- 名caustic alkali

Analysis of soaps-determination of free caustic alkali
The process used neither caustic alkali nor ammonia spirit and liquid ammonia , and was entirely no waste liquid draining .
The comparison on decomposition ratio in different solution indicate that calcium hydrate silicate is unstable in soda solution .
In the treatment of caustic alkaline plating wastewater , TOMAC is favorable to the extraction of nickel and citrate , and the separation from hypophosphite and phosphite .
Pilot plant testing of caustic - free sweetening for FCC gasoline
Automatic Determination of Caustic and Total Soda in Sodium Aluminate Solutions
Study on the Effects of Activator on the Stability of CoPcS-Alkaline Solution
An aqueous caustic solution removes carrier gas impurities harmful to the detector cell .
The instrument can be used for analyzing highly concentrated caustic hydroxide in sodium aluminate solution .
Simultaneous Determination of Caustic Soda , Sodium Carbonate and Total Soda in Sodium Aluminate Solutions by Flow Injection Titration
As caustic solution prewashing of FCC gasoline discharges lots of lye , it is necessary to improve the process .
The nature and calculation of caustic alkali in water and soil to the corrosion of concrete in the geotechnical investigation code
They are made from maize that has been soaked in water and treated with caustic lye to scientifically remove every vestige of colour and flavour .
The result points out : the leaching-temperature affect the digestion rate greatly , the following is the quantity of lime , leaching-time and alkali-consistency affect the digestion rate smaller ;
High sulfur bauxite was roasting pretreated with rotary kiln and the effects of roasting temperature and time on sulfur content and digestion performance of high sulfur bauxite were investigated .
The caustic promoted the formation of dicalcium silicate in the calcined product . The addition of aluminum hydroxide increased the stability of the sodium silicate solution and reduced the reaction rate of calcium and silica .
By studying the effects of precipitation temperature , the concentration of caustic soda , gel-seed ratio and the concentration of solution on the seeded precipitation kinetics , kinetic equation of super-fine aluminum hydroxide seeded precipitation from sodium aluminate solution was put forward .
The caustic alkali corrosion stated in the geotechnical investigation code is different from the commonly said caustic alkali-aggregate reaction corrosion , the latter belongs to the corrosion formed from the overproof of caustic alkali in the concrete aggregate , and unrelated to the investigation work .