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  • assimilatory power
  1. 旗人文化具有包容性,表现为同化力、融合力、延续力和凝聚力等方面。

    The inclusive Bannerman culture has assimilatory power , fusion power , continuity and cohesion .

  2. 蓝藻Anabaena7120的固氮放氢和同化力之间的关系

    The relationships between nitrogen fixation , h_2-evolution and assimilatory power in blue-green algae Anabaena 7120

  3. 加入一定量的碳源(葡萄糖),可使遮光植物N2O的释放速率明显下降,由于同化力(NADH)的介入,在一定程度上影响了N2O的排放通量,同样使得N2O的释放量下降。

    Addition of carbon source ( glucose ) and NADH ( reducing power ) decreased N 2O flux .

  4. 叶面积显著增加,光合能力增强,单株对CO2的同化力提高了25.9%,14C同化物分配给根系和分蘖节的比例提高。

    S-3307 also significantly increased the area of top leaf , improved the photosynthetic capacity of leaf , promoted the assimilatory ability of leaf by 25.9 % as compared with the control , and distributed more 14C assimilates to roots and tiller nodes .

  5. 软权力主要包括文化价值观的同化力,国际机制的规则和制度等资源。

    Soft power mainly involves the assimilation of culture and values , the standards and systems of International Mechanism .

  6. 中国传统文化自身的包容性、开放性和同化力以及马克思主义中国化与中国传统文化思想内容的相通和精神实质的一致,使二者有了融合的可能;

    Marxism and the Chinese traditional culture has a definite relationship between the paper and the promotion of integration from the perspective of both were analyzed .

  7. 光合作用对光响应模型只涉及光能的转换,而光合作用的生化模型包含了同化力形成和碳同化这两个基本过程。

    Classical models on photosynthetic light response only involve with light energy absorption , and biochemistry models do with the assimilatory power to form as well as carbon assimilation .

  8. 与以经济和军事实力为主要内容的硬权力不同,软权力是价值观念、生活方式和社会制度的吸引力和感召力,是建立在此基础上的同化力与规制力。

    Different from the hard power such as economic and military establishment , the soft power means the attractiveness and inspiration of the values , life style and social arrangement , and the capability of the assimilation and rule-making based on them .

  9. 本文主要综述了光合能量转换过程中类囊体膜的动态结构变化、同化力组分调节、光合作用原初反应对光照变化的响应及能量转换反应与二氧化碳同化过程的配合等。

    The present paper reviewed the dynamic changes in thylakoid membranes during photosynthetic energy conversion , the regulation of ATP / NADPH ratio , the responses of primary reaction to changing light conditions , and the coordination between photosynthetic energy conversion and CO2 assimilation .