
Lǐ Hǎi
  • Caspian Sea
里海 [lǐ hǎi]
  • [Caspian Sea] 位于欧洲和西南亚之间,世界最大的内陆海

  1. 对于美国和欧盟(eu)而言,上述协议标志着一次挫折,它们曾敦促中亚国家减少对俄罗斯的依赖,方法是沿里海修建通往土耳其和欧洲的油气管道。

    The accords mark a setback for the US and the European Union , which had urged Central Asian republics to reduce their dependence on Russia by building pipelines across the Caspian Sea to carry oil and gas to Turkey and Europe .

  2. 从热带西印度洋辐散的无旋异常风场在连接IOD和地中海-撒哈拉及里海地区上空环流变化之间的关系中起到关键作用。

    The divergent irrotational anomalous wind field from the tropical western Indian Ocean played a key role in the relationship between the IOD and circulation variation over the Mediterranean-Sahara and the Caspian Sea regions .

  3. 里海开发企业将引入私人部门的公司,但将获得欧盟融资机构&欧洲投资银行(EuropeanInvestmentBank)的支持。

    The CDC would bring in private sector companies , but would be backed by the European Investment Bank , the EU 's funding arm .

  4. 里海BTC石油管道与中国石油安全

    The Caspian BTC Oil Pipeline and Oil Security of China

  5. 里海西北部Caspian地区草原扩大与啮齿类群落结构的变化(英文)

    Steppe expansion and changes in the structure of the rodent community in north - western Caspian region ( Republic of Kalmykia , RF )

  6. 阿塞拜疆的少数宠儿手中的财富来自石油与天然气,它们产自里海(caspian),通过管道送往土耳其。

    The wealth of a favored few in Azerbaijan derives from oil and gas , pumped out of the Caspian and through a pipeline to Turkey .

  7. 自里海石油管道BTC建成后,此条石油运输管道改变了里海、中亚地区的地缘政治、经济。

    The completion of the Caspian BTC oil pipeline has changed profoundly the geo-politics and geo-economy in the Caspian and Central Asia regions .

  8. 阿塞拜疆的齐拉岛(ziraisland)聘请丹麦的big建筑事务所,运用海风、连接附近里海的热力泵、太阳能热水加热系统以及光伏面板来建造一座零碳排放的城市。

    Zira Island , Azerbaijan Danish architects big have been hired to create a zero-carbon city using offshore wind , heat pumps connected to the surrounding Caspian Sea , solar water heating and PV panels .

  9. 欧盟还呼吁成立一个承诺购买里海地区天然气的新财团,名为里海开发企业(caspiandevelopmentcorporation),以鼓励新产能的开发,投资于基础设施,其中可能包括横跨里海的管道。

    They also call for a new consortium , known as the Caspian Development Corporation , which would make a commitment to buy gas in the region , to encourage the development of new production and invest in infrastructure , which is likely to include the trans-Caspian pipeline .

  10. 阿塞拜疆境内的Kura盆地,位于里海西缘,是夹持于大、小高加索山脉之间的山间裂谷盆地。

    The Kura basin which is located in Azerbaijan of west Caspian is clamped between the big Caucasia and small Caucasia .

  11. 唯一一个大平原位于里海海岸(CaspianSea)和波斯湾(PersianGulf)最北部,阿万河(Arvandriver)(Shattal-Arab)的入口处的那里伊朗边界。

    The only large plains are found along the coast of the Caspian Sea and at the northern end of the Persian Gulf , where Iran borders on the mouth of the Arvand river ( Shatt al-Arab ) .

  12. 或则坐船从里海去土库曼斯坦的克拉斯诺伏斯克,再从那里驱车行驶600公里穿越沙漠,到阿什哈巴德乘飞机去Kirgistan(克里吉斯坦)的比什凯克,我们的下一个目的地是在亚洲腹地。

    From there we would have to drive six hundred kilometres across the desert to Ashgabat and then catch a flight to Bishkek in Kirgistan , our next destination in central Asia .

  13. 有关里海国际法地位的历史

    The History of the Status of Caspian Sea in International Law

  14. 合作利用里海联合声明

    Joint Statement on Cooperation in the Use of the Caspian Sea

  15. 第三章是里海划界的博弈分析。

    The Third Chapter analyzes the game of Caspian Sea delimitation .

  16. 冷战后美国对里海地区能源外交

    The Post-cold War Caspian Sea Energy Diplomacy of the United States

  17. 我国在里海地区石油开发的战略研究

    A Study on Chinese Oil Development Stratagem in the Caspian Region

  18. 在里海的底部存在了巨大的石油能源。

    Potentially huge oil fields also lie underneath the Caspian Sea .

  19. 俄、哈率先达成里海划界协议;

    Agreement on Caspian boundaries reached between Russia and Kazakhstan ;

  20. 实际上,根据科学家的定义,里海同时具有海和湖的特征。

    In the fact it is a sea and lake .

  21. 苏联欧洲部分东南部的地区,位于黑海与里海之间。

    A region of southeast European U.S.S.R.between the Black and Caspian seas .

  22. 国际政治演变与里海油气开发

    Evolvement of International Politics and Oil / Gas Exploitation in Caspian Sea

  23. 你还记得里海的美景吗,埃斯穆尔?

    Do you remember the beauty of the Caspian sea , esmail ?

  24. 反射海-里海比大-没有度假胜地。

    The reflective sea larger than the Caspian is no vacation spot .

  25. 土耳其人成为亚洲从中国到里海范围的统治者。

    The Turks became masters of Asia from China to the Caspian .

  26. 能源开发对里海地区安全的影响

    Energy Development in the Caspian Sea and its Impact on Regional Security

  27. 里海地区能源开发前景及影响

    The Prospect of Energy Development in the Caspian Sea Region and its Impact

  28. 伏尔加河以及乌拉尔河都有流入里海。

    The Volga River and the Ural River discharge into the Caspian Sea .

  29. 哈萨克斯坦滨里海盆地油气地质特征及勘探方向

    Oil-Gas Geological Features and Its Exploration Direction in Marginal Caspian Basin , Kazakhstan

  30. 滨里海地区巨厚盐膏层蠕动规律研究

    Study on the Creep Law of Super Thick Salt Beds in Pre-Caspian Basin