
Lǐ Sī Běn
  • Lisbon
  1. 昏暗中,里斯本夫人的脸慢慢变得清晰起来。

    The face of Mrs Lisbon took form in the dimness .

  2. 没跟同事们商量,他就从里斯本飞到了斯普利特。

    Without consulting his colleagues he flew from Lisbon to Split

  3. 总统在里斯本作短暂停留期间和葡萄牙总统进行了会谈。

    The President had talks during a brief stopover in Lisbon with his Portuguese counterpart

  4. 她在里约居住了10年之后迁居到里斯本去了。

    After dwelling in Rio for ten years , she moved to Lisbon .

  5. 我期待下周在里斯本的会议上与你见面。

    I look forward to meeting you next week at the conference in Lisbon .

  6. 拉加德今日将在里斯本举行的非洲开发银行(AfricanDevelopmentBank)会议上会晤非洲各国的财长。

    Ms Lagarde will today meet African finance ministers at the African Development Bank in Lisbon .

  7. 1963年的欧洲足球协会联盟冠军杯赛上,AC米兰遭遇葡萄牙里斯本本菲卡队,结果米兰以2比1夺冠,阿尔塔菲尼包揽两球。

    In the1963 Champions Cup15 played against Benfica Lisabona , Milan won2-1 with two goals of the Brazilian Jose Altafini .

  8. 附近的太阳(Solar)瓷砖店里展览着从15世纪到20世纪30年代的数千种瓷砖。这家店铺是里斯本的古董精品瓷砖专营店,已有60年历史。

    Thousands of specimens , from the 15th century to the 1930s , fill Solar a nearly 60-year-old Lisbon tile specialist and antique dealer .

  9. 自2000年的里斯本峰会开始,欧盟(EU)便制定了成为知识经济区域的目标。

    Since the Lisbon summit in 2000 , the European Union has set itself the goal of becoming a knowledge-based economy .

  10. 而葡萄牙航空(tap)经里斯本去那里会需要多达10个小时。

    Tap , the Portuguese airline , can take up to ten hours to get there via Lisbon .

  11. ESS股价周一在里斯本收于4.70欧元。

    Shares in ESS closed at 4.70 in Lisbon on Monday .

  12. 在《里斯本条约》公投期间,欧盟委员会(ec)明确表示,公司税率没有、也不会受到威胁。

    During the Lisbon treaty referendum the European Commission made clear that this was not and would not be under threat .

  13. “自然公园”同时还获得2000年里斯本国际多媒体节自然单元的最佳CD。

    " Monfrag ü e & Extremadura " also won the prize for the best CD on Nature at the International Multimedia Festival of Lisbon , 2000 .

  14. 两所学校最终一致认为,里斯本mba课程两者都可以做到,而斯隆的牌子还可以增加他们的威信。

    The two schools ultimately agreed the Lisbon MBA project could provide both , with the added cachet of the Sloan imprimatur .

  15. 这一职位将根据《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)设立,同时还将设立欧盟外交部长一职。

    The post would be created under the Lisbon treaty , which would also establish an EU foreign minister .

  16. 签订《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)后,欧洲一体化的终极目标是个禁忌,但如今人们再次公开讨论该目标。

    The ultimate objective of unification was taboo after the Lisbon treaty . Now it is openly discussed again .

  17. 但这项任务落在了里斯本mba学员的身上:作为课程的一部分,他们需要创作一首法多歌曲,来解说全球金融危机。

    But it fell to Lisbon MBA students to create , as part of their programme , a fado song to address the global financial crisis .

  18. 欧盟(EU)去年强劲的经济表现,已使该地区接近实现里斯本改革议程中设定的宏伟目标。

    The European Union 's strong economic performance last year has pushed the bloc closer to meeting the ambitious targets set out in the Lisbon reform agenda , writes Tobias Buck in Brussels .

  19. 这种教授“软”管理技能的创新方式,并不是里斯本mba课程打破葡萄牙商学教育传统的全部内容。

    This innovative approach to teaching " soft " management skills is not all that sets the Lisbon MBA apart as a departure for business education in Portugal .

  20. 市场很可能会识破不够有力的提议,尤其是当它们违反《里斯本条约》(Lisbontreaty)第123条时,而我的提议是遵从该条款的。

    Markets are likely to see through inadequate proposals , especially if they violate Article 123 of the Lisbon treaty , which my proposal respects .

  21. 在该体系下,学生可在已批准《里斯本认可公约》(LisbonRecognitionConvention)的53国中的任何一国,将已修学分转换成该国相应的同等学历。

    Under the system , students can transfer credits for study already completed towards an appropriate equivalent degree in any of the 53 countries that have ratified the Lisbon Recognition Convention .

  22. 该商学院现在缩小了与里斯本另外两个在国际上更为老牌的商学院的差距:诺瓦商业与经济学院(Nova)和天主教-里斯本商业与经济学院(Católica-Lisbon),综合排名分别为第25位和26位。

    The school is near to two more internationally established business schools in Lisbon : Nova and Cat ó lica-Lisbon , ranked at 25th and 26th overall .

  23. 欧洲歌唱大赛(EurovisionSongContest)今天将在里斯本开幕,这将是这场年度流行音乐大赛迄今为止最盛大的一届。

    When the Eurovision Song Contest opens in Lisbon today , it will be part of the largest edition yet of the zany annual pop competition .

  24. 总部位于布鲁塞尔的智库里斯本理事会(LisbonCouncil)在今日发表的一份报告中建议,从2011年起,欧盟各国可将政府支出比例设定在低于名义GDP增长率两个百分点的水平。

    In a report published today the Lisbon Council , a Brussels-based think-tank , recommends that EU governments cap expenditure at 2 percentage points below nominal GDP growth from 2011 onwards .

  25. 愿意加入的国家将需要签署一份新的条约,它应与《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty)中规定的货币联盟方面的义务相兼容。

    Willing states presumably would need to sign a new treaty that was compatible with their duties in respect of monetary union as set out in the Lisbon treaty .

  26. 里斯本NOVA大学医学院加建南楼多功能室,里斯本,葡萄牙

    Polyvalent rooms of the South Annex of the Faculty of Medical Sciences of the Universidade Nova de lisboa , lisbon , portugal , 2005

  27. 雅典的学生、里斯本的失业者和马德里的抗议者不仅抱怨本国的紧缩措施,他们还对德国总理安格拉默克尔(angelamerkel)表示抗议。

    Students in Athens , the unemployed in Lisbon and protesters in Madrid not only complain about national austerity measures , they protest against Angela Merkel , the German Chancellor .

  28. 来自里斯本、莱比锡、维也纳、巴伦西亚、波尔多和博洛尼亚的无数年轻男女到这里来交友、恋爱,成了彼此的Facebook上永远的朋友。

    Hundreds of thousands of young men and women come from Lisbon , Leipzig , Vienna , Valencia , Bordeaux and Bologna to make friends , fall in love and pledge eternal Facebook friendship to each other .

  29. 如果明年初,英国政府触发《里斯本条约》(TreatyofLisbon)第50条(这将启动英国脱离欧盟的程序),她可能会三思。

    If early next year the British government triggers Article 50 of the Treaty of Lisbon , which will start the process of the UK leaving the EU , she may rethink .

  30. 拟议中的欧盟宪法在法国和荷兰的全民公决遭到否决,然后迅速重新包装为《里斯本条约》(lisbontreaty),并再次遭到否决这次是爱尔兰。

    A proposed EU constitution was rejected in referendums in France and the Netherlands then promptly repackaged as the Lisbon treaty and rejected again , this time by the voters of Ireland .