
  • 网络carbon market;carbon trading market;Carbon Exchange Market
  1. 金融危机背景下中国碳交易市场现状和趋势

    Status and trends of China carbon trading market under financial crisis

  2. 第三章欧盟碳交易市场的建立。

    The establishment of the EU carbon trading market is the third chapter .

  3. 通过对我国深沪两市上市公司中参与了国际碳交易市场(主要是CDM市场)的公司进行营收状况分析、CDM项目收益分析,介绍了我国上市公司在国际碳交易市场上的参与情况。

    Through the earning condition analysis and the CDM project income analysis of the listed companies in Shenzhen and Shanghai , it also introduces the trading situation of listed companies in the international carbon trading market .

  4. 其结果是,HFC-23项目一直是碳交易市场上最大的单一排放信用来源,但由于产生这种气体的工厂数量有限,所以今后它们在碳交易市场上所占比例将有所下降。

    As a result , HFC-23 pro-jects have been the biggest single source of credits on the carbon market although , as there are a limited number of factories producing the gas , they will make up a smaller share in future .

  5. 首先,总结梳理了国际碳交易市场建立基础和条件。

    First , it summarizes setting basis and condition on international carbon emission market .

  6. 碳交易市场的完善和碳金融的不断发展给商业银行带来重大机遇。

    Improving carbon trading and carbon finance market continues to develop significant opportunities to commercial banks .

  7. 哥本哈根没有给碳交易市场带来交易商们所希望的一个强有力协议能带来的提振作用。

    Copenhagen will not give carbon markets the boost that traders had wanted from a strong agreement .

  8. 7年前碳交易市场启动时,其运行是建立在一个简单的前提之上。

    Upon its launch seven years ago , the market was supposed to work on a simple premise .

  9. 第一部分为第1章,是关于目前国际碳交易市场的概述。

    The first part ( Chapter 1 ) is an overview about the current international carbon trading market .

  10. 碳交易市场是否是死路一条?这很可能是本次大会的另一个主要话题。

    Whether the idea of carbon-trading markets is doomed will likely be another major topic at the conference .

  11. 银行业在碳交易市场中起着主导作用,能够利用金融专才资助减排项目。

    Banks are playing a leading role through the carbon trading markets and using their financial expertise to fund projects to reduce emissions .

  12. 随着碳交易市场的不断发展及碳交易机制的日渐成熟,越来越多的企业参与到碳交易当中。

    With the growing size of the market for carbon trading and the development of carbon trading mechanism , more and more enterprises involve in carbon trading .

  13. 印度一家种植园的经营者让他的森林进入全球碳交易市场的曲折经历凸显了种植森林用于抵消碳排放所遇到的障碍。

    The struggle of an Indian plantation manager to get his forest onto the global carbon market has highlighted the obstacles to growing forests to offset carbon emissions .

  14. 碳交易市场的逐步建立与完善,使企业承担起了对社会环境的责任,这拓展了企业社会责任的范围。

    The establishment and improvement of carbon trading market enable enterprise to assume responsibility for the social environment . It is also expanded the scope of corporate social responsibility .

  15. 本文运用系统动力学、数学建模、模型分析和比较分析的方法,研究了基于强度减排的我国碳交易市场机制。

    This paper uses system dynamics , mathematical modeling , model analysis and comparison analysis method , based on the strength reduction mechanism of carbon trading market in china .

  16. 近年来,以国际碳交易市场为基础的国际碳融资市场发展较为迅速,但由于经历时间尚短,目前仍处于初级发展状态。

    In recent years , based on international carbon transaction market , international carbon finance market developed quickly , but because of its short existence , it is still at a low level .

  17. 《京都议定书》签订以来,欧盟及北美等地区率先建立碳交易市场体系,为其它国家和地区树立了标杆。

    Since the signing of the Kyoto protocol , the European Union and the North American take the lead to build the system of carbon emission trading market , providing the example for other countries and regions .

  18. 通过这三种市场机制,排放二氧化碳等温室气体成为一种权利,温室气体减排量成为无形商品,具有经济价值,可以交易,这就成为碳交易市场发展的基础。

    Emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases become a kind of right , greenhouse gas reduction become invisible commodities , it has economic value , can be traded , this becomes the foundation of the carbon market .

  19. 目前国内,虽然在政策的扶植下出现了一些交易所,但大都规模较小,交易量不大,在国际碳交易市场上基本没有定价权。

    So far in China , although there are related policies , which foster some Exchanges , most of which are scale small and trading volume little , and has no pricing right in the international carbon trading market .

  20. 通过完善的碳交易市场,来降低减排过程中的不确定性风险、增加资金的流动性,充分发挥市场机制的引导作用。

    And the financial activities play the auxiliary function in the system . Through the carbon market mechanism , the uncertainty risk in the process of reduction can be declined , the liquidity is increased . The price mechanism can play full role in guiding .

  21. 碳交易市场是应对气候变化成本有效手段,随着应对气候变化行动和国际碳市场迅速发展,碳市场及其金融属性已成为能源经济领域研究热点之一。

    The carbon market is cost-effective for addressing climate change , with the response to the rapid development of the Climate Change Action and the international carbon market , carbon market and its financial property has become one of the hotspot fields of energy economics research .

  22. 开发市场需求可以综合运用立法手段和经济手段,逐渐形成强制性减排市场,扩大碳交易市场规模,并对我国碳交易市场发展阶段进行简要的判断和划分。

    Legislative measures and economic instruments can be used synthetically to explore the market demand , in order to form the mandatory emission reduction market gradually and expand the carbon trade market , then made a initial judgment and distribution of the stage of the carbon market development .

  23. 然后从金融支持的主体入手,将其分为两大类,即银行业信贷支持与资本市场融资支持,而资本市场方面又包括传统的股权、债权融资、渔业基金以及新兴的碳交易市场。

    Then , starting from the financial support subject , divided it into two categories , Banking credit support and capital market financing support . While the capital markets , including traditional equity and debt financing , the Fisheries Fund , as well as the emerging carbon trading market .

  24. 在这一章中还对中国建立碳排放交易市场进行了SWOT分析。

    In this chapter , the paper makes SWOT analysis on establishing carbon emission trading market in China .

  25. 大量交易已经回收的CER不会给贫穷国家带来额外的项目融资,也不会给碳权交易市场带来任何好处。

    Flooding exchanges with recycled CERs that do not yield any additional project finance in poor countries would not be doing the market any favours .

  26. 我国也有计划建立自己的碳交易衍生品市场。

    China also plans to set up its own carbon derivatives market .

  27. 由此,全球范围内的碳排放交易市场逐步发展。

    As a result , worldwide carbon emissions trading market is gradually developing .

  28. 这种信用在国际碳排放交易市场上可售得5美元至15美元。

    Such credits can fetch $ 5 to $ 15 on the international carbon market .

  29. 但奥巴马越是用行动表现得仿佛建立碳排放交易市场势在必行,这件事很可能就会越早成真。

    But the more Mr Obama acts as though a carbon market is inevitable , the sooner it is likely to happen .

  30. 本文遵从系统思想,按照系统分析、系统设计、系统仿真检验的思路对碳排放交易市场展开分析。

    This paper obey system idea , following the sequence of system analysis , system design and system simulation , analysis the carbon emission trading system .