
  • 网络climatic resources;climate resource
  1. 湖南省丘陵山区苎麻气候资源分析

    Climatic resources for ramie production in hilly regions of Hunan Province

  2. 苹果优质气候资源与区域性研究

    A study on the climatic resources and regions of apple quality

  3. GIS在锦州地区气候资源分析中的应用

    The application of GIS to the analysis of Climatologic resources in Jinzhou

  4. 基于GIS的农业气候资源区域化问题研究&以甘肃省为例

    Study on the Zonal Digitization of Agricultural Climate Resources Based on GIS

  5. 基于AHP方法的冬小麦气候资源综合评价体系构建与应用

    Establishment and Application the Comprehensive Assessment System of Climate Resources of Winter Wheat Based on AHP Method

  6. 而地理信息系统(GIS)技术的运用,则为农业气候资源的分析和开发利用提供了有效的新方法和新技术,有着广阔的应用前景。

    Having a wide foreground , the application of GIS technique provides an effective new way and new technique for analysing and developing of agricultural climate resources .

  7. 在信息数据库基础上,利用GIS和计算机技术探讨了重庆地区农业气候资源的空间分布模拟、量化分析与评价、作物布局及气候资源的充分利用等问题。

    On the basis of information database , the part had a discussion on the dimensional distribution , quantitative evaluation , the use full of agroclimatic resources and crop distribution in ChongQing region by making use of GIS and computer .

  8. 利用Mann-Kendall方法,对辽西地区主要农业气候资源突变现象进行了检测。

    In terms of the method of Mann-Kendall , the assay measures the mutation phenomenon of primary agricultural climatic resource in the area of the west of LiaoNing province .

  9. 黄山冬季旅游气候资源与开发利用研究

    The winter tourism climatic resource and exploitation in the Yellow Mountain

  10. 福州国家森林公园旅游气候资源评价研究

    The Appraise Of Tourism Climate Resource In Fuzhou National Forest Park

  11. 陇南山区农业气候资源特征与开发利用

    Characteristics of Agroclimatic Resources in South Gansu and their effective utilization

  12. 杭州市旅游气候资源及开发利用研究

    The Research on Tourist Climate Resources and Development of Hangzhou City

  13. 东北地区春玉米农业气候资源数值模拟

    Numerical Simulation of Agroclimatic Resources for Spring Maize in Northeast China

  14. 山西省气候资源研究利用浅议

    Discussion on Research and Utilization of Climate Resources of Shanxi province

  15. 环渤海地区旅游气候资源评价

    Evaluation on Climate Resource for Tourism in the Region Around Bohai

  16. 新疆阿勒泰地区气候资源的模糊聚类分析

    Fuzzy Clustering of the Climatic Resource in Altay Area , Xinjiang

  17. 新疆石河子垦区农业气候资源的空间分布

    Spatial Distribution of Agroclimatic Resources in the Shihezi Region , Xinjiang

  18. 甘肃省农业生态气候资源潜力比较与利用探讨

    Comparative analysis and exploitation discussion of agro-ecoclimatic resources in Gansu Province

  19. 海南岛与台湾岛农业气候资源比较

    Comparison of Agro - climate Resources in Hainan and Taiwan Islands

  20. 论贵州气候资源与农业结构调整

    Comment on Climatic Resources and Adjustment of Agricultural Structure in Guizhou

  21. 开发利用福州农业气候资源合理布局农林牧渔生产

    The Rational Development and Distribution of Agricultural and Climatic Resources of Fuzhou

  22. 农业气候资源研究的几个问题

    On some problems in the research of the climate resources for agriculture

  23. 我国气候资源管理的原则与政策研究

    Research on the Principles and Policies of Climatic Resources Management

  24. 西部旱区气候资源评估与区域农业可持续发展

    Climate Resources Assessment and Regional Sustainable Agriculture Development in West Arid Region

  25. 广西德保县乡村小气候资源的合理开发与利用

    Rational Exploitation and Utilization of Microclimatic Resource in the Village

  26. 三明市食用菌生产农业气候资源分析与区划

    Analysis and Regionalization of Agro-Climatic Resources for Edible Fungi Planting in Sanming

  27. 温室效应对未来农业气候资源的影响问题

    The effect problem of greenhouse effect on future Agroclimatic Resources

  28. 丽江地区旅游气候资源研究

    Study of the climatic resources for tour in Lijiang area

  29. 开发山地气候资源,调整柑桔品种结构

    Exploiting Mountain Climatic Resources and Adjusting Structure of Orange Variety

  30. 德保县农业气候资源的保护对策

    The protection countermeasure for agriculture climate resources of Debao County