
  • 网络primary reaction
  1. 主要结论如下:1.幼树对水分胁迫经历了由原初反应到适应的过程。

    Followings are the main research finding : 1 . Saplings experienced the process from primary reaction to adaptation under different water stress .

  2. 相同胁迫强度下,随着胁迫时间的延长,幼树各生理指标对水分胁迫均经历了由原初反应到逐渐适应的过程。

    In same severity of water stress condition , as duration time of water stress across , all the physiological characteristics underwent a course from primary reaction to adaption gradually .

  3. 与生长素原初反应基因同源的4条EST片段的表达模式存在差异,其中与SAURs同源的EST在休眠阶段上调表达,休眠解除以后下调表达。

    There were significant differences among the expression patterns of 4 ESTs which are homologous with primary auxin responsive genes . EST which is homologous with SAURs was up-regulated in the dormancy stage but down-regulated after dormancy release .

  4. 同时,近年来分子生物学、基因工程及点突变技术的快速发展,为人们揭示光合作用原初反应中的光物理、光化学机制奠定了重要的分子学基础。

    Meanwhile , the fast developments of molecular biology , genetic engineering and the site mutation technique establish the fundamental molecular basis for us to study the mechanisms of photophysics and photochemistry in the primary processes involved .

  5. 本文主要综述了光合能量转换过程中类囊体膜的动态结构变化、同化力组分调节、光合作用原初反应对光照变化的响应及能量转换反应与二氧化碳同化过程的配合等。

    The present paper reviewed the dynamic changes in thylakoid membranes during photosynthetic energy conversion , the regulation of ATP / NADPH ratio , the responses of primary reaction to changing light conditions , and the coordination between photosynthetic energy conversion and CO2 assimilation .

  6. 高温使得棉花叶片原初光化学反应受到影响,导致PSII反应中心失活,同时PSII供体侧和受体侧的功能受到破坏。

    High temperature influenced the initial photochemical reaction in cotton leaves , caused the inactivation of PSII reaction center and damaged the function of both receptor and donor sides of PSII .

  7. 生长素早期或原初的反应基因的启动子通常包括最小的生长素反应元件TGTCTC序列。

    The promoters of auxin early or primitive reaction gene generally include the minimal auxin reaction element sequence ( TGTCTC ) .

  8. 与单因子胁迫相比,高温强光交叉胁迫加重了对整个原初光化学反应的伤害。

    The combination of high light and high temperature stresses exacerbated the damage to the whole primary photochemical reactions compared to the each stress applied individually .

  9. 说明去镁叶绿素置换影响了细菌反应中心内激发光能传递和原初光化学反应过程。

    The decaying kinetics changed in different RCs , indicating that pheophytin replacement influenced the energy transduction and primary photochemical reaction in purple bacterial reaction centers .

  10. 这些结果表明,光温交叉胁迫对原初光化学反应的伤害并不是简单的单因子胁迫结果的累加。

    These results demonstrate that under cross stresses , damages to the primary photochemical reactions were not the accumulation of those damages under individual stress . 4 .

  11. 晴天条件下光、温变化对苹果绿色果皮原初光化学反应的影响在偏低温条件下,光照强度对黄瓜的生长起主导作用。

    Responses of primary photochemical reactions in apple fruit peel to the changes of incident PFD and air temperature in sunny days The intensity of light played a leading role to the growth of cucumber under the lower temperature condition .

  12. 在此条件下,酰化反应的收率为93%,产物的气相色谱纯度为90%。晴天条件下光、温变化对苹果绿色果皮原初光化学反应的影响

    The molar yield of the 2,6-MPN under the conditions mentioned above could reach up to 93 % with a purity of 90 % by GC . Responses of primary photochemical reactions in apple fruit peel to the changes of incident PFD and air temperature in sunny days