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  • permafrost;permafrost horizon;permanent frozen layer;ever frozen layer
永冻层[yǒng dòng céng]
  1. 而碰巧火星有着大量二氧化碳(CO2)和厚厚的永冻层(H2O),它们可以被巧妙地转化为上文提到的甲烷(CH4)和液态氧(O2)。

    And that it so happens that Mars has plenty of carbon dioxide ( CO2 ) and permafrost ( H2O ) , which could be neatly converted into the aforementioned methane ( CH4 ) and liquid oxygen ( O2 ) .

  2. 谈土壤永冻层深度对树木生长的影响

    Taking about the Affection of Frozen Soil Layer Depth to Tree Growth

  3. 永冻层的甲烷气体是否都会释放出来?

    Will all the methane in the permafrost be released ?

  4. 甲烷从海底永冻层带冒出?

    bubbling up Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost ?

  5. 加拿大研究人员对北极地区永冻层的侵蚀表示严重关切。

    Canadian researchers expressed serious concerns about the erosion of permafrost in the Arctic .

  6. 甲烷正在从海底永冻层中释放出来?

    Methane Bubbling Up From Undersea Permafrost ?

  7. 永冻层之下的土壤越硬,所需要的药室装药量也越大。

    The harder the material under the permafrost is , the larger the chamber charge required .

  8. 就业水平已向衰退前的水平回升,但薪酬仍然处于永冻层下。

    Employment levels have picked up towards pre-recession levels , but pay is still under a layer of permafrost .

  9. 这些研究人员上周在魁北克举行的会议中表示,与浮冰的融解类似,永冻层的消失可能急剧改变当地居民的生活方式。

    During a meeting in Montreal last week , these researchers indicated that the disappearance of permafrost , similar to the melting of ice floes , is rapidly changing the lifestyle of local residents .

  10. 尽管此种化合物通常分布于大陆边缘沉积物和极地永冻层内,但前者的水合物赋存量占据全球天然气水合物总量的90%以上。

    This kind of compounds usually exists within the sediments from the continental margins and also within the permafrosts of the polar areas , but the amount of gas hydrates occurring in the continental margins exceeds 90 % of the total amount of gas hydrates existing in the whole world .

  11. 筒式钻头的切削具可分为截齿和牙轮,截齿筒状钻头用于风化软岩及永冻土地层钻进,牙轮筒式钻头用于硬质基岩钻进。

    Hose bit can be divided into cutter teeth and cone teeth , cone teeth for weathering of soft rock strata , and permafrost , cutter teeth used for drilling hard bedrock .