
bīng dǒu
  • cirque;ice pool
冰斗 [bīng dǒu]
  • (1) [cirque]∶冰川谷源头具有峭壁的圈椅状洼地。通常由冰川的冰后隙下的侵蚀作用而产生

  • (2) [ice pool]∶冰水池

冰斗[bīng dǒu]
  1. 庐山地区冰斗、U谷及泥砾成因之辨析

    Reassessment on the geneses of " glacial cirque , trough and boulder clay " in the Lushan region

  2. 冰斗形态的数学模型

    The Mathematic Model of Cirque Morphology

  3. 天山乌鲁木齐河源空冰斗中分选环的观测与研究

    Observation and research of sorted circles in empty cirque at the head of Urumqi river , tian shan , China

  4. 冰碛物组成的终碛垅,代表了在冰川发育的不同阶段冰斗冰川下达的空间位置。

    On composing of glacial drifts , the terminal moraines represent the space positions which the cirques glaciers reached on the various stages of the development of glaciation .