
yuán shǐ shù jù
  • raw data;basic data
  1. 这些资料只是原始数据,还需要进一步进行分析。

    This information is only raw data and will need further analysis .

  2. 对原始数据进行了分析。

    Analyses were conducted on the raw data .

  3. 民主党人和共和党人可以并且将会在一些问题上采取偏袒立场,但更为关键的担忧是,他们都是根据猜测做出重大政策决定,而不是以批判的眼光和开放的心态看待大量原始数据。

    Democrats and Republicans can and will take sides on a number of issues , but a more crucial concern is that both are basing major policy decisions on guesstimates rather than looking at the vast wealth of raw data with a critical eye and an open mind .

  4. 尽管很多研究人员公开认同让大众接触到原始数据将推动科学发展,但大多数人还是不太愿意在网上公开他们自己的研究结果。

    Although   many   researchers   broadly agree   that   public   access   to   raw   data   would   accelerate   science ,   most   are   reluctant   to   post   the results   of   their   own   labors   online .

  5. 使用变换域编码技术压缩SAR原始数据

    Compression of SAR Raw Data by Transform Domain Coding Techniques

  6. 可以把现场测试仪表原始数据输入和计算结果转换为Word文档或Excel图表。

    The input data and calculated results can be transformed to Word and Excel form .

  7. 快速可变速率SAR原始数据压缩算法

    A Fast Variable-Rate SAR Raw Data Compression Algorithm

  8. 使用矢量量化技术压缩SAR原始数据

    SAR Raw Data Compression Using Vector Quantization Techniques

  9. SAR原始数据压缩的快速矢量量化器

    High speed vector quantizer in SAR data compression

  10. 一种基于小波变换的高倍数SAR原始数据压缩算法

    A Wavelet-Based Algorithm for SAR Raw Data Compression

  11. 基于小波包变换的SAR原始数据压缩

    SAR Raw Data Compression Using Wavelet Packet Transform

  12. 为了进一步缩短原始数据采集时间,提高图像重建速度,需要研究能够快速采集数据的k空间采样轨迹和对应的图像重建算法。

    It is important to develop new k-space trajectories and corresponding image reconstruction algorithms for higher imaging speed .

  13. SAR原始数据的模拟研究

    Study of SAR Raw Signal Simulation

  14. 这种越距离单元走动我们借用SAR中的Keystone插值变换来解决,但是进行Keystone变换之前,需要原始数据是相干的。

    For MTRC compensation , the keystone transformation in SAR is used .

  15. 数据挖掘(DATAMINING),也称数据库的知识发现(KnowledgeDiscoveryindatabase)是指从大量的原始数据中挖掘出隐含的、有用的、尚未发现的知识和信息。

    Data Mining ( Knowledge Discovery in Database ) means that the knowledge and information is discovered from the dataset , which is connotative , useful and undiscovered .

  16. 通过获取continuationbyte的值可以看到原始数据

    The original values can be seen by taking out the continuation byte values

  17. 原始数据的手动预处理对SPECT肾功能曲线的作用

    The Effective of Manual Pretreatment for Primary Data of Spect Renal Function Curve

  18. 基于调查自内蒙古土默特平原的原始数据,编写SAS语言程序,建立了多元时间序列模型。

    We established the time series model by writing SAS program and using original data .

  19. 基于小平面单元模型,给出了一种模拟满足随机分布特性的星载SAR目标原始数据的方法。

    Based on the facet model , a method of the simulating of Spaceborne SAR raw target dates with random distribution is proposed .

  20. 方法:采用螺旋CT扫描、数字影像传输与转录方法,获得中切牙三维形态的原始数据。

    METHODS : Spiral CT ( SCT ) scanning technology , digital image transfer and transcription were used to obtain the initial 3-D data of the upper central incisor .

  21. 为了实现更高效的挖掘分析,运用一种改进的K-means聚类技术将原始数据进行了离散化的处理,以便进行知识归纳;

    Then the clustering method of an improved K-Means is applied to generalize the original data .

  22. 西格尔曾是哥伦比亚大学(ColumbiaUniversity)的教授,他的公司叫“预测影响”(PredictiveImpact),专门开发各类数学模型,这些模型能从海量原始数据中提取出极具价值的信息。

    Siegel is a former Columbia professor whose company , predictive impact , builds mathematical models that cull valuable nuggets of data from floods of raw information .

  23. 该文介绍了提升方法构造小波变换的优点,结合SAR原始数据的特点,提出了基于提升小波变换的SAR原始数据压缩算法。

    The advantages of wavelet transform constructed with lifting scheme are introduced and compression algorithm based on lifting wavelet for SAR raw data is proposed .

  24. 该模拟源由软件、硬件平台两个模块组成。软件模块的功能是生成星载SAR分布目标原始数据,而硬件模块的功能是实时的把离散的原始数据转换成模拟的射频输出信号。

    The raw signal simulator , which could generate the real-time echoes of distributed target , is divided into two parts : software and hardware platforms .

  25. SAR研究中需要大量原始数据,给出了SAR原始数据的一些仿真方法。

    A lot of raw signal data should be needed in the SAR research , and many simulation methods of SAR raw signal have been given .

  26. 本文介绍了一种高速采集CCD原始数据的方案,并讨论了相应的接口技术以及该采集系统的适用范围。

    A scheme of acquiring CCD primitive data with high speed is introduced , followed by discussion of the interface technology and availability of this acquisition system .

  27. 这对大多数程序员而言是很不直观的,他们通常希望sort和reverse等函数返回原始数据的修改副本,而不改变原始数据本身。

    This is highly counterintuitive for most programmers , who typically expect functions like sort and reverse to return modified copies of the original data , without changing the original itself .

  28. 文中选择Monte-Carlo方法作为在原始数据不充分的条件下计算管壁强度可靠度的优化算法并论述了该方法在可靠度计算中应用的可行性。

    Be short of the primitive data , the thesis selected the method of Monte-Carlo to calculate the reliability of pipe wall .

  29. 方法采用分层抽样,利用自行设计的问卷进行资料收集,原始数据用SPSS统计软件进行录入与分析,立要的统计方法为一般性描述、X~2检验。

    The primary data was collected by self-designed questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS . The main statistical methods included general description and X2 - test .

  30. 与Fourier变换法、10点平均滤波法比较后可知,小波分析方法能较好的保留原始数据的特征信息。

    Comparing with Fourier transform method and filter method of adopting mean value of ten points , it seems that the wavelet analysis method could better reserve the characters of original test data .