
  1. 用静态法高压VLE测定装置对CO2气田气在292至299K温度下作了闪蒸实验测定。

    Experimental determination of flash evaporation for the CO_2-reservoir gas was made in the temperature range from 292 to 299 K by a static apparatus , and the flash evaporation was also simulated by the MPR model .

  2. 气顶油气田气顶气窜研究

    A research on gas channelings in gas cap oil reservoir

  3. 二氧化碳气田气常温闪蒸的实验测定和模拟计算

    Experimental Determination and Simulation of Flash Evaporation for Carbon Dioxide-Reservoir Gas at Normal Temperatures

  4. 靖边古潜台东侧气田气藏产能评价方法研究

    Productivity evaluating methods for gas reservoir in eastern part of Jingbian Paleozoic buried platform gas field

  5. 孔隙结构指数在鄂尔多斯中部气田气水识别中的应用

    Applications of porous structure exponent to recognizing gas and water in middle gas field of Ordos Basin , China

  6. 根据长庆上、下古气田气藏的不同地质特征,在长庆气田榆林气区采用了天然气低温分离工艺。

    According to the geological characteristics of different reservoir , the low-temperature gas separation technology was applied in Changqing Gas Field .

  7. 天然气按照油气藏分类可分为:气田气、凝析气田气和油田伴生气。

    According to reservoir classification , natural gas can be divided into gas-field gas , condensate field gas , and oilfield associated gas .

  8. 四川气田气藏大部分都是有水气藏,在30多年的有水气藏开发实践中,研究总结了许多产水气井的开采技术和管理经验。

    Most reservoirs in Sichuan basin are water-yielding ones . Over past 30 years , in the development practice on water-yielding reservoirs , many production technique and management experience are summarized .

  9. 为深入研究天然气田气水两相渗流理论及其试井分析、产能计算,建立和提出气水两相渗流基本理论与稳定、不稳定试井基本原理及产能分析方法。

    For deeply studying on theory of gas and water two phase flow through porous medium and its well testing analysis and producibility calculation of gas field , an analyzed method of that has been established and put forward .

  10. AG技术在XC气田T3x气藏的应用研究

    Study on Application of Ag Technology in t_3x gas reservoirs in XC gas field

  11. 超音速分离器(3S)是分离油气田天然气中的水分和NGL组分的一种新型高效设备。

    The supersonic separator ( 3S ) is a new and high efficiency equipment for separating the moisture and NGL components from natural gas .

  12. 陶氏化学(DowChemical)宣布将增产乙烯和丙烯,以充分利用美国页岩气田天然气凝析液产量增加的大好机会。

    Chemical push Dow Chemical ( Dow ) announced that it was going to make more ethylene and propylene so that it can profit from the increasing amount of natural gas liquids being produced from shale fields in the United States .

  13. 西南油气田输气管网SCADA系统已经投入试运行,中国石油正在酝酿建设中国石油输气管网SCADA系统。

    The SCADA system of gas line network of southwest oil and gas field has been put into trial operation , and PetroChina is now deliberating and consulting to construct the PetroChina gas line network SCADA system .

  14. 新场气田JP3气藏是一个开发程度很低的低孔渗致密碎屑岩浅层气藏,水力加砂压裂是提高其单井产能的有效途径。

    JP3 gas reservoir in Xinchang gas field is a shallow gas one of tight clastic rock with low porosity and permeability which is poorly developed .

  15. 白庙气田天然气分布的控制因素

    Controlling Factors of the Distribution of Natural Gas in Baimiao Field

  16. 气田天然气净化厂设计规范

    Code for design of natural gas conditioning plant in gas field

  17. 论鄂尔多斯盆地中部气田混合气的实质

    Feature of mixed gas in central gas field of Ordos basin

  18. 陕北某气田天然气水合物形成条件实验研究

    Experimental Investigation on Hydrate Formation Condition of Gas Field in North Shanxi

  19. 锦州20-2凝析气田油气藏评价工作的主要特点

    Main features of Reservoir Appraisal for Jinzhou 20-2 condensate field

  20. 长庆气田天然气集输现状

    Present situation of natural gas gathering in Changqing gas field

  21. 白庙气田天然气集输工艺及处理方案研究

    Research of Nature Gas Gathering-Transportation Technology and Process Program to Baimiao Gas Reservoir

  22. 新场气田配气总站实时数据采集系统

    A Data Acquisition System of Gas Station in Xinchang

  23. 断块油气田油气运移聚集的一种模式

    A Type of Pattern of Oil-Gas Migration and Accumulation of Fault-Block Oil-Gas Field

  24. 长庆气田天然气净化工艺技术介绍

    Introduce of gas purification techniques in Changqing gas field

  25. 四川气田采气井口装置承载能力分析

    Analysing the load-bearing capability of gas producting wellheads employed in Sichuan Gas Field

  26. 西南油气田输气管道内壁腐蚀的控制

    Internal corrosion control techniques of gas pipeline in Southwest China oil and gas field

  27. 榆林气田天然气凝析液管道工艺设计方法研究

    Study on Technologies Design Method of Natural Gases Condensed-liquid Tube-line in YULIN Gases Field

  28. 川东北高含硫气田天然气偏差系数变化规律

    The change law of gas deviation factors of high sulfur gas fields in Northeastern Sichuan

  29. 长庆气田天然气膜法脱水工艺技术探讨

    A discussion on the membrane process dehydration technology of natural gas in Changqing gas field

  30. 海上油气田油气水层自然电位特征及机理浅析

    Analysis of the Offshore Oil or Gas Reservoirs ′ Spontaneous Potential Characteristic and Its Orgins