
  • 网络weakly caking coal;weak-sticky coal
  1. 通过分析弱粘煤的基本特性,找出其适合替代的煤种,并通过40kg小焦炉实验和工业实验,确定了配煤方案。

    A 40 kg small coking oven test was made for to find suitable substitute coal kind through the basic characters analysis of weakly caking coal .

  2. 弱粘煤配煤炼焦的初步研究与生产实践

    Preliminary Study on Weakly Caking Coal Blending Coking and production Practice

  3. 大同弱粘煤用于Φ3.3m水煤气型两段炉制气的生产实践

    Practice of Gasification of Datong Weak Coking Coal in Ф 3.3m Two-stage Gasifier

  4. 分别以硅质煤矸石、石英砂与弱粘煤、无烟煤作原料用Acheson工艺合成了SiC,并研究了硅质煤矸石的微观结构。

    SiC was prepared with siliceous colliery waste , quartzite , anthracite coal and weakly caking coal by Acheson process . The microstructure of siliceous colliery waste was investigated by SEM .

  5. 弱粘煤和不粘煤的快速热解及其团聚研究

    Research on Flash Pyrolysis and Agglomeration of Slightly Caking and Non-Caking Coals

  6. 高炉喷吹黄陵弱粘煤的原煤特性的研究

    Study of Raw Coal Characteristics of Huangling Slightly-Caking Coal for Blast Furnace Injection

  7. 介绍了采用水煤气型两段炉以大同弱粘煤为原料生产城市煤气过程中遇到的问题及其解决方法。

    Problems and measures in producing gas from Datong weak coking coal with a two-stage gasifier was discussed .

  8. 分析了利用大同低灰弱粘煤和高温焦油,采用先进的配比、成型等生产工艺,生产柱状活性炭的可行性;

    Analyzed was the feasibility for production of columnar activated carbon from Datong weak caking coal and high temperature coal tar with advanced blending and molding techniques .

  9. 结果证实,黄陵弱粘煤具有许多优点,完全满足高炉喷吹用煤的基本要求;

    The results demonstrated that Huangling slightly-caking coal has a number of advantages and therefore fully meets the basic requirements of coals used for blast furnace injection .

  10. 我国非炼焦煤中的中、高挥发分长焰煤、不粘煤和弱粘煤等约占煤炭总储量的27.5%。

    Medium and high volatile long-flame coal , noncaking coal and slight caking coal in dead coal of China amount to some 27 . 5 percent of the national storage .

  11. 以气煤和弱粘煤半焦为原料,通过改变气煤和弱粘结煤半焦的粒度制备出一系列的型焦。

    With the raw material of gas coal and weakly caking coal-char , a set of formed cokes were prepared by changing the size of gas coal and weakly caking coal-char .

  12. H/C原子比较高、挥发份较高、惰性组分含量和灰分较低的褐煤、长焰煤、不粘煤、弱粘煤等是适宜直接液化煤种。

    Lignite , long flame coal , non-caking coal and weakly caking coal with higher ratio of atomic hydrogen to atomic carbon , higher volatile matter , lower inert component content and lower ash are suitable for direct liquefaction .

  13. 废塑料代替1/3焦煤配煤炼焦后表现出较特殊的规律,从产物分布上考虑,若用废塑料代替弱粘煤,废塑料的配比可以增加。

    After 1 / 3 coking coal is replaced by waste plastics , it shows particular law , in view of products distribution , if waste plastics is used to replace weakly - caking coal , its blending proportion can be increased .

  14. 根据我国煤炭资源特点,特别是炼焦煤的严重短缺,扩大利用弱粘煤配煤炼焦有其重要意义,并简单介绍几种方法。

    According to the characteristics of our coal resources , especially the badly shortage of coking coal , this paper analyzes the important significance of the extension to using weak glued coal together with coal to make coke , and introduces a few methods in brief .