
sū yī shì yùn hé
  • the Suez Canal
苏伊士运河 [sū yī shì yùn hé]
  • [Suez Canal] 位于埃及北部,连接地中海和红海

苏伊士运河[sū yī shì yùn hé]
  1. 埃及在苏伊士运河上的收益上受了损。

    Egypt has lost out on revenues from the Suez Canal .

  2. 诸如拓宽苏伊士运河等长期束之高阁的计划正被重新采用。

    Long-mothballed projects like widening the Suez Canal are being dusted off .

  3. 埃及似乎已经在苏伊士运河以东五英里处建立起一条连续不断的防线。

    Egypt seemed to have established an unbroken line about five miles across the Suez canal .

  4. 被困在现场的一艘希腊油轮的船长表示,就算“长赐”号脱困,也要几天以后才能让其他船只通过苏伊士运河。

    Even with the vessel released , it could be several days before other ships can sail through the canal , said a Greek sea captain whose oil tanker is stuck behind the Ever Given .

  5. 最近,Brown把修建高铁的计划比作同修建巴拿马及苏伊士运河一样重要势在必行。

    Of late , he has compared his state 's planned high-speed train to the Panama and Suez canals .

  6. Mediterraneanadj.地中海(的)n.地中海苏伊士运河连接著地中海和红海.

    The Suez Canal joins the Mediterranean and the Red Sea .

  7. 但是他的共和党同僚彼得·金接受《FOXNewsSunday》采访时表示,应继续援助,切断援助会降低美国对埃及的影响力,埃及掌控着战略资源的通道,如苏伊士运河。

    But fellow Republican Peter King told FOX News Sunday aid should continue , that a cutoff could reduce US influence over Egypt , which controls access to strategic resources , such as the Suez Canel .

  8. 埃及掌握着苏伊士运河和Sumed输油管道,是全球石油贸易的关键中转站。

    Egypt , home to the Suez Canal and Sumed pipeline , is a key transit point for global trade in oil .

  9. (1918-1970)使苏伊士运河恢复国有的埃及政治家。

    Egyptian statesman who nationalized the Suez Canal ( 1918-1870 ) .

  10. 他们违反国际公约封锁了苏伊士运河。

    They blockaded the Suez Canal in violation of international agreement .

  11. 苏伊士运河连接著地中海和红海。

    The suez canal join the mediterranean and the red sea .

  12. 许多专家表示,他们预计苏伊士运河将保持开放。

    Many experts say they expect the canal to remain open .

  13. 这条船正通过苏伊士运河驶往欧洲。

    The ship is sailing towards Europe through the Suez Canal .

  14. 通过苏伊士运河的船只增加了

    There have be an Increase In navigation through the suez canal

  15. 伊斯梅利亚埃及东北部城市,在苏伊士运河岸边。

    A city of northeast Egypt on the Suez Canal .

  16. 他们提出建议要对苏伊士运河实行国际共管。

    They made proposals for an international management of the Suez Canal .

  17. 在中东,出了一个苏伊士运河事件。

    In the Middle East , there was that Suez Canal incident .

  18. 一九五六年七月,埃及占领了苏伊士运河。

    In July , 1956 , Egypt had seized the Suez Canal .

  19. 最后一批英国军队撤出苏伊士运河地带。

    The last British troops were removed from the Suez Canal zone .

  20. 英国佬想要完全控制苏伊士运河。

    The English want complete control of the Suez oanal .

  21. 我们马上就要通过苏伊士运河了,哈里斯先生。

    We 're going through the Suez Canal now , Mr. Harris .

  22. 苏伊士运河是从亚洲通向欧洲的通道。

    The Suez Canal is a gateway to Europe from East asia .

  23. 苏伊士运河战争后英美特殊关系的变化

    British-American " Special Relationship " since the Suez Canal War

  24. 经由苏伊士运河回游到地中海了。

    Migrated to the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal ( Ref.5385 ) .

  25. 1867年,苏伊士运河开航了。

    In 1867 , the Suez Canal was opened .

  26. 波罗的海航运公会1956年中止苏伊士运河交通条款

    Baltic Conference Stoppage of Suez Canal Traffic Clause 1956

  27. 万国苏伊士运河公司特许法令

    Acts of Concession of the Universal Suez Canal Company

  28. 1956年7月29日,苏伊士运河危机爆发。

    The Suez Crisis began on 26 July 1956 .

  29. 要做到这一点,他们必须克服苏伊士运河遗留问题。

    And to do that , they must overcome the legacy of Suez .

  30. 苏伊士运河是于哪年建成的?

    In what year was the Suez Canal inaugurated ?