
sū wéi āi
  • soviet
苏维埃 [sū wéi āi]
  • [Soviet] 原苏联中央和地方各级的国家权力机关。中国第二次国内革命战争时期曾把当时的工农民主政权组织叫苏维埃

  1. 在布尔什维克革命爆发的74年之后,苏维埃时代终结了。

    Seventy-four years after the Bolshevik Revolution , the Soviet era ended .

  2. 他还曾是前苏联橡皮图章立法机构最高苏维埃(SupremeSoviet)的成员。

    He also served as a member of the Supreme Soviet , the U.S.S.R. 's rubber-stamp legislative body .

  3. 在最高苏维埃的选举中,由主张独立的“萨尤迪斯”(sajudis)运动支持的候选人大获全胜(上图摄于1990年)。

    In elections to the Supreme Soviet , the candidates endorsed by the pro-independence " sajudis " movement ( pictured in 1990 , above ) swept the board .

  4. 苏维埃亚非国家团结委员会

    Soviet Committee for Solidarity with the Countries of Asia and Africa

  5. 苏维埃时期吉尔吉斯人的文化变迁和族际关系

    Kyrgyz Cultural Variance and Their Interracial Relations in the Soviet Period

  6. 曾山对苏维埃政权建设的贡献

    Zeng Shan 's Contribution to the Construction of the Soviet Regime

  7. 也许是因为这些乌克兰妇女在苏维埃政权下接受教育,

    And perhaps because these Ukrainian women were schooled under the Soviets

  8. 普通任期,他们叫做—至高无上的苏维埃。

    the Common Term , they call it the Soviet Supreme .

  9. 苏维埃运动、乡村建设运动与中国农村的社会变迁比较

    A Comparison on Rural Social Changes : Soviet and Constructing-Country Movement

  10. 这是因为,中俄苏维埃运动的差异在很大程度上也是由彼此间对革命战略的自然选择所决定的。

    Which were formed by their natural selection for the revolutionary strategic .

  11. 20世纪20年代苏维埃俄国的干部政策

    On the Cadre Policy of the USSR in the 1920s

  12. 1922年的今天,苏维埃社会主义共和国联盟组成。

    1922-The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ( USSR ) is formed .

  13. 苏维埃俄罗斯一些更多的黑白照片。

    Some more black and white photos of Soviet Russia .

  14. 最高苏维埃通过了关于乌克兰独立的决议。

    A resolution on Ukrainian independence was adopted by the Supreme soviet .

  15. 中华苏维埃共和国传染病防治工作的经验

    Experiences of Prevention and treatment of infectious diseases in Chinese Soviet Republic

  16. 因此在苏维埃政权生活数十年后,发生了切尔诺贝利事件,

    So when a couple decades into Soviet rule , Chernobyl happened ,

  17. 对苏维埃地位的这种认识直接影响了孟什维克和社会革命党人对苏维埃的态度。

    Such idea held by them would directly influence their attitude to Soviet .

  18. 苏维埃时期的中亚民族宗教问题

    The Ethnic and Religious Problems in Central Asian Region in the Soviet Period

  19. 老牌苏维埃集团十年来已经被击垮。

    The old Soviet bloc shot up this decade .

  20. 论中国苏维埃政权的党政关系

    Party - government Relationship in China 's Soviet Government

  21. 最高苏维埃(前苏联的立法机构)。

    The Supreme Soviet ( the law-making body of the former Soviet Union )

  22. 最高苏维埃是前苏联的最高决策机构。

    The Supreme Soviet was the highest decision-making body in the former ussr .

  23. 西路军西进与苏维埃政权

    The Western Marches of the West-route Army and the Soviet Political Powers Thereof

  24. 斯大林对苏联苏维埃制度建设的贡献

    Contributions of Stalin to the Soviet System of USSR

  25. 仍是俄罗斯的冬天助了苏维埃士兵一臂之力。

    The Russian winter again came to the aid of the Soviet soldiers .

  26. 中华苏维埃共和国廉政制度建设刍议

    Some Opinions on Institutional Improvement of Clean Government in Chinese Soviet Republic Period

  27. 最高苏维埃拥有一切权力。

    The Supreme Council is vested with overall authority .

  28. 苏维埃的基础不会马上崩溃的。

    The Soviet base would not soon collapse .

  29. 1920年12月苏维埃第八次代表大会批准了俄罗斯国家电气化计划。

    In December 1920 the Soviet Eighth congress approved the Russian national electrification project .

  30. 苏维埃制度在政治上是不稳定的;它没有接班的制度。

    The Soviet system is unstable politically ; it has no mechanism for succession .