temperature furnace insulation materials , environment-friendly biodegradable refractory fibers can be entirely replace the traditional Aluminum silicate refractory fibers in some areas .

  21. 在此背景下,对新型建筑保温节能材料&玻化微珠保温混凝土进行理论分析与试验研究具有重要意义。

    In this context , material and structural test and theoretical analysis research is meaningful on new energy-saving building material , glazed hollow bead insulation concrete .

  22. 分析了外墙内保温和外保温技术的特点,指出要加强新型节能材料的开发和利用,从而使建筑节能真正得以实施。

    Based on the inner insulation the design character of structure , environment and control facilities were introduced in details upon new type highy effective energy-saving solar greenhouse .

  23. 前言:对当前红外辐射材料的两大研究热点,一是民用领域的高发射率红外节能材料,二是国防用途的低发射率红外隐身材料的研究现状作了综述。

    Two hot issues of infrared radiation materials are reviewed : one is energy saving material with high emissivity , the other is stealth material with low emissivity .

  24. 膨胀蛭石是一种优良的保温耐火、吸音隔热、耐冻蚀的环保节能材料,应用领域十分广泛。

    Exfoliated vermiculite is an excellent thermal and acoustic insulated environment-friendly and energy-saving material , with the characters of fire-resistant , corrosion-resistant and freeze-resistant , which can be applied very widely .

  25. 泡沫玻璃具有良好的保温隔热性能,根据热工分析及施工工艺的研究,再配以合理的保温结构设计,泡沫玻璃将成为建筑节能材料的极佳选择

    Foam glasses have sound function of heat insulation . According to the thermal analysis , construction technique and rational design , the foam glass will be the best choice of energy saving building

  26. 通过实验样品性能与类似用途无机物商品的性能的对比,证明将聚合物用作节能材料的设想是可行的,可产业化的。

    The infrared reflective properties of the testing samples and similar inorganic goods are compared . The results show that the supposition of conducting polymer used as saving energy materials are feasible and productive .

  27. 相变建筑节能材料的应用研究与进展严寒地区太阳能&土壤源热泵相变蓄热供暖系统

    Review on energy conservation in building materials by latent heat using phase change materials experimental research on solar assisted ground source heat pump heating system with a latent heat storage tank in severe cold area

  28. 结合砼材料的受力特性及计算理论,将保温节能材料复合于屋面板中,提出结构的节能设计观点。

    Based on the mechanical characteristics and calculation theory of concrete , the heat insulating and energy-saving material is compounded in roof board , the viewpoint of the structural energy-saving design is presented in the paper .

  29. 通过对蒸压砂加气混凝土砌块这种新型墙体节能材料的应用研究,贯彻国家的能源可持续化发展政策,为在工程实际中大力推广应用蒸压砂加气混凝土砌块这种新型墙体节能材料做贡献。

    Through the applied research of AAC block wall of this new energy-saving material , implement national sustainable energy development policy , contribute to broader application of the use of practical engineering AAC block & this new type of energy-saving material .

  30. 要充分利用环保及节能材料,合理利用周边的环境资源,巧妙构思,精心设计,营造出别具特色的园区景观,达到人与自然的和谐与交融。

    Must give full play to the environmental protection and energy conservation material , take advantage of the peripheral environmental resource reasonably , with the ingenious idea and the careful design , build the unique campus landscape , achieve the human and natural harmony with blending .