
sì jì
  • the four seasons;all the year round;at all seasons;the four seasons of spring,summer,autumn and winter
四季 [sì jì]
  • [the four seasons of spring,summer,autumn and winter] 指一年中的春、夏、秋、冬

  • 四季如春

四季[sì jì]
  1. 2012年底开业的四季酒店(FourSeasonsHotel)位于朝阳区的中心地带,有313间客房。

    The Four Seasons Hotel opened in late 2012 , a 313-room property in the central Chaoyang District .

  2. 例如,夏威夷的哈尔尔莱四季度假村(FourSeasonsResortHualalai)收费每小时800美元,半日摄影为3200美元。

    The Four Seasons Resort Hualalai in Hawaii , for example , charges $ 800 for an hour . A half-day shoot is $ 3200 .

  3. 这处名胜一年四季游人如织。

    The resort is seething with tourists all year round .

  4. 尼罗河流域一年四季气候温和。

    The Nile Valley keeps a temperate climate throughout the year .

  5. 城市公园是理想去处,那里几乎一年四季鲜花盛开。

    Town gardens are ideal because they produce flowers nearly all year round

  6. 这些植物中有很多都是四季常青的,所以一年到头都可以观赏。

    Many of these plants are evergreen , so you can enjoy them all year round

  7. 松柏四季常青。

    Pines and cypreesses are green all the year .

  8. 这里四季常春。

    Spring is with us all the year round .

  9. 一年分四季。

    The year is divided into four seasons .

  10. 夏威夷一年四季都是旅游胜地。

    Hawaii is an all-the-year-round tourist resort .

  11. 昆明四季如春。

    In Kunming it 's like spring all the year round .

  12. 他一年四季用冷水洗澡。

    He baths in cold water all the year round .

  13. 四季更迭,周而复始。

    The seasons of the year make a cycle that repeats itself .

  14. 一年又一年,四季循环往复。

    Four seasons cycle year after year .

  15. 他不习惯戴帽子,一年四季总光着头。

    He is not used to wearing a hat and goes bareheaded all year round .

  16. 一年春夏秋冬四季构成一个循环。

    The seasons of the year spring , summer , autumn and winter make a cycle .

  17. 他记得这位苏联领导人,当时一年四季每天都穿着同一条裤子。

    He remembers the Soviet leader wearing the some pair of parts every day year in and year out .

  18. 这促使该公司削减了整个四季度的预测。

    This   prompted   the   company   to   cut   its   forecasts for   the   full   fourth   quarter .

  19. 这项研究表明,母亲一年四季都很重要,而不仅仅是在母亲节。母亲们为孩子奉献的情感、身体和精神能量是永无止境的。

    The study shows mothers matter all year long and not just on Mother 's Day . The emotional , physical and mental energy mothers devote to their children can be never-ending .

  20. 它们一年四季都是又高又绿的。

    They are tall and green all year round .

  21. 它在几周就可长成,一年四季均可收割。

    Within a few weeks of full growth , the plant is done for the year .

  22. 那是一株杂交的四季开花的蔷薇。

    That is a hybrid perpetual rose .

  23. 爱情就象一座四季花园

    Love is like a four-season garden

  24. 四季构成了一年。

    Four seasons make a year .

  25. 同样,要永浴爱河也必须了解爱情的四季,为爱情的特殊需求勤灌溉。

    Similarly , to keep the magic of love alive , we must understand its seasons and nurture love ’ s special needs .

  26. 在四季中Cr(Ⅵ)含量较低,均为次要形态。

    Cr (ⅵ) is of secondary speciation in all seasons .

  27. 而我们惦念已久的《绯闻女孩》第四季将以S和B横跨大西洋度过一个巴黎夏天为起点,于秋季首映。

    The fourth season of GG , which premieres this fall , begins in Paris as Serena and Blair enjoy the summer across the pond .

  28. ENSO对中国四季降水的影响

    ^ impact of ENSO on the seasonal rainfall in China

  29. 第二大养老院运营商四季(fourseasons)现在由一个银行组成的财团所有。两年前,该公司曾被迫进行债转股。

    The second-largest operator of homes for the elderly , Four Seasons , is owned by a consortium of banks following a forced debt equity swap two years ago .

  30. 由埃克森美孚(ExxonMobil)控股的帝国石油公司(ImperialOil)周一表示,该公司四季度营收下降了36%。

    Imperial Oil , which is controlled by Exxon Mobil , said on Monday that fourth-quarter earnings dropped by 36 percent .