
lǐ lā
  • lira ;lire;unit of money used in Turkey and Syria
里拉 [lǐ lā]
  • [lira] 意大利的基本货币单位

  1. 投币电话接受100,200和500里拉的硬币。

    Coin-operated telephones took 100 , 200 and 500 lire coins .

  2. 该公司在股市上的股价迅即跌了300里拉。

    The company 's shares promptly fell by 300 lire on the stock market .

  3. 我帮忙把他从水里拉了出来。

    I helped pull him out of the water

  4. 卫兵将哈里从车里拉了出来。

    The guards hustled Harry out of the car

  5. 营救人员将一名男婴从12英尺深的建筑工地的深坑里拉出来时,他安然无恙。

    A baby boy is safe after rescue workers pulled him from a 12-foot-deep construction hole

  6. 只花了我40万里拉。

    It only cost me 400,000 lire

  7. 她在学校乐队里拉小提琴。

    She plays the fiddle in the school band .

  8. 也不是每个把你从粪堆里拉出来的人都是你的朋友,还有,当你躺在粪堆里时,最好把你的嘴闭上。

    Each of you is not from the dunghill lire people are your friends , and , when you lying on the dunghill , had better keep your mouth shut .

  9. 马耳他里拉(货币代码MTL)是马耳他的货币。

    The Maltese lira is the currency of Malta .

  10. 美联储(FederalReserve)将缩减债券购买规模的表态造成利率上涨,土耳其里拉等新兴市场货币的汇率急跌。

    Indications that the Federal Reserve would pull back on its bond buying caused interest rates to rise , and the currencies of emerging market nations such as Turkey to tumble .

  11. 一名出租司机反复尝试开着车冲出自家公司蓝鸟集团(BlueBirdGroup)的抗议者的包围圈,场面相当诡异。看起来,他们想要打砸他的车,并把他从车里拉出来。

    In one bizarre scene , a taxi driver repeatedly tried to drive through a throng of protesters from his own company , the Blue Bird Group , who appeared to be trying to attack his cab and pull him from the vehicle .

  12. 有些厨师会选用意式乳清干酪(ricotta),弗蕾维亚则喜欢马苏里拉奶酪融化后的质地;

    Some cooks opt for ricotta , but Flavia prefers the texture of melted mozzarella ;

  13. 最大外汇对冲基金FXConcepts一直在从事叙利亚里拉兑兰特汇率的交易。该公司相信,里拉有进一步下跌空间,而在周一兰特兑美元汇率跌至3年多来最低水平之后,兰特可能超卖。

    FX Concepts , the largest currency hedge fund , has been trading the lira against the rand in the belief the lira has further to fall while the rand could be oversold after hitting its lowest level in more than three years against the dollar on Monday .

  14. 洛肯的签名古龙水(售价25土耳其里拉;按照1美元等于2.20里拉计算,约合11.30美元)堪称嗅觉的盛宴,它是店主斋南浦·开曼(ZeynepKeyman)研制的,从玫瑰、无花果、茶和含羞草等经典的土耳其香料中提炼精致而成。

    A feast for the nose awaits in Lokum 's signature colognes ( 25 Turkish lira , or about $ 11.30 at 2.20 lira to the dollar ) , which were developed by the owner , Zeynep Keyman , from classic Turkish essences like rose , fig , tea and mimosa .

  15. 夜里她会在花园里拉小提琴。

    At night , she would play the violin in it .

  16. 魔术师把一只兔子突然从他的帽子里拉了出来。

    The magician had real rabbits popping out of his hat .

  17. 你也可以从召唤宠物图标里拉它们出来。

    You can even drag them from the Call Pet flyout .

  18. 我经常听见她在宿舍里拉小提琴。

    I often hear her play the violin in the dormitory .

  19. 他在简朴的家里拉小提琴消遣。

    He entertained himself with his violin in his simple home .

  20. 晚上乔赛亚?富兰克林常在家里拉赞歌。

    Josiah Franklin often prayed hymns at home in the evening .

  21. 把你从办公室里拉出来,丹。

    Get you out of the doctor 's office , dano .

  22. 握手为实,现在借我三万里拉。

    Now you shake . OK , now lend me 30000 .

  23. 你们把我从聚会里拉出来就为了这个?

    You pulled me out of the reunion for this ?

  24. 我是说把她从水里拉出来。

    I mean , after you got her out of the water .

  25. 我们把船从水里拉出来吧。

    Let 's pull the boat out of the water .

  26. 里拉是阿拉伯语中磅的翻译。

    The word lira is the Arabic translation of pound .

  27. 银行出面干涉以阻止里拉的继续贬值。

    The banks intervened to halt the lira 's slide .

  28. 从一个绅士俱乐部后面的垃圾箱里拉出来。

    Out of a dumpster behind a gentleman 's club .

  29. 一、二、三、四千里拉。

    Mila lire , One , two , three , four mila ,

  30. 哈利哆嗦着把多比从衣橱里拉出来。

    Shaking , Harry let Dobby out of the closet .